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HYPERIONS HALF-BROTHERS Two Stallions in This Country, Sickle and Pharamond II., Are Closely Related. LEXINGTON, Ky., March 31. Lord Derbys Hyperions Epsom Derby winner is a half brother to two stallions standing within a few miles of Lexington. Hyperion is by Gainsborough, from Selene, by Chaucer. Selene is the dam also of imported Pharamond II., the joint property of Hal Price Headley and C. J. Fitzgerald and standing at Mr. Headleys Beaumont Farm, and she is also the dam of Joseph Wideners imported Sickle, standing at his Elmendorf Farm. Pharamond II. has two and three-year-olds racing in this country. He is sire of the winners Pharatime winner of the Duncan F. Kenner Stakes at the Fair Grounds, Fair Image, High Glee second in the Nursery Stakes and Juvenile Championship Stakes at Hialeah, Dusky Lass and seven others. Sickles first crop of foals raced last year in England and included the stakes winners Versile, Sickle Moon and Prierie Moon. His first crop in this country are now two-year-olds. Last year Mr. Widener purchased Sickle from Lord Derby for a price approximately 0,000. Hyperion is among the smallest horses ever to have won the English Derby, measuring only fifteen hands, one inch at the withers.