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ATAMH DOWNS SAN ANTONIO TEXAS TUESDAY MAYS 193C AFamo Downs I mflej1 Fourteentfr day Alamo Down Inc Inaugural meeting of 18 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards SVC Nuckols andH Bfownlea Judges J Carey C F Henry and S S Brown Starter H Morrissey Racing Secretary E Wv Bury Racing starts at 230 p m Ghfcago time 330 p m W indicates whfp S spurs B blmkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds Ql f orr FIRST RACE 4 1Z Furlongs Bulstrode April 28 1934 53 2 110 Purse 500 J7 JO 4 2yearolds Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 May834Ala fourth 2o Index Horse EqtA WtPESt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 93885PEACHTREE i w103 44 41 3s 3 1 TaylorD H Brownlee 350100 35010091797BRILLIANT 91797BRILLIANT QUEEN w 107 1 2 11 1 lk 2i EdwardsD W J Potter Jr 1085100 108510093641MISS 93641MISS ANGELO w 118 2 1 21 2l 2h 3 LegereE CESmitli 105100 10510093942SHERIDAJIS 93942SHERIDAJIS w 103 5 5 61 51 51 4 CourtneyG Eskay Stable 500100 5001009394iYBORdTY 9394iYBORdTY w 111 3 3 31 6s 6 S SykesD P Sanford 1220100 9361 4TRICKY MISS wlOJ 6 6 51 4 41 6r WillhiteE B B Tips 4805100 91659 MISS BELIZE w109 TT 7 7 T T ParkeM Miss M West 1365100 Time 23 47 5424 Track fast f2 CEHTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS v vS PEACHTREE S 900 400 280 350 100 100 100 40 100 BRILLIANT QUEEN 860 450 330 100 12a 100 100MISS MISS ANGELO 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Escoba Georgia Gold by Campfire trailed by N A McAIaster bred by Mr H Brownlee Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 231 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePEACHTREE PEACHTREE never far back and coming through on the inside appeared to stumble at the head of the stretch and recovering quickly wore down BRILLIANT QUEEN in the final stride The latter shook off MISS ANGELO in the final threesixteenths and continuing gamely just failed for last MISS ANGELO under pressure and losing ground tired badly in the drive SHERIDAJIS could not keep up arid lost ground on the turns YBOR CITY raced well in spots TRICKY MISS quit Overweight Miss Belize 1 pound Corrected weight Miss Angelo 118 Miss Belize 109 j df OQ SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs My Ideal Apnl 30 1934 105 6 99 J Purse 500 JTtJLOO fourthMay834Aaf 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 fourth May834Aaf 520 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 94007 FINGER WAVE w 107 66 6 5 2 Lm WillhiteE WFAxton 3445400 344540094013SLIMAWAY 94013SLIMAWAY w 107 10 1 5 44 1 2 WilsonL J M McComb 425100 94013 LUSTY WB 107 5 3 4 6 51 3 BoucherJ Mrs C Fisher 430100 93062 CHIEFS LADY w 10T 4 2 21i 2i4t 41lSenaT D E Hickcbx 2560100 83071 BIG LADY w07 15 lk L1 3k 5V CourtneyG E Af Reynolds 100400 92934 DONO wl2 3 9 91 9 81 6 PrivettW San Angelo Stable tJ52ff100 92733 TAUPON wa112 T4 SlS 6i 7 LawF WFifetzger tl9ff100 tl9ff100935B2 935B2 APACHF GIRL wlOTll T 71 7 75 8l MartinezP CByfaee 12430100 93615 JUST GEORGE WJL12 9 8 84 8J 91 9J LaidleyO B B Tips 5420400 93944 INTRINSIC wlOT81L lOilO5 10 10 WebsterO Mrs N W Hunter 5740400 5740400MIGHTY MIGHTY DOES w 112 2 10 11 11 11 11 ODayJ JWRay tField Timer 22 47 59 106 Track fast 3CERTIFICAaES PAID OFFICIA1 BOOKINQ ODDS FINGER WAVE 7090 1390 420 3445 100 595 100 110 100 100SLIMAWAY SLIMAWAY ff30 300 165 IDfl 50 100 100LUSTY LUSTY J30 65 100 100Winner Winner Ch by Ormont Etta Belley by Midway trained by W Lewis bred by Mr W F Axton Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 308 AT POST 5J minutes minutesStart Start good and low Won driving second and third the same FINGER WAVE improved his position steadily to the stretch turn and working his way up on tha inside outgamed SLIMAWAY The latter prominent from the start took command midway of the stretch but tired in the drive LUSTY was forced to lose ground and came again when straightened out CHIEFS LADY was clbsfr to BIG LADY but did not respond to urging BIG1 LADY drew clear on the stretch turn but tired badly when challenged DONO closed with a rush YAUPOtf tired irt the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 93063 Dttle Pride 112 QJ Q THIRD RACE 34 Mile out of chute lago May 7 1934 111 7 112 Purse 500 O 7 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 1 third 40 May834Ala Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equlv Odds Strt 93840METEORIC ws4UO 8 3 61 41 3s 11 TaylorD Mrs D Hum 415400 415400940092TAR 940092TAR WATER w 4 H2 71 4 llk 1 21 WebsterO E E Irby 300100 30010094009GLAREMONT 94009GLAREMONT WB6107 2 5 lk 2t21 3s MarnezP E Robinovvitz 780100 78010093891JCANTERON 93891JCANTERON w 4 112 3 8 8 V1 71 4ttLegereE L C Bond 900400 900400gSSSe gSSSe BATTLIG KNIGHT WB 5 107 4 4 21 3 4 53 CrtneyG W A Mikel 570100 570100940753LERACK 940753LERACK w 4 107 6 2 3l 6l 61 WillhiteE Mrs A R Smith 620400 62040093788FORT 93788FORT WORTH w9113 5 6 7 5 51 7 EdwrdsD G Keeton 630400 9394 PRETTY MONK WB 4 112 1 7 51 8 8 8 LaidleyO W F Axton 3015400 3015400Time Time 22 463 11 1 Track fast 52 CEKHFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS METEORIC 1030 470 320 415 100 135 100 60 100 TAR 100TAR WATER 470 310 135 100 55 100 100CLAREMONT CLAREMONT 5fOO 15t100 15t100Winner Winner Ch c by Nocturnal Moon Dove by Uncle trained by D Hum bred by Mr A L Ferguson Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 350i AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMETEORIC METEORIC worked his way up fast on the stretch turn and drew away from TAR WATER The latter also moved up fast near the last turn and held on stubbornly CLAREMONT held on better than usual CANTERON closed a big gap BATTLING KNIGHT quit FORT WORTH lacked early speed LERACK quit Corrected quitCorrected weight Tar Water 112 Canteron 112 JRTH RACE 34 Mile outof chute lago May 7 1934 111 7 112 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80r thfrd May834Ala 40 fourth 20 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Ownors Equlv Odds Strt 93947 KINGSPORT w 9 115 12 1 T I4 L I5 BoucherJ Mrs C Fisher f 215400 93946 SAUCY MARIA w 4 100 2 7 84 6a 51 21 WillhiteE Mrs A R Smith 420400 93946 LADY AGGIE WB 6 105 3 5 21 2 21 3 WhitacreL Mrs W Ashbridge 700400 78501DISTURB w 8 111 4 8 7l 5k 41 44 ODayJ J Levitt 2245400 93740RUNNING WATER WB6110 8 3 4i 4 6l 5 CourtneyG Eskay Stable 93945 THUNDER NYMPH WB 6 105 6 6 690129MEAN 32 31 3 6 VailS Gallagher Ritchison 6940100 90129MEAN MAC w 6 100 7 4 6 81 71 71 MartinezP A Smith Smithw6105 585010Q 93644 SISTER ADELE w w6105 6 105 5 510 10 102 9 81 SDyerJ L C Berry Berryw 5290100 93945 WILD FOX w 4 105 10 9 993944OLD 9h 101 91 9i EdwardsD Humble Stable Stablew4105 tl090400 5290100tl090400 93944OLD PRIDE w w4105 4 105 111 llll9 IB 10 TaylorD C Hbwell 875400 691 18 FLEETING GOLD w 6 105 11 2 51 71 41 11 WebsterO J C Brook 92340DOROTHY SPAN w4106 912 121212 12 FerminA C R Parker tField Time 23t 464g 11Z Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAlDv OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS KINGSPORT 630 4JO 340 215 100 135 100 78 100 SAUCY 100SAUCY MARIA 530 400 165 1W 100 100 LADY 100LADY AGGIE 650 225 100 Winner 100Winner B g byBrown Prince II Alverda by Fair Play trained by C Fisher bred by Oak Ridee Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 429J AT POST 7 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving KINGSPORT alert at the start and drawing into a long lead won with much fn reserve SAUCY MARIE worked up fast after a Joss of ground and continued gamely in the stretch to outgame LADY AGGKL The latter always in nearest pursuit of the winner held on gamely to the final sixteenth then weakened suddenly DISTURB saved ground and closed resolutely RUNNING WATER came again after dropping back at the stretch turn THUNDER NYMPH quit Overweight Disturb 1 pound Dorothy Span Corrected weight Thunder Nymph 105 Fleeting Gold 105 Dorothy Span 105 Disturb 110 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 fourth 20 inder IJorses EqtA VVrriSt Str hic Jockei BqulT Odds Strt 93789MOORISH AMULET w4102 9 6 51 I1 rili 1 MartinezP J H Tatii Tatii93740JDISAPPROVED 3165100 93740JDISAPPROVED w 7 112 6 4 81 6 6s 2 21 DyerJ R Robertson 860400 93887 PHANTASIME wsB lGT 5 S 61 41 2 31 31 BoucherJ Mrs M F Mangus 1380400 1380400n 93841 = SANTA CRUZ WB 4 97 8 7 71 71 5k 5 41 CourtneyD Mrs J P McGbvern n 1320lDOi 93740 LAUMAIA w 7 112 2 1 41 81 71 71 5 P PrkeM rkeM F Shultz 17025400 939452RUNANWIN w 5 102 753 5l 4k 41 61 TaylorD Mrs H G Hyde 240100 93790 KELLEYS PRIDE w 7 107 10 9 92 101 8k 81 7l WebsterO LAbel 3765400 93888 WRACKELL WB 7 112 110 10 9 91 92 92 8 LeaereE J J Fcenov Feeney 175100 175100a SSSSa 175IDOSSSSa NEWSHAWK WB4107 3 2 1 2 31 6 9s WillhiteE EJLJSraehla a 570400 93737 MYNHEER WB 9890400Time 112 43 21 3MQ 10 10 ODayJ Mrs W McEIroy 9890400 Time 23 48 112 139 Track fast fastr2 r2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS MOORISH iraDISAPPROVED AMULET 6530 3880 1670 3165 100 1840 100 735 ira DISAPPROVED 100PHANTASIME 880 790 340 U18B 188 295 100 PHANTASIME 1010 JjgJJJ JjgJJJr vWi nC nCTTBllrf TTBllrf by DozerT DozerTn ° n Dut fay Eoba trained by G F Jenkins bred by Messrs C C r G Y Hieatt Winner entered to be claimed for S600 S600WENT WENT TO POST508 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving nTJppn A NEWSHAWK when ready and dravying out held contention m the last eighth could not hold the winner PHANTASIME was used up racing intocante tioa and tired in the drive SANTA CRUZ closed resolutely EAUMAIA met interference midway of tiit back stretch RUNANWIN quiL Scratched 93888 Jim Shanahan lOr 93737 Last Play 107 Corrected weight Ehantasune 107 Mynheer 112 Continued on fifteenth vaae ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSf f Continued from eleventh page SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Ridgeview April 23 1934 137 6r104 Purse 500 4year 0ds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 60 third 40 May834Ala fourth 20 14 V6 i Str Fin Jockejs EquiT Odds Strt 928413MISS N CONLAN v 5 99 5 5 3J 45 2 IJ 1 = 1 WillhitcE W J Palmer 93948 YARROW v 6 111 3 2 42 2 3 33 2 ODayJ C R Parker 495100 93948 SPECKLE B 4 109 6 3 1 15 IJ 21 35 DyerJ F P Letellier 415100 41510093888LA 93888LA MANGA v 5 99 4 7 5k 51 5 = 4J 45 TaylorD Cisco Stable 210100 94076 ZINITA v 8 108 2 67 6J 65 51 54 PrivettW San Anelo Stable 600100 94012 ESSIE v 8 1051 1 21 32 4 65 6 FerminA Briggs Son 1025100 92994 JEAN NAVELLE v 8 109 7 4 61 7 7 7 7 RicordW H R Doherty 2570100 2570100Time Time 23 11 2 138 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MISS N CONLAN 1230 540 330 515 100 170 100 65 100 100YARROW YARROW 59D 340 195 100 70 100 100SPECKLE SPECKLE 310 55 100 100Winner Winner Br m by Dozer DemiTasse by Radiant trained by E Lutz bred by Mrs G B Cox and Mr J E Madden Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 538 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start drivingMISS good and slow Won easily second and third driving MISS N CONLAN kept forwardly under restraint responded gamely at the final turn and drew out easily YARROW lost ground while improving his position and closing gamely outgamed SPECKLE The latter used up disposing of ESSIE quit badly when put to a drive LA MANAGA closed with the usual burst quitScratched of speed but was too far out of it ZINTA could not keep up ESSIE quit Scratched 94079Uncle Less 104 94079 Miss Hutcheson 99 99Overweight Overweight Yarrow 2 pounds Zinita 4 Essie 14 Jean Navclle 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Speckle 109 Qt1 ztQ SEVENTH RACE 1 MS Miles Making Bubbles May 5 1934 145 5 111 Purse 80May834Ala J 5J ± i 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 May834Ala thirdi 40 fourth 520 Index Uorsee KI i WtllM V4 M T4 Str Kin Jockpjs Equiv Odds Strt 93948LUCKY JACK WSB 5 102 1 2 3J 43 3 11 13 WillhiteE G T McKinney 420100 42010093890MISS 93890MISS UPSET WSB 5 101 2 7 T 7 51 41 22 EdwardsD A Bellegarde 1765100 176510094012GOOGIE 94012GOOGIE w 5 107 7 3 2l I1 11 3 31 DyerJ G Tiller 480100 48010094013JMUST 94013JMUST IMAGINE WB 5 100 46 65 51 41 5 44 CourtneyG Eskay Stable 465100 465100940135ST 940135ST MICA WB 5 100 8 4 11 21 21 2 5J TaylorD Mrs H G Hyde 325100 325100938902INTERIOR 938902INTERIOR WB 7 100 5 8 8 8 7 64 65 SenaT Mrs T Marshall 1340100 93791 MARCELLA AGNES WB 8 102 3 1 51 62 8 8 T WebsterO D Christian 2415100 2415100939482MARY 939482MARY McCARTHY WB 6 97 6 5 41 3 6 71 8 Martinez I E Burnett 475100 475100Time Time 23 47 1123 139 146 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LUCKY JACK 1040 540 390 420 100 170 100 95 100 100MISS MISS UPSET 1790 790 795 100 295 100 100GOOGIE GOOGIE 510 155 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by John P Grier Manicure Maid by Thunderer trained by W A McKinney bred by Meadowview Farms Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 613 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLUCKY LUCKY JACK restrained early moved into contention with a rush and wearing down the leaders was ready to draw out MISS UPSET slow to get going and forced wide on the last turn gained fast in the stretch and finished fastest GOOGIE under pressure after taking the lead tired when urged JUST IMAGINE was blocked midway of the stretch ST MICA and MARY McCARTHY quit quitScratched Scratched 93887 Glen Feu 107 107Overweight Overweight Miss Upset 1 pound Interior 3 Mary McCarthy 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Marcella Agnes 102