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CLAIMS AND SALES W J Dalton claimed Portden from W N Adrians out of the third race Tuesday at Jamaica for 2300 2300Frank Frank Seremba added Foxy Quiller to his stable when he claimed him out of the third race at Aurora Tuesday for his entered price of 800 800Two Two performers in the first race Tuesday at Pimlico changed hands when J V Stew ¬ art acquired Bally Bay for 2000 and J F Sweeney acquired Aunt Flor for 1500 1500P P Hatcher added two more members to his stable when he closed a deal with R McGarvey who represented Stuyvesant Pea body at Aurora in the sale of the three yearold Slip Knot and Gay Follies The latter is scheduled to race for her new own ¬ er in the third race Wednesday