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LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Earl Porter regained the lead in the race for jockey honors last week when he scored with seven of his mounts while J Jacobs who displaced him the previous week was riding only one winner Porter now has ninetysix winners Jacobs ninetythree M Winters was the weeks leader with ten win ¬ ning mounts W D Wright had eight Fol ¬ lowing are the records of the thirty leading American jockeys from January 1 up to and including the racing of last Saturday SaturdayLast Last LastJockey Jockey Mts 1st 2d 3d UnpPC Wk WkPorter Porter E 463 96 68 63 236 21 7 7Jacobs Jacobs J 505 93 70 5628618 1 Litzenberger 1Litzenberger E400 83 78 6417521 9 9Winters Winters M 398 83 57 5520321 10 10Haas Haas L 422 81 70 6820319 5 Taylor 5Taylor Dublin 462 75 63 7325116 9 9Coucci Coucci S 319 70 51 55 143 22 2 Wright 2Wright W D276 57 44 42 133 21 8 8Helm Helm 1Watson M 288 53 45 2716318 1 Watson R 245 49 45 3012120 0 0Hunter Hunter J 346 49 58 4719214 2 2King King T 256 49 40 3812919 1 1Gilbert Gilbert J 279 47 51 4613517 3 3Peters Peters M 221 46 28 3011721 1 1McCown McCown D 382 46 40 41 255 12 2 2Wall Wall N 271 44 31 2417216 0 0Rosengarten Rosengarten C359 43 44 5222012 2 2Meade Meade D 245 40 37 3513316 0 0Craig Craig A 329 40 36 37 216 12 2 Summers D 207 37 28 16 126 18 0 Lowry J 324 37 34 3521811 0 0Jones Jones R 264 37 40 3115614 2 2Robertson Robertson A 250 37 35 2815015 3 3Tipton Tipton A 238 36 41 3212915 4 4Grayson Grayson H 233 36 36 3113015 6 6Dronet Dronet L 289 34 52 3117212 6 6Hughes Hughes H 176 33 20 28 9519 0 0Arcaro Arcaro E 302 33 41 4118711 0 0Burns Burns G 205 33 36 2111516 6 6Westrope Westrope J 225 32 32 2313814 I