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Here and There on the Turf CMcstraw Comes Next Making Ready for Beimont Equipoise and Chase Me Return of Burgoo King It would appear at this time that Caval ¬ cade will not meet George D Wideners Chicstraw for a considerable time this sea Eon Should Bob Smith decide to send the son of Lancegaye after the Preakness at Pimlico Saturday there is no reasonable chance for Chicstraw to keep that engage ¬ ment Jack Joyner will probably not bring the George D Widener threeyearold back to the races until the Beimont Park meet Ing and it would seem that the Beimont Stakes is meant for his first big objective objectiveCavalcade Cavalcade is not an eligible for the Bei ¬ mont though he is in the Withers which is an engagement also enjoyed by the son of Chicle and Last Straw but Smith will not saddle Cavalcade for that mile at Bei ¬ mont Park unless he should make a change of his plans for the Derby winner winnerIf If Cavalcade does not race in the PreakT ness and there is a doubt of his being sent to the post the intention is to reserve him for the American Derby at Washington Park in Chicago This is a prize of 25000 added and to be decided June 2 Such a date will give the Englishbred colt ample rest before the running and it is a date that would enable Smith to move to Chicago far enough before the running to permit his charge to thoroughly recover from any ill effects of shipping shippingCavalcade Cavalcade while a sensible colt is not a good traveler and that is one reason for Smith expressing some doubt as to future plans When hie went to Louisville from Maryland the colt was unloaded decidedly upset from the trip He rounded to nicely before the running of the Derby as was attested in his victory but it is probable an earlier move would be made to Chicago for the American Derby engagement engagementBesides Besides the Withers the only other en ¬ gagement enjoyed by Cavalcade at the Bei ¬ mont Park meeting is the Suburban Handi ¬ cap and it is not expected that he will be asked to race against the older horses at this time in the season when he has so many more attractive opportunities with only those of his own age opposing him himThe The return of George D Wideners Chic ¬ straw to competition is eagerly awaited for he appears to be the only one of the nat ¬ ural contenders for the threeyearold crown that has yet to be uncovered On his ac complishments of last fall in Maryland this fellow adequately proved himself and until he appears no satisfying estimate of the new crop of threeyearolds is possible Joyner named Chicstraw liberally for all the big fixtures and with his thorough meth ¬ ods in training it may be depended upon he will not show the colt until he is en ¬ tirely ready readyLast Last year Chicstraw did not find himself until well on in the season He was first sent to the post last year in a conditioning race for his National Stallion In that run ¬ ning he was just nosed out by Koterito Then in the running of the National Stal Stalllon llon he finished fourth to Black Buddy Fogbound and Sir Thomas It was not until September that he graduated from the maiden class Then after moving to Mary ¬ land he moved up until he wound up his year by winning the Endurance Handicap at Bowie in which under 122 pounds he gave away great lumps of weight to every other starter He was also winner of the Richard Johnson Stakes at Laurel and the Pimlico Handicap at Pimlico = Of course when Chicstraw really came to himself many of the juvenile stars Of ear ¬ lier in the season were out of training but the fact remains that he showed enough to warrant a high place among the colts of the year While Cavalcade and Chicstraw have few engagements in common another of Mrs Sloanes colts High Quest will be on hand to defend the colors The son of Sir Gallahad HI is eligible for the Withers and the Beimont two of the Chicstraw en Continued on tioentyfiftli page HERE AND THERE ON THE TURF Continued from second page gagements and they are also both eligible for big handicaps in which older horses are eligible eligibleBoth Both Equipoise and Chase Me are en ¬ gaged in the Metropolitan Handicap and the Suburban Handicap at Belmont Park and Mrs John Bosley Jr will have those two chances at the Whitney champion with her unbeaten gelding After the issue was de ¬ clined in the Dixie Handicap at Pimlico there is just a doubt of the two being brought together in New Tork TorkIn In the light of what has been accom ¬ plished by Mrs Bosleys fiveyearold he re ¬ mains unbeaten with a score over Mate to his credit it appeared he was well treated when Equipoise was asked to give him ten pounds in the Dixie It is hardly to be ex ¬ pected that the son of Purchase will have any better weight advantage at least until he is raced against the son of Pennant and Swinging SwingingOf Of course it may have been a reason that Chase Me was not entirely at himself though his winning effort before the Dixie Handicap suggested a readiness He may show up in both the mile of the Metropoli ¬ tan and the mile and a quarter of the Subur ¬ ban and if he does he will go to the post with many good judges giving him an excel ¬ lent chance for victory It was interesting to see Edward R Brad leys Burgoo King return to the races at Churchill Downs Monday The son of Bub ¬ bling Over and Minawand was away from the races all through last year and he was only started four times in 1932 but in those four starts he was winner of both the Preakness and the Kentucky Derby and his earnings were 103825 103825This This is abundant fame for any thorough ¬ bred He was started in the Withers after his notable double and he came but of that running so badly crippled that he was re ¬ tired and his appearance Monday was the first time since that he carried racing silks silksThompson Thompson has been patient and skillful in bringing Burgoo King back and when he raced second to as smart a sprinter as Dartle over the sixfurlong route on the first asking there is reason to expect that he will go on to better things as the season ad A cheering sign of the times was shown in the report of the wagering at Churchill Downs on Derby Day DayThe The low was reached in the handle last year when the total was 745547 and last Saturday there was 999140 wagered through the machines It was the best handle since 1931 when the total was 1277208 But back in 1926 the Derby Day handle was 2098701 These figures mean much for they reflect an upward trend to better times timesKentucky Kentucky racing has had its lean years after the marvelous prosperity of some ten years back but the climb back has begun and it seems safe to promise that 1934 will bring better returns than for many recent The National Association of Racing Com ¬ missions has gone on record as endorsing the saliva test as the most effective method of combatting the use of stimulants in racing racingThis This was more or less expected and now the association will endeavor to have the various state commissions make provisions for the adequate carrying out of such tests on the various race courses in their juris ¬ diction