Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-09

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TUESDAY MAY 8 AURORA AURORAWeather Weather cloudy track fast Three Eighths Mile MileBelle Belle of Wr 36 d Lessing 36h 53 Baby Sweep 38b 56 Lawful Miss 40 b bBobbie Bobbie R 38 b 54 Madame Exl 37 h 54 Barplay 36 d Macks Pal 37h 56 Casa 38 h 54 Navanod 41 b 54 Cabotin 38 b On Wiscsin 37h 56 Catch On 36 h 54 Pornella 37 h 55 Deets Cafire 36b 55 Quibbler 37 b bEd Ed B Moses 36 d 55 Subway 36h 52 Fern Miam 38h 54 Smoky Mtn 36 d dHarmonical Harmonical 38 b 52 Slip Knot 38b 38b430Jimmie 430Jimmie L 41b 54 Sweet Pearl 36b 430 Joda 37h 113 Try King 41b 55 King Faro 37 h 56 Vcrgene 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 56 Arctic Star 55 b 54 Imprimis 50h Billie Wise 55 b 53 Jens Son 53b 56 Blind Star 50h 55 Paul T 50 b 54 Bad Penny 52b 55 Panic Strn 50 b 427 Ben Bernie 49 h Scotld Miss 48h 52 Basilica 50 h 55 Satannic 49h 54 Concisus 50h Tejon 53 b 52 Comity 53 b 430 Town Limit 54b 55 Cyreney 50 h 55 Windage 49h 55 Hazel Hopps 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 428 Auto Cuteryl00e 55 Light Minl04 h 54 Alma Sl05h 429 Oh Yeah 102h 430 Betty Bettl04h 57 Redins l03h l03h430Durga 430Durga l03h 427 Switch l05b 55 Dr Parrishl04b 55 Swee Chiotl02h 52 Ellen D 105 b 55 Spicson l07b 55 Gallopette l04b 57 Tadcaster 106 b 55 King Todayl02h Todayl02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Blake 120 b 55 Port o PIayl21b 56 Cheers 117 h 429 Sthld Boyl17o 56 Gold Ridge l17h 56 Sweet Tidgs116h 424 Happy Lad l18h l18hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 54 Regardless l30h 54 Wild Turkeyl30h Turkeyl30hOne One Mile 54 George Jr 144 144Regardless Regardless and Wild Turkey worked from the gate Sweet Chariot worked impressively CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 429 Bunting Star 36h 53 Mil 3C b 55 Byphar 36h 429 Prince Pine 36 h 424BrindIe 36h 55 P ODonnel 36d 55 Dusky Lass 36h 55 Roulade 36 h 427 Fair Cynthia 37 h 427 Stay 35h 55 Fairsickle 35h 51 Spanish Red 37h 429 Gee Gee 38b Stout Heart 37b 430 Grey Pal 37b 51 Slip Up 35h 428 Genteel Lady 39 b 55 Traggat 38 h 52 Jersey Lily 37b Tahira 38 b 51 John Marcm 36 h 52 Tick On 36b 52 Kitty Lee 37h 52 Trend 35d 35d429Ktky 429Ktky Helen 36h 51 Whare 37b 53 Lle Connelly 37h Walumbe 38b 55 Mission Clck 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Advisg Anna 53b 52 Jack Conner 48h 426 Black Joe 55b 428 Julia Grant 54b 55 Bobs Buddy 48h 55 Lady Cottner 51b 55 Bridgie 51h 54 Marmion 53b 428 Cherry Time 53b 51 March King 51b 51 Ccliba 49 h 427 Norman D 51b 54 Chance Sun 48 d 54 Our Rose 53b 53 Deadeye Dk 51b 425 Ondott 49h 429 Ebony Lady 53b 55 Sis Owen 51h 54 Hidden Dust 51 b 56 Saginaw 51h 425 Heiress 51h 54 Smear 52b 53 Golden Way 49b 423 Shirley May 54 b 55 Hymarque 50h 424 Tabora 51 h 414 Jake Bleiden 51b 54 Watersplash 48 h FiveEighths Mile 53 Alads Dreaml05 b 425 Militia l03h 53 Betty Wccl01h 54 Nectarine l02h 53 Big Beau 105 b 51 Panorama l05b 55 Bbara Carml03h 53 Polly Rita l06b 54 Brother Joel02b 56 Penang l02d 53 Bney Sextonl07b 429 Polas Flagl00h 55 Carnelian l01h 55 Secret Tryst l00h 55 Dark Devil l01b 53 Single Stripe l07b 52 Ellen Fisherl06ysb 53 St Bernard l00h 53 Explorer 104 h 54 Teddy M l01h 52 First Pigeonl06b 54 Top Hornl02h 430 Gay Hastingsl08b 53 Wise Dauterl02b 54 Joy Birdl02h 51 Winds Chantl04b 430 Mt Memorsl05b 56 Whiskora l02h l02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 32 Brown Toneyl19 b 53 Roberta Ll18b 54 Cambril l18b 55 Sazerac l14h 55 Chf Buntingl17 h 55 Snobful l14h 55 Cactus Rosel17b 54 Shadowdawn l16d l16dGracias Gracias l14d 56 Stinger 116 h 53 Home Workl17h 51 Spanish Wayl16b 55 Kozak l16b 51 St Jensundl21b 53 Mad Carcerl20b 52 Swift Brookl16b 54 Mai Sanl18b 428Thrh Omondl18 b 53 M Kentuckyl16h 54 Vitamin B113h 55 Pascu 118 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 427 Blue Again 130 b 55 Fretful l29h 54 Foxiana 128b 52 Shcphd Boyl29b Boyl29bOne One Mile 55 Acrobatic l45b 55 King Cicero l41d 54 Black Fool 142 h 51 Mtainy Manl44 d 57 Bien Fait l41h 55 Toh Umbrial49h 55 Bob Dozer 144 h 54 Prie Pompey140d 53 Esseff l41h 57 Ridge Morl42 h 55 I Say 148 b 57 Spring Flightl44h 423 Jessie Dearl44b Dearl44bOne One and OneEighth Miles 52 Riskulus 154 h hVitamin Vitamin B showed a good effort effortPrince Prince impressivelyThe Pompey worked impressively The track was extra fast this morning KENILWORTH KENILWORTHWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile 54 Blighter 39 h 52 MuckleDo 39b 55 Confection 39 h 425 Quickly 36 d G Sympathy 38h 53 Tremolo 40 h 53 Khorasan 39b 39bOneHalf OneHalf Mile Wentworth 50 h FiveEighths Mile 52 Betimes l04h 424 Herowin l01d 55 En Avantl03 h 416 Irenes Bob l05b 425 Feudal Lordl01d 52 Trigling 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 55 Fly Fisher 120 b 54 Ryl Vintagel18 h 53 Hpy Warriorl21h Semester 118 h 53 Irish Kid 129 b 430 Tullihoo 129 b 55 Imadud 120 b 430 Young Kittyl19 h 423 Miss Morocco117 h hOne One Mile 427Deedie 154 b 55 Fall Apple 141d DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 54 Avail 38 h 429 Lady Mary 36h 57 Celebrant 39 u 54 Lady Pal 37h 53 Blue Dan 39 h 429 New Baby 36h 57 Ele Maxwell 38 h 53 Sth Gallant 38 h 53 Good Aim 37h 55 The Persian 38 h 53 Keen 37h 49 Whiskover 38 h 52 Lady Friend 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 429 Prince Kiev 53h 55 Span Knight 51h 55 Rouless I51 h 430 Sage Girl 52h 52hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 55 Balistite l08h 55 Mary Nell l08h 57 Brt Bubble 103 h 55 Trevallion l03h 55 Golden Boyl06 h 430 Winooka l03b l03bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Harry Boyl20h 430 My Blaze 116 h 51 Lotta Airs 118 h 57 Sweet Manl17h Winooka and Trevallion worked together My Blaze worked from the gate PEVILICO PEVILICOWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 52 Alwintour 36 h 55 Moon Glory 36h 425 Biff 36h 430 Star Porter 36 h 54 Character 38 h 53 Slipper King 39 h 430 Dona Dulcin 38 h 424 Waterset 38 h hI I 55 Law Suit 36h OneHalf Mile 55 Apple Fritter 55 b 53 Kanal 49h 55 Buffoonery 50 h 54 Khamseen 48h 51 Beau Govans 50 h 430 Ned 0 49 h 430 Boiling Point 49h Night Serge 54 h hBarry Barry 49h 55 Rhadanthus 54 b 57 First Rndup 49 h 53 Scrbled Eggs 55 b 52 Fervid 51h 54 Star Falcon 50 h 54 God OWar 55 h 414 Truepenny 55 b 55 Goldn Camp 48h Tristrap 50 h h426Khamain 426Khamain 49 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 427 Dcg Quecnl08h 430 Park 106 h hFair Fair Lark lK7b 57 Silent Shot 103h 423 How High 104 h 430 Truly Yoursl08h ThreeQuarters Mile MileAllenfern Allenfern l17h 51 Propagndist l20h l20h413Axentea 413Axentea 116 d 54 Rebel Yelll20h 55 Br Wisdoml16h Solace l17h 52 Black Songl18 h 423 Srce Circlel21 h 51 Hair Triggerl17 h 52 Santander 118 h 417 Just Cap l18d 54 Snoops 117 h 53 Kievex 115 h 53 The Tout l16h 55 McDonald Hl18 h 55 This Play l19h 55 Old Depot l16h 55 White Birdl19 h 53 Par Value 123 h 57 Zipalong 118 h One Mile 55 Brass Mkeyl46 h 53 Harky 151 h 419 Bnach Lathl46h 51 Larranaga 142h 430 Brad 150 h Sun Monk 152 h 430 Gitapp 146 h hOne One and OneEighth Miles 55 Bners Flyigl59 h 55 Time Supply155se ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile430Bhelor 430Bhelor Dw 38 b 427 Old Nick 42 b Cmon Sse 36h 55 Sir Koster 35h 426Escoba Lass 39 h 54 Witch Lass 36h 417 Noble Tiller 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Chikara 53h 51 Scythe 48h 48hCandy Candy King 51h 124 Linmar 54 h 55 Dunny Boy 53 b 55 Medallion 50 b 53 Efjaybe 50 h 328 Roselys 55 b 428 Henry Dew 49h 121 Venarock 53 b 424 Kings Mtrel 48h 48hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 422 Bank Shotl06b 54 Fly On 103 h 57 Chicaro Boyl03h 55 Merilee Z1KJ4 b 427Escoback 106 h 55 Royal See101h 51 Euxine l02h l02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Jolly Rondl19h 422 Shandygaff 117 h 53 Sakura l16h 35 Wifred Ann114 h 54 Sarsita 118 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 427 Bay Scrvt l32h 429 Saint Louis 125 d 53 Precious Kgl29h Kgl29hOne One Mile 53 Big Mmentl44h Mmentl44hWinifred Winifred Ann went a handy threequarters Precious King was breezing JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 52 Alantee 38b Johns Bthy 37h 54 Dunlilt 36d 53 Leroline 37 h 421 Fiery 37 h 53 St Omer 39 b 51 Gracias 39 b 51 Susie V 39 b 56 Herkimer 38 b 53 Tiswild 37d 37dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 430 Baby Chard 52 b Recital 50d 430 Joe Jay 50h 53 Race Cape 53 d 56 Najort 52 b 420 Silent Don 50d 51 Paradise MM 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 56 Second Guess103 d 56 Sleepy Joel03d Joel03dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 51 Botd Brbonl20 b 426 Scara Glen116 id 426Censurcr 124 b 56 Volomite l17h 52 Prcs Haste 126 b bOne One Mile 52 Ollabclla 149 b 413 Tuffy G 144d 52 Pillarita 148 b BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428 Corvine 37 h 55 Nipped 36h 54 Dabchick 36 h 56 On Hand 36h 55 First Minstrl 34d 55 Proud Girl 36h 56 Galomar 35 d 56 Stand Pat 36h 56 Hindu Queen 36h 56 Watch Her 36h 54 Maid well 36h 55 Wild Reigh 35 d 56 Mock Turtle 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 55 Black Gift 51h 55 Ovalette 50 h 55 Basquine 50h Fenway 54b 52 Clotho 49h 55 Spjecial Agt 51h 56 Coming Back 48h 55 Salaam 50 h h428Dunbar 428Dunbar 49h 55 Transparent 50 h 54 Infinitate 54h 55 Vain Batchr 50 h 56 Lady Higloss 54 b 55 Wax 51 h 55 Lawmaker 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 56 Border Knitl09 b 52 Potion l04h 56 Bit oShadel07h 55 Pairbypair 101 h hBed Bed Time l02d 54 Pomponius l03h 55 Foggy Nightl04 h 54 Pcggys Peggyl02 H 427 Grand Operal07 h 56 Sound Advicel07b Gold Foaml04h 55 Stepaside 104 h 52 Our Count 103 h 55 World Seriesl04 h 55 Psychic B5dl03h 55 Yng Native l03h l03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 51 Brown Jack 125 b 55 Rock Point 117 h 56 Captn Argol16h 55 Red John l16h 55 Gold a Black115 h 56 Vilge Vampl16h 52 Only One 125 b 55 War Stripes 123 h 55 Pass Shot 118 h War Letter 118 h 55 Rose Bearerl17 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 430Curlette 133 h 56 Dark Winter128J h hOne One Mile 56 Auburndale l46h 55 Red Jugl41d 55 Black Bean l46h 52 it Pinchot l45h 57 Gay Monarchl42d 52 Resurrection l44h 56 Inlander 142 h 55 Rose Cross 150 b 429 Lady Kenlyl46 h 55 WinChncy140J d dOne One and OneEighth Miles 54 High Quest 155 h 55 War Glory 156 h hAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 53 Epical 38 h 427 Texas Tmy 58h 58h428Morelles 428Morelles 36 h 56 Vera Cruz 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 42lBlondino 51h 56 Our One 49 h 427 Chilly 51 h 56 Royal Guard 49 h h427Freshair 427Freshair 51h 421 Thoughts 49h 56 Gnomnie 51 h 51 Tea Talk 52h 428 Our Sallie 49 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Bnas Specl103h 56 Bby Buxtonl05 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Flag Boy l18h 52 Rego J22 h 428 Moiras Chief116 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 51 Ira L 132 h 51 Sweet Bud 137 h hOne One Mile 54 Fcrti 147 h DALLAS DALLASWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 51 Ann What 36h 429 Flying Home 40h 426 Benares 40 h Lady OWar 38 h h430Cheraw 430Cheraw 36h 56 Phara Haste 37h 53 Desert Call 36h 53 Rip V Wkle 38h 54 ED 36h 51 Reverberate 40h 48 Euryalis 41h 429 Terry Lass 35h 55 Extra Man 37 h 428 Terrier 39h 430 Finnic 36 h 51 Volwood 37 h 54 Flo Raffles 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 52 Aida Marie 49 h 424 Moroi 57 b 428 Bright Wine 52 h 427 Mr Bun 50b 45 Best Maid 57 b 425 Max Way 1 h 427 Clarify 50h 427 Noahs Pride 56 h 56 Chief Pilot 54 b 416Politns Best 49h 427 Dr Kaiser 51 h 428 Parqua Pass 51h 425 Dug In 51 h 56 Rosevolt 53 h 55 Fast Move 49 h 53 Tarzan 54h 55 Gl Campbell 52 h 52 Ultra Vote 49h 56 George 54 h 51 Waywd Lad 54 h 56 Lke Comon 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 53 Edith A 105 h 56 Splurge 105 h h429Foxic 429Foxic Sis 105 h 51 Vagabond 111 h 131 Good Jestl05h 54 Zorana l04h 430 Out Bound l04h l04hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileAidas Aidas Pal 118 h 54 Wr Crackerl27 h 429 Jean Brownl23h HAMILTON OHIO OHIOWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 55 Burgoo 44h 55 Meek 41h 53 Emps Kitty 40d 55 Odd Blaze 44h 54 Highd Fling 44b Regis Play 40h 54 Hippias 42h 54 Tenant 41b 51 Inver Rock 44h 44hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 421 Jackknife 52b 429 Swing Mac 56b 51 Little Jay 55h 52 Sanukee 52 d 53 Meru 53 h 310 Tiny Wrack 51 d 55 Odd Star 52h 56 Vango 52 h 51 Redivivus 54h 55 Wee Clair 52d FiveEighths 52dFiveEighths Mile 54 Playbill l10h l10hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Hastclia l28h Sanukee and Vango were together Tiny Wrack showed speed

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Local Identifier: drf1934050901_23_1
Library of Congress Record: