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RIVERSIDE PARK NOTES Big Storm and Fair Avis the property of Mrs E Lewis have arrived from New Or ¬ leans leansG G W Ellis with Eric T Charlie H Co kel Grecian King Sorry Arg and Olive Sa bath arrived from the Ellis Farm in Kansas where the stable rested up following the Hot Springs meeting meetingA A la Carter Galahad and Seb comprising the stable of Mrs J Purghan arrived from New Orleans in charge of trainer J Rodgers RodgersD D Irwin with Kittys Gem Beautiful Doll and Dumps arrived from Irwins farm in Kansas KansasR R C Gillem with Anna Feeback My Sur ¬ prise and Buddys Choice was an arrival from Lexington Ky KyAccording According to word received here from San Antonio over 200 horses are schduled to leave there for Riverside at the conclusion of the Alamo Downs meeting