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AURORA TURF NOTES According to advices received from Arthur Elrod superintendent of the mutuel department at Alamo Downs there will be approximately 125 horses entrain from the San Antonio course Sunday May 13 for Fairmount Park This shipment will re ¬ quire about seven cars carsAmong Among the more prominent owners who have signified their intentions of shipping their stables to Fairmount Park after the Aurora meeting are Clarence E Da vison who will send fifteen Frankie Seremba fourteen D S Gordon ten Sam Corbet ten E B Shipp eight Claude Troutt seven R B Allen eleven B Hern ¬ andez seven Paul Kelley six and A K Miller with six Others who have made reservations for stalls and the number of horses they will take from here are J Buscher four Benny Creech four Frank Grand six G Nugent six E H Hoffman five L M Holmes four J C Gillem five Frank Wright five W Z Martin six Harold O Simmons one J Chesney six J Molay five R Scoville two Jess Burks six C B Marlman four C E Gross ten Louie Meripol five Milton Rieser six and J M Hubbard six