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JAMAICA TURF NOTES Dr Edward P Kilroe and his associates of the Metropolitan Jockey Club are to be commended on the voluntary raising of purse value at the present Jamaica meeting Hereafter 1000 will be the minimum purse offered and it is a raise of 200 for several purses each day were at that figure This raise is In appreciation of the increased patronage and the increased revenue that has come with the new facing law It is the first move towards more prosperous times and horsemen have expressed a hearty appreciation appreciationSuch Such purses should bring a better re ¬ sponse through the entry box and should also make for a better brand of sport sportRoy Roy Waldron arrived from Pimlico with the horses owned by Mrs C O Iselin IselinMrs Mrs E A Burkes Social was scratched out of the fifth race Monday He was in ¬ eligible having won Saturday SaturdayTommy Tommy Gorman arrived on missionary work for the Quebec Racing Association which has fiftysix days of continuous rac ¬ ing in Montreal and Ottawa OttawaSpanish Spanish which broke down badly in his race Saturday was destroyed upon the ad ¬ vice of the veterinarian according to train ¬ er Hogan HoganJockey Jockey Gilbert suffered a bruise in the foot in the second race Monday and was forced to cancel the remainder of his en ¬ gagements He will resume riding Tuesday