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1st Beulah Park Purse 400 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming Dl2 ClaimingDl2 rurlongs rurlongsNOTE NOTE Claiming price 500 Non winners since February 15 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 117 Ibs Nonwinners this year allowed 5 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Wt Clain ClainNo No Pos Horse TraikWt Time AeeTodax Iriir 94533 10 Harry Hicover 6 112X 500 94715 12Knockabout 9 107X 500 94532 11 The Abbot 12 112X 500 500889S62 889S62 1 Long John 4 112X 500 94442 9 June Bourbon 4107 500 94643 5 Fulfill 4112 500 94642 2 Skipaway 9 107X 500 Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimPos Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 3 Hildas Dream DreamM M 3100 500 4 Midson 3 105X 500 6 Office Girl 6 107 500 7 Bettyfire M 5 107 500 8 Prairie View ViewfM fM 3100 500 Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 Fair mud runner XGood mud runner 0Superior mud runner Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year Harry 119May Hieover X 119 B g 6 by High Time Precious Pearl by Zeus ZeusTrainer May 13Beul2 51ft LJ Trainer H Walker Owner J B Whetsel Hole Irk I U Time Con Odds Wt St StM Sir FinJockey PP CUcc Sis Uest Company M yl634sBeu 5f 109 si 2710 114 114Sepl6334Bcu 6 = 1 CornT 500 9 Vonnie 114 Stabilizer 111 Catty 112 Sepl6334Bcu 3 116 si 71 107 107AusSO33Tdn 81 VerbusM 500 10 WFWlllFAmbdorllOJPcess 112 AusSO33Tdn 3 113 ft 5 114 5 5Aui26333Tdn 6 911 917 DellowW18 600 10 TlieYngl07Hippiasll2WdFrwr 1084 Aui26333Tdn 1 1 i3 ft 12f 116 5 5Ausl9335Tdn 8 8 8 DellowW1 600 8 Adorlndl034FirstAct 102TopsieH Ill Ausl9335Tdn 3 112 ft 81 111 5 5AuglO334Tdn 5 510 5McAterD2 800 5 raPncessl04TKingll8SocCber 108 AuglO334Tdn 3 113 si 3710 116 6 6JuL3133Tdn 7 810 10 SylvesterJ7 600 12 Venarock 106 Bob Up 1084 Arab 108 JuL3133Tdn J 113 ft 12 112 1 5 5i 8ComptonC5 1000 8 FloM HOSoupcon 118KnowIton 112 rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1933 record 17 4 I IKnockabout 1170 1934 record 1 1Ch Knockabout X Ch g 9 by John P Grier May Maid by Yankee Mav 10 Beu 58 l06ft Trainer S Stafford Owner OKeefe Dwyer See chart of Saturdays second race Mayl734 Beu 54 f 108 ft 29 116 541 DellowW 500 8 TWracklllBroadmr 116LTurtIe 119 MaylS Beu 54fl13 hy 10 104 51 ColvinL 500 7 NickD113HDiverll9MiIWatkins 109 Fchl234TD 54 f 109 si 41 108 612 1 2 2s PetersM1 500 10 MsMascaral05BkShotll5HPets 115 FcblO342TD 54 f 106 ft 5 110 343 4s TerhuneG1 500 8 Craigco 110Tennywoodll2Toltec 105 Feb 8344T D 54 f 107 ft 31 115 3 4 41 421 TerhuneG4 600 12 Deferrdl03PsApart 107BrdRyl 107 1933 record 26 356 1055 1934 record 7 0 1 0 100 100The The Abbot X 1 1 9 Ch g 12 by Theo Cook Irish Abbess by Celt CeltMav Mav 15 Beu 12 55ft LL LLt t Trainer C 0 Ray Owner Battle Ax Stable StableMayl634Beu Mayl634Beu 54f 108 si 4910 106 8n ColvinL 400 8 EarlGaar 114 Game 113 June G 106 106JuL14 JuL14 332Beu 3 113 ft 37 10 110 42i CanfieldL 500 8 NnPlayllSKnockaboutllOHippias 113 113JuLll JuLll 33Beu 54 f 109 ft 21 113 341 CanfieldL 400 10 Adorldl03SkyHighl08DwnPatil 110 110Jun15 Jun15 332Bbg 3 114 ft 8 114 6 6 621 421 MillerG6 500 12 TempleHill 106Pompeial09AIamae 114 Jun13 332Bb2 3 114 ft 2 108 8 4 3J I1 MillerG10 400 12 Carnival 113NcyCloS 108SPgBud 108 1933 record 11 1 04 335 1934 record 1 Ions John X 119 119Mav Br g 4 by Noah Xenora by Atwell AtwellTrainer Mav 19 Beu58108ft Trainer A F Lloyd Owner E Sharpe Oct 633cBeu 64 f 122 ft 7 109i 109iOct 221 ReevesR 400 8 Shdygaff 112PssElsicl08NoonPy 111 Oct 233Bcu 1 150 ft 91 108 108Scp2933cBeu 44iOMaleyJ 500 8 NoMistakelllLiggGirl 107Bansetl09 Scp2933cBeu 3 122 hy 165 108 108SeP2533Beu 321 OMalleyJ 500 8 OneCent HOKingHalmallORlAir 1104 SeP2533Beu 54 f 109 hy 22 112 112Sep21334Beu 5 McAllisterD 500 10 BoiIOverll2PofTexsll24BChce lOb Sep21334Beu 115 hy 13 108 108Sepl6335Beu 4elMcAterD 500 9 WFloverlllShiftlllFaImthBelIe 111 Sepl6335Beu 1 116 si 19 105 64 MartinJ 700 8 TYnglllRorShinel09NoMistake 109 1933 record 33 4 3 3June 6 1675 1675Ch June Bourbon 107 107Mayl434Bcu Ch f 4 by Prince of Bourbon June Bug by Burgomaster BurgomasterTrainer Trainer E B Smith Owner C A Pugh Mayl434Bcu i 117 sy 27 114 114No 6C1 Pugh6C1 GowerH 600 10 Nora D112BoldRobin 119Regards 104 No 333Lat 1 147 ft 55f 102 6 6Oct27332Lat 3 6 1020VailS10 1000 12 Seymourl094ShirleyB107FlySilk 109 Oct27332Lat I78 145 ft 26f 1071 5 5Octl733Day 4 4 5 FinnertyR5 1000 12 EPradellOWdWestll2SDAmr 102 1025s Octl733Day 64f 126 hy 71 107 5s AlbertsA 500 8 TolHeYoungll4PanzolalllBellCap 111 Octl2332Day 64 f 154 gd3MO 105 105Oct P AlbertsA 300 10 RnbowDancel06MyIdeal07Astute 112 Oct 7334Day 1 147 ft 12 105 7CJ VerbusM 800 8 Sdowdawn 108DugInlllJticeBoy 111 1933 record 17 2 1 1Fulfill T I 620 1934 record 1 Fulfill 119 B 4 by Colonel Shav Marvel Dolores by Assagai Ll Trainer A Riley Owner C Myers Mayl8344Beu 54 f 108 ft 21 117 1Q14 MillsJ 500 10 Tnsmitll ColetwnmLuMnifee 112 112No No 933Lat li 157 si 19f 109 5 10 11 114 FowIerD5 1000 12 SisGardner 105LaSalle 113IvanW 108 Oct2833Lat i 113 ft 46 10512 12 122 12 FarrcllW8 1000 12 BOrphan98Glamousl03ShirIeyB 102 105Huguel03Skipawayll4Octl4 Oct2033Day 58 ft 3910 108 I2 ChristnR 300 10 ThisMarty 105Huguel03Skipawayll4 Octl4 33Day 6if 154 ft 14 108 31 ChristsenR 400 10 MissDolIy HOMcKim 113PurFlag 110 110Octll Octll 110Copperll3Oct 333Day 64 1 127 hy 63 107 5s ChristnR 400 8 Jackknife 109ShtaMint 110Copperll3 Oct 5334Beu 64 f 124 ft 135 108 553 DewainS 600 7 LghingGirl 108MyIdeal08SingIeamllO 1933 record 14 1 0 3 S 300 1934 record 1 Skipaway 07Mav X 1 07 GaffneyTrainer B m 9 by Paul Weidel Skiptomelou by Jim Gaffney Mav 18 Ecu 38 42ft v Trainer J Bolser Owner J Bolser Mayl8343Beu 2116 ft 33 109 109May 871 AlbertsA 500 8 IngleNookll6EarlGaarll6Mayetta 108 May 7342HO a 1 100 ft 21 108 108APr30342HO 5 1 DewainS 600 7 NlsBlazelllVVhhral lllLuMfeelOG APr30342HO a 1 101 ft 17 1121 1121Oct2033JDay 6HattonJ 600 8 BobUpl08LitTurtlell5TieYoung 118 Oct2033JDay g 8 ft 26 114 114Octl733Day 44 HattonJ 300 10 Fulfill 108ThistIeMarty 105Hugue 103 Octl733Day 6Jf 156 hy 75 113 113Octll33Day 6 HattonJ 500 10 FrWlkrl08BtCperl06VVItysRse 112 Octll33Day 6ifl59 hy 11 1111 9 BilinskiJ 500 9 Panout 113MyBetty 110 OneCent 110 1933 record 20 0 2 2Hildas 2 210 1934 record 3 3B Hildas 100Mav Dream 100 B f 3 M by Hephaistos Hilda Hannibal by Hannibal HannibalTrainer Mav 13Beu38 38ft iuv iuvMayl734Beu Trainer 0 R Crouse Owner W J Bryan Mayl734Beu 3 116 ft 21 1031 1031Mayl4344Beu 331 ColvinL 500 8 SunMatel05MeryIrenel04Cofaro 1124 Mayl4344Beu 54 f 110 sy 38 97 97May 6 CornT 700 10 WhiskoralOS SunMate 105 Moring 104 May 534zHO a 1 101 ft 13 1101 1101May 41 CornT 800 8 Coridal07EvelynHuntl07 Regards 107 1074i May 3344HO a 1 100 ft 81 107 4i McAllisterD 800 6 MrBoss 112Regards 107Louise A 107 Apr2834HO a 1 101 ft 8 103 103JuL25332Lat 68 HuelsmanA 600 8 BeIlesLastl05AgreeablellOSEagle 118 JuL25332Lat 54 f 107 ft 23 100 4 7 9 1024 SouthG 1000 11 Leaflet 104 Garb 103 Mariana 102 1933 record 3 1934 record 5 0 0 1 45 Midson X 1 OR Ch f 3 by Midway Sonya by Trap Rock RockMav Mav 19 Beu 58105ft Jv Trainer C E Heins Owner Mrs C E Heins HeinsMar3034Hou Mar3034Hou 5J f 105 ft 135 105 3 6 68 6si McCuneD2 1000 12 RenVncell7Laporte 102Kgsport 117 117Marl9342Hou Marl9342Hou 5 i 1 7 ft 88 106 9 10 12 12 SchutteH4 1000 12 TrySomell4Cpagna 103TerryLass 109 109Dec2133Hou Dec2133Hou 5i f 108 ft 8f 104 1 7 11 II10 WestropcJ 1000 12 Ceylon 105Traplou 111 Sarilla 105 105A A 2933Tdn tc 107 it 10 113 IIP 21 QubushG 800 9 Morpnl08DonLascaril05GdRose 105 105Ai Ai ll33Tdn 3 114 ft 20 111 3 7 9 9 QubushG 1000 10 ClifsAgnsl08FireNkll6CrgOver 110 110lax lax 833Tdn tc 107 m 7 111 3 6 6 6 BrownL 1000 8 Customer 115 Disa 105 Eva S 108 1933 record 8 1 2 0 330 1934 record 2 2Office Office Girl 1 07 B m 6 by HarPenden Lingette by Peter Pan PanMav Mav 18 Beu 58105ft v Trainer K Ban Owner K Ban BanOct Oct 633Beu i f 122 ft 41 103 6 BeecroftS 400 8 Shdygaff 112LJohnl09 PssElsie 108 108Oct Oct 433Beu J 114 ft 36106 341 BeecroftS 500 10 Broadmoor 114 FirstAct 109 Jof 114 114Sep Sep 933DP 3 112 ft 43 110 4 6 691 6 BernardJ5 800 8 Benefit 116DstHour lllHonohina 116 116Sep Sep 833DP J 113 ft 16 112 7 4 44 7 BernardJ 800 8 Dewhst 107MbIeGirl 112HGreen 104 104Augl633Tdn Augl633Tdn 3113 ft 39 1023 3 44 5J HaberR 800 7 SCIimbrlOSTKing 115SilvVave 108 108Au Au llSSTdn 3 113 ft 33f 110 2 3 4i 6i LakeL4 700 12 LyDeVerll3TolYoungll8FetNot 118 118Aug Aug 233Tdn 3 112 ft 25 113 6 7 6 6 DupuyJ4 800 8 ElegyllOSClimber 113Lady deVer 113 1933 record 8 1 0 0Bettyfire 1 255 255Ch Bettyfire 0Mav 1 0 Ch m 5 M by Campfire Betty B B by Peter Quince Mav 15 Beu 38 lhv lhvM Trainer W H Timmons Owner W H Timmons TimmonsTl M 17344Bcu 54 f 108 ft 135 111 111Oct Tl EnnisG 500 8 TWracklllBroadmr 116LTurtIe 119 Oct 733Beu 3 116 ft 31 110 110Oct 109 TryonA 500 10 MissDollyllODwnPatrol 113AtIas 113 Oct 533 Beu 64 f 123 ft 50 108 108Oct 571 TryonA 600 8 Killasb 114PfeatherllOBroJson 114 Oct 2334Beu 64 f 124 ft 24 111 111Sep21334Beu 711 RoderickT 500 8 Jayee HlJhistleMarty 109 Fulfill 111 Sep21334Beu Jl15hy 88 111 111JuL1933Beu 912 MyresB 600 9 WFIowerlllShiftlllFalmthBelle 111 JuL1933Beu 54 f 108 ft 138 104 104JuL18 7 MeadowsF 600 8 RunOnlllSkyHighlllCrscdWirs 111 JuL18 33Beu 54 f 107 ft 132 107 9 MajesticJ 700 10 Toltec 117 OddStar H2 RoyalSee 107 1933 record 8 8Prairie 1934 record 1 Prairie View 10 t f 3 M by Kentucky Cardinal Impact by Eliminator Trainer W Zoeller Owner W Zoeller ZoellerJuL12332Lat JuL12332Lat 54 f 108 ft 25f 115 11 12 II14 11 DuboisD10 Maid 12 Amscrayll5MarcellaH115Legary 115 115JuL JuL 433Lat 54 f 107 ft 61f 107 4 10 10 101 DuboisD 1200 12 Terrainl074MissFlipl09ScripMney 106 106Juo2933Lat Juo2933Lat 54 f 107 ft 13f 113 10 11 11I 1014 MurphyT 1500 12 ClorCranell61BsyJayll6FairDus 113 1933 record 3