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TEST ONLY DOUBTFUL HORSES Detroit Officials Publish Notice ol olMethod Method to Be Used in Making MakingSaliva Saliva Tests DETROIT Mich May 19 The procedur to be used in regard to the taking of th saliva test during the Detroit meeting was outlined in a notice to horsemen issued by judge Joseph A Murphy this morning The notice follows In order to avoid any em harassment or controversy over the ques ¬ tion of saliva tests of horses the director ol racing and racing commissioner Mark Hanna have reached an agreement as to pro ¬ cedure which we believe will be satisfactory to everybody All of us will accept that the stimulating of horses must be discon ¬ tinued in American racing racingThe The paddock will be in charge of Dr Lafond representing the Detroit Racing Association and Dr Cavell representing the racing commissioner Saliva tests will be taken only of doubtful horses and where such a test is made the owner or trainer will have the privilege of retaining any licensed veterinary in the state of Michigan to represent him These tests will be made in the laboratory of the city of Detroit and will be conducted without bias to anyone anyoneThe The official veterinarian the racing com ¬ missioner and the management are con ¬ vinced that no horse can be stimulated sufficiently to be of any benefit to it in a race without showing it to the licensed trainer who is in charge of the horse Where a trainer believes that someone has tam ¬ pered with his horse it will be his duty to report it to the official veterinarians in the paddock before the race and they will immediately report the matter to the stew ¬ ards who will order the horse withdrawn and wagers refunded on it itIf If an owner or trainer fails to make such a report the responsibility will be on him in the event that a positive reaction to prohibited narcotics is found from the test It is the opinion of the management that this system will give everybody proper pro ¬ tection and will also serve to make almost impossible the stimulating of horses We ask the active cooperation of all horsemen in our efforts to protect horses from being tampered with withSigned Signed SignedJoseph Joseph A Murphy MurphyDirector Director of Racing