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SEVENTY IN DETROIT DERBY Fine List of Nominations for 25 000 Added Event on June 16 Cavalcade Chicstraw First Minstrel Mata MataHari Hari Bazaar Far Star and Other Top Topnotchers notchers Among the Entries DETROIT Mich May 19 Sixtysix colts and geldings and four fillies are eligible for the 25000 added Detroit Derby The major event of the Detroit Racing Association spring meeting will be run Saturday June 16 Nominations for the one mile and three sixteenths race closed last Saturday SaturdayWith With the exception of High Quest Preak ¬ ness winner all of the leading threeyear olds are among the list of eligibles As High Quest will be called upon to carry Mrs Isabel Dodge Sloanes colors in the Belmont Stakes to be run a week prior to the Detroit Derby she is resting her hopes on Cavalcade Kentucky Derby winner Time Clock which won the Florida Derby for her and Anarchy yet to show his metal metalGeorge George D Wideners Chicstraw which was j an early withdrawal from the Kentucky classic Mrs Payne Whitneys First Minstrel Charles T Fishers Far Star George Ogles Patchpocket W C Stroubes Bien Fait George Willingrs Swiftsport Willis Sharpe Kilmers Sun Tempest the Kershaw Stables Captain Argo and William Sachsenmaiers Plight and Indian Salute are among those that came to hand too late to be named for the famed Kentucky fixture fixtureCharles Charles T Fisher and C V Whitney are the most liberal nominators each having made four In addition to Far Star the owner of Dixiana named his crack Mata Hari Our Sailor and Chasar The Whitney hopes will rest with Roustabout Collateral Jabot and Fogbound FogboundCol Col E R Bradley who has furnished four Kentucky Derby winners made Bazaar Blue Again and Bakers Dozen eligible while Bien Fait and Boy Valet which he recently sold to W G Stroube are also among the list of nominations nominationsWillis Willis Sharpe Kilmer also has three eligi ¬ bles Sun Tempesti Sun Apollo and Fritter Circle being named by the Binghamtori sportsman Discovery and Agrarian which have been chasing Cavalcade and High Quest in the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes again will have an opportunity of matching strides with the son of Lancegaye while Alexander B Gordons Sir Thomas whose effort in the Louisville classic was a great disappointment is another to be favored with the weight concession concessionUnless Unless one of these three colts wins a rich stake between how and the running of the Derby they will be greatly benefited by the allowance conditions of the race raceThe The list of nominations follows Adamite Gallant Mac Two Sons Cavalcade Time Clock Anarchy Speedy Skippy Martin Barton Bazaar Bakers Dozen Blue Again Time Supply Swimalong Riskulus Mata Hari Far Star Our Sailor Chasar Vitamin B First Minstrel Spy Hill Sir Thomas Kievex Thomasville Thataway Dusty Dawn Agrarian Cycle CycleCaptain Captain Argo Sunador Sun Tempest Fritter Circle Speedmore Myman General Pulaski Our David DavidWalkalong WalkalongHepsys Walkalong Hepsys Beau BeauKashgar Kashgar KashgarLaw Law Suit SuitRose Rose Cross CrossSomebody SomebodyCoequel Somebody Coequel CoequelPatchpocket Patchpocket PatchpocketNew New Deal DealHoward Howard HowardRunning Running Heel HeelHickory Hickory Lad LadGay Gay Monarch MonarchIdentify Identify IdentifyObservant Observant ObservantPlay Play Hooky HookyBoy Boy Valet ValetBien Bien Fait FaitPlight Plight PlightIndian Indian Salute SaluteRock Rock X XMoney Money Getter GetterDiscovery DiscoveryFogbound Discovery Fogbound FogboundRoustabout Roustabout RoustaboutCollateral Collateral CollateralJabot Jabot JabotCursor Cursor CursorKieva Kieva KievaSwiftsport Swiftsport SwiftsportChicstraw Chicstraw ChicstrawKawagoe Kawagoe KawagoePeace Peace Chance ChanceBonanza Bonanza