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AQUEDUCT NEW YORK N Y THURSDAY JUNE 21 1934 Aqueduct 114 miles SL feet Tenth day Queens County Jockey Club Autumn meeting of 21 days Waite Stall Gate used 98 books Weather clear Steward representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association H W Maxwell Stewards of Meet ¬ ing H W Maxwell and A H Morris Steward representing New York State Racing Commission M Cas sidy Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter G Cassidy Racing Secretary J J Kane Racingstarts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age pfliorse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds IRST RACE 58 Mile Miss Star Sept 25 1922 57 2 107 Purse 1000 2 June2134AqU yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 ladur Horses EfjtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 972531POLYTUDE vnl07 2 8 64 1 r5WrishtWDMrs E A Burke65 1310 1110 2 5 15 97186LITTLE WACKIE WACKIEFOGGY wa 114 5 2 2w110 4 311 24 MerrittR Mrs A Smith Jr 12 12 10 4 2 FOGGY DAWN w110 9 9 752 S MoadeD Miss E M CyfordSO 50 50 20 10 97256 MASKED REVUE WBlll 6 3 lik 25 4 Gilbert J J S Anderson 15 15 12 5 25 97258 FIRST ROUNDUP WBllO 4 6 6wl4 51 4l 54 LitzbgerEMacmcre F Sta 8 10 8 3 85 65J738rNONPARTISAN 95382STRANGE TIMES w wl4 114 1 1 35 64 6 RichardsH D Miller 5 7 7 25 65 9738rNONPARTISAN WB WB105 105 810 810w 9 82 74 HunterJ G D Widener 20 20 15 6 3 97253 CHILHOWTON w 1115 3 4 2l 7Ik 82 HumphsL W L Kelsay 6 7 7 25 65 97109 TOGO WB 114 11 11 101 91 95 WorkmanRR E Bcnton 20 20 20 8 4 97187 ORCHID WB WB10710 107 10 7 81 1010 1010 StoutJ J Galvin 50 10010040 20 96175 GAB WB WB107 107 7 75 5 11 11 11 KsingerC J L Johnston 60 10060 25 12 12Time Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Polymelian Solitude by Tchad trained by E A Burke bred by Mr L B Combs Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 243 AT POST 3 minutes Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same POLYTUDE samePOLYTUDE propped at the Start but improved her position on the outside and finishing with a rush drew away LITTLE WACKIE responded gamely to urging when called upon and finished well FOGGY DAWN finished with a rush on the outside MASKED REVUE showed early speed and had no mishaps FIRST ROUNDUP was on the outside at the start STRANGE TIMES and CHILHOWTON swerved Scratched swervedScratched 97256 Lady North 107 Ovcweight Togo 4 pounds Chilhowton 1 Masked Revue 1 OND RACE 2 Miles Escapade Sept 24 1932 349 3 140 Adamanthus Steeple SteepleI I oriTA chae Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 750 June2134Aqu extra second Ibsextra S150 Selling price 2000 if for 2500 3 Ibs extra if for 3000 5 Ibs Index Hors PPSt 4 8 12 ir Fin Jockeys O H C P 97257 = RIDEAWAY WB 6 147 445 41 3 1 1 McGinnisPGwladys jVhity 35 45 71014 out 96176HOLE out96176HOLE 4597320SWANSEA HIGH WB 4 137 2 3 34 31 lat 2 2 SmootC Mrs F A Clark 10 12 12 3 45 97320SWANSEA ws 8 142 3 1 I4 15 2 Fell BrownN J Bosley Jr 12 20 15 4 85 97033 MAID OF MARS w 9 144 5 2 242s Pulled up Lambert J J L Johnston 25 3 13571014 97257 FIVE OCLOCK w 6 149 1 5 445 Lost riderThdykeF Flyfng Horse F S5 7 7 8512 8512Time Time 409 Track fast Winner Ch g by Wildair Bubble by All Gold trained by J Lambert bred by Mr H P Whitney Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 306 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start easilyRIDEAWAY poor and slow Won easily RIDEAWAY restrained in the early stages moved up with a rush on the outside in the final half mile and drew away HOLE HIGH followed the restrained and pace taking command with a rush tired there ¬ after SWANSEA fell at the thirteenth fence FIVE OCLOCK lost his rider at the eleventh and MAID OF MARS pulled up lame after the tenth fence THIRD RACE58 Mile Miss Star Sept 25 1922 57 2 107 Purse 1200 2 i yearolds Maidens Fillies Special weights Net value to winner 850 second June21o4Aqu 200 third 100 fourth 50 lades Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 9S783ROSEBLOOM WB 114 5 5 5S73191HIGH 2J lk 1 HunterJ G D Widener 1110 95 95 13 out S73191HIGH HAND II w 114 1 1 lk outlk 2J 22 WkmnR Dofwood Sta 65 75 45 15 out 97319 CLOUD SWEEPER WB 114 4 4 32 34 34 JonesR Brcastle Fm St 45 6 6 75 14 97319 GORON WB 114 2 22 2 5 4s 410 410GilbertJ GilbertJ W W Vaughan 20 40 30 8 3 94503 PARADISE MAID WB 114 6 6 66 5 511 MalleyT Mrs N Sherman 60 100 100 30 10 94377 QUEENS FLAG w 114 3 25Time 3 44 5 6 MeadeD Mrs L Viau 20 30 25 6 25 fastWinner Time 1005 Track fast Threlkeld Winner B f by Chicle Rowes Bud by Broomstick trained by A J Joyner bred by Mr W S ThrelkeldWENT WENT TO POST 335 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third the same ROSEBLOOM sameROSEBLOOM forced the pace from the start disposed of HIGH HAND II when ready and drew HIGH HAND II showed early speed and had no mishaps CLOUD SWEEPER closed a gap GORON away raced greenly QUEENS FLAG ran away an eighth before the start IURTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Ramoneur June 13 1927 117 3 107 Brookside OIOIA Purse Purse 1200 3yearolds Maidens and winners of one race Allowances June2134Aqu Net vaue to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 95333 ONLY ONE WB 115 11 6 14 I1 15 14 WorkmanRMrs L Howe 6 95374STAND PAT WB 115 8 8 2nk 22 2J 24 HumphsL P Corning 45910451316 8596532MAINE 97183 CLEVES WB 110 21 65 3k 52 34 HornF H C Phipps 8 10 8 3 85 96532MAINE CHANCE WB 115 7 7 44 62 34 4 PortcrE Nightingale Sta 8883 85 95041 PRECEPT WB 110 3 3 54 5lk 4k 54 MalleyT C H Thieriot 15 20 15 6 3 96952 REBEL YELL WB 115 4 11 10 105 91 6k WilsonJ R C Winmill 30 50 40 15 8 37321 EASY SAILING w 110 910 71 747 74 StoutJ Mrs J Galvin 20 30 30 12 6 96532 KOTERITO WB 115 10 9 3l 44 64 82 JonesR Greentree Sta 12 20 20 8 3 95704CHANCING WB 115 6 4 8 8k 8ak 95 MeadeD R L Gerry 57721 97114 CHILLY WB 110 5 5 94 91 1010 1015 MarshallT Ascot Stable 2001000500200100 89279 UNRULY 40Time VB 110 12 11 11 11 11 MonaJ J Simone 10020020080 40 Time 23J 47 112 119 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Lucullite Orissa by Purchase trained by P M Walker bred by Mr H F Sinclair WENT SinclairWENT TO POST 403 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart easilyONLY Start good and slow Won handily second and third easily ONLY ONE moved into command with a rush saved ground all the way and won handily STAND PAT closest to the pace from the start challenged gamely in the stretch but tired CLEVES saved ground and finished Well and was worked out to a mile and a half MAINE CHANCE moved up fast in the stretch PRECEPT had no mishaps KOTERITO had early speed REBEL YELL and CHANCING were crowded back at once evenlyScratched EASY SAILING raced evenly Scratched 940473Bright Phantom 110 867352Sonrisa 110 07 57 fk FIFTH RACE 1 Mile John P Grier June 25 1921 136 4 127 Purse 1000 3 oVvL yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 June2134Aqu Claiming price 2500 Index Horses Eqt A Wi PPSt Vi Str Fip Jockeys Owners 94981 PROUD GIRL v 106 6 1 I1 15 llk 2 1 JonesR Bcastle Fm St 5 6 lb5 45 25 2596621SAINTED 96621SAINTED B 107 5 5 2 2 25 1 24 HunterJ Ascot Stable 3 35 115 35 13 97336PROPAGANDIST 1397336PROPAGANDIST B 112 4 6 6 5k 34 31 3s LbergerE Mrs F J Heller 45 85 85 12 14 86477 KOZAK v06 1 2 54 6 54 5 41 PascmaA J J Robinson 20 25 25 8 4 94610REGO B 112 2 3 4l 44 44 42 5IS StevensF L Stroube 10 10 10 3 1 94557SHOT AND SHELL WB 103 3 4 31 3l 6 6 6 RaincyC F E Brown 10 15 8 25 1 Time 23 46 113 139 Track fast Winner B f by Man o War Exalted by High Time trained by R Roberts bred by Mr S D Riddle Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 428 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PROUD GIRL set the pace from the start saved ground all the way and held SAINTED safe to the end The latter closest to the pace from the start had no mishaps PROPAGANDIST was eased back early and taken wide into the stretch closed gamely KOZAK had no mishaps REGO quit in the stretch SHOT AND SHELL close up early tired badly at the end endOverweight Overweight Proud Girl 2 pounds Shot and Shell 2 QfTfiTfl SIXTH RACE 1 Mile John P Grier June 25 1921 136 4 127 Purse 1000 3 7 A 9 6 JL yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 June2134Aqu fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 97324SCOTCH SOLDIER w 4 116 6 4 7 7k ° k 6l 52 1 1s Wright WDW E Jones 90777JBIG SHOW WB 3 110 10 6 35 44 45 45 25 PortcrE Mrs T H SmVleS 4 185 75 710 9719rDUNFERN WB 6 116 11 12 8k 8 7 6 3k DcCamsE S Newhoff 788385 97324 PAPER PROFITS WB 3 102 9 3 22 2l 2425 41 LynchJ Mrs S H Fairbks20 30 30 12 6 97383 GL1DELIA w 6 111 8 2 1 lk 1 3lk 55 PascumaA J J Robinson 251351151 12 9719rBLONDINO 129719rBLONDINO WB 3 103 2 9 64 75 95 85 65 HuntcrJ Mrs H L Ughetta 30 40 40 15 8 97260JORPHEAN w 4 106 510 51 34 34 5lk 7 MerrittR M Howard 3L 5 45 8545 94357 PATRICE RUNYON WB 3 102 75 95 9l 6k 7ik 82 LitzbgcrEMrs F K Hastgs 10 12 12 5 25 97114 MAD EAGLE WB 3 102 4 1 4k 55 8l 91 91 RenickJ J V Stewart 50 10060 25 12 97324SISTER MADGE WB 4 104 12 11 12 12 12 11s 10 ThomasN Mrs J W Bean 50 60 60 25 12 97260UNION WB 4 116 3 7 10 10J 10 104 11s HumphsL L B Council 6 7 6 25 65 94292 KING HOLLIS WB 4 106 1 8 11 1111 12 12 MonaJ Mrs M McLghlin 200 200 20080 40 40Time Time 23 48 114 140 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Dress Parade Plaid by Wrack trained by W E Jones bred by Mr W M Dainger ficld Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 454 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slowl Won easily second and third driving SCOTCH SOLDIER moved into command when ready and drawing away won in hand BIG SHOW a factor all the way had no mishaps DUNFERN finished well from a slow start PAPER PROFITS and GLIDELIA oufrunScratched raced each other into defeat BLONDINO closed fast ORPHEAN quit UNION was oufrun Scratched 84961 Pillarita 1Q1 97113 White Flier 101 101Overweight Overweight Blondino 1 pound