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WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE 35c FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY PROSPERITYNEW NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYWINNERS WINNERS WINNERS WINNERSThis This new issue is just chock full of winners and we advise all readers to go at once to the dealer and get a copy of GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY Get it and cash in on horses like k kPRINCESS PRINCESS A Of 6580 WON WONwhich which was Tuesdays big Commission Horse Those are the kinds of winners you get when you buy Gold Seal Turf Weekly WeeklyYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAY PARLAYGOLD GOLD SIGNET 960 WON WONTRIPP TRIPP UP 720 WON WONWEDNESDAYS WEDNESDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAY SHOOT 1140 WON MARYNELL 960 WON WONDo Do you want to cash in on these kinds of winners every day Do you want to get this parlay Get this new issue and turn to page 5 and learn how to cash in on these limit parlays Do not hesitate Do not let 35 cents stop you from getting the finest weekly ever published publishedTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE CODELATONIA LATONIA August1 933512 933512TODAYS TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY PARLAYLATONIA LATONIA Use15232213 Use15232213WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Weekly11 26331 3 3EDITOR EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE CODELATONIA LATONIA May2662525 May2662525GOLDSEAL GOLDSEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W Madison St Suite 1207 Chicago III