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DETROIT TURF NOTES Judge Joseph A Murphy director of rac ing of the Detroit Racing Association stated Thursday morning that it was his intention of offering eight races daily and that any time it was possible to give eight races they would be programmed programmedWith With small fields in several of the races for Thursday eight races were programmed and when they all stood up Thursday morn ¬ ing the additional race was offered This will be the policy for the rest of the long season seasonApprentice Apprentice M Winters arrived from Chi ¬ cago and reported to Benny Creech CreechB B Haas will arrive here Monday report ¬ ing to the Eskay Stable StableThe The first of the three charity days to be given by the Detroit Racing Association one each at the spring summer and fall meetings will be held on Monday July 2 with the American Legion as the benefi ¬ ciary ciaryThe The state of Michigan has waived its license and admission fees on that day and application has also been made to the Fed ¬ eral government to waive its tax on admis ¬ sions The horsemen have been approached to run for smaller purses and the officials will work without pay Under these condi ¬ tions it is believed that a most substantial sum will be raised for the Legion and its various charities charitiesThe The members of the various Posts have arranged for a citywide ticket sale and it is expected that one of the largest crowds in the history of Detroit racing will be present presentJockey Jockey S Coucci leaves here Friday night for Aqueduct to ride Rose Cross in the TJwyer Stakes He returns here in time for Mondays program programGeorge George Keeton wired from Washington Park requesting stalls for six horses They will be sent here the last of the week weekNext Next Wednesdays program will be given over to members of the International Rotary Clubs who will be in convention here A 1500 handicap named in honor of the Inter ¬ national Rotary will feature the program Clarence E Lehr general manager is set ¬ ting aside a section of the grandstand for them