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TERMS 5 WEEKLY PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE YESTERDAYS PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE LADY LA MARNE 798 368 2ND We publish the results of this service regardless of whether they win or lose And we can afford to do this as we show a consistent number of winners A person follow ¬ ing this service must be a winner at the end of each week weekSUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE RELEASETERMS TERMS 5 FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE SERVICEInformation Information on one horse a day that is unexcelled by any service no matter how much they may charge you The information on todays horse comes exceptionally strong and we advise all readers to get it and cash a real good bet TODAYS CODE PARLAY WASHINGTON Reo17123511 LATONIA Packard26122626 TODAYS PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE WASHINGTON PARK Maryland43425742 Maryland43425742LLOYD LLOYD CO 109 N Dearborn St Suite 907 Chicago III