Fairmount Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-22


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FAIRMOUNT PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Sscond and Third Races at Failmount Park Thursday Paid 4884 for 2 COLLINSVILLE ILL THURSDAY JUNE 21 1334 Fairmount Park 1 mile Twentythird day Fair mount Jockey Club Summer meeting of 34 days Waitc Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission A G Weston Stewards J T Ireland and R A Leigh Judges R A Leigh Jr C C Campau and C Abbo Starter G R Wingficld Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago lime 330 p m V indicates wnip S spurs B blinkers Figures in paicnthcses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 1 Mile Irish Pal Sept 14 1927 138 2 90 Purse 400 4yesr olds and P ard Claiming Net value to winner 5300 second 65 third 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 600 Index Horn EijtA Wtllst U 1A = Sir Fin JoKevi EuiT Odds Strt D74SGSUN WORSHIP w 8 116 3 1 I1 1 P I3 1s KnishtM W E Turn TurnV9749SOUR 993100 V9749SOUR SANDY w 5 108 2 2 2 2s 2 24 2 ° Manifold Formil St 577100 St97351ABE 97351ABE FURST w 5 105 6 7 7 6s 4 = 43 31 EdwardsD W T Gro 553100 Gro9735DNANNY 9735DNANNY D w 4 108 5 5 31 31 31 3 4 ° SlullerDR M D Livii 648100 97C64 Livii97C64 JACK MURPHY w 6 110 7 6 6l 5 54 56 512 TildenR I E Burm 1895100 975725DR Burm975725DR Johnson37495CURLY LOUIS HAMMAN w 6 110 8 8 41 4k 62 63 62 HcrndczJ B Johnson 179100 37495CURLY HEAD wn 4 108 4 4 51 7 7 7 7 SmithFA J C Ellis 1006100 Ellis97432ROBERTA 100610097432ROBERTA 97432ROBERTA L w 7 103 1 3 Lost rider Martinez C N Finch 2349 2349100 2349100Time 100 Time 23 47 113 138 Track fast 52 KUTUELS PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS SUN 100OUR WORSHIP 2186 784 562 993 100 292 100 181 100 100ABE OUR SANDY 610 478 205 100 139 100 ABE FURST 3S4 97 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Sun Briar Hathor by Meddler trained by V Gallo bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winnci entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 231 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start drivingSUN good and slow Won easily second and third driving SUN WORSHIP took a good lead on the back stretch and won in hand OUR SANDY closest to the winner throughout was unable to get up ABE FURST challenged on the far turn but was not good enough NANNY D had no mishaps DR LOUIS HAMMAN lacked early speed ROBERTA L raced on the heels of JACK MURPHY on the first turn and unseated her rider riderCorrected Corrected weight Sun Worship 116 Dr Loiis Hamman 110 SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Blind Star June 16 1S34 54 2 111 Purse 400 or 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 25 fourth June2134FP 10 Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 4 Ibs Index llortfs Eqt A WtlPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Uwiiers Equiv Odds Strt 17416 RAFFLES PROBLEM WB 115 1 2 1 32 1 DycrJ Old Gold Stable 974100 B741G3BABY SWEEP wl5 8 7 7wn04 23 I3 22 ScurlockJ Mrs J C Gillem 91100 J7416 CLAMP wn04 6 4 4will 3 21 31 Manifoldll J F Clark Jr 906100 97416 UALL UALL972S4JACK will 9 8 8wl5 42 41 41 WilsonL J E Parks 3510100 972S4JACK CHEVIGNY w wl5 115 2 21 1 1w07 71 84 51 RenoT B Hernandez 1575100 15751003S903 3S903 = EARTH SHAKER w w07 107 7 79 9 9wu04 61 66 61 61 FryeJW H C La Munyon 4875100 487510097912BENEDICTION B7 91SBENEDICTION wu wu04 104 5 56 6 6will 8 T 71 MillcrG J Cattarinich 843100 843100B7416QUERY B7416QUERY w will 111 4 5 5wnlOS 9 99 9 85 MayerJ Miss E Biller 1312100 131210097491JACQUELINE 97491JACQUELINE D WB wnlOS 108 3 33 3 52 53 9 TildenR R T Watts 1601 1601100 100 100Time Time 23 48 55 Track fast 52 ilUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RAFFLES PROBLEM 2148 610 458 974 100 205 100 129 100 100BABY BABY 100CLAMP SWEEP 300 254 50 100 27 100 CLAMP 394 97 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Raffles Golden Art by Geld Enamel trained by J G Brown bred by Mr C Morris Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 259 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRAFFLES RAFFLES PROBLEM away fast was eased off the early pace until straightened out for the stretch drive and responding gamely to urging in the final eighth disposed of BABY SWEEP in the final strides The latter tired badly in the final eighth after rushing to the front from a slow beginning CLAMP weakened in the final stages UALL had no excuses JACK CHEVIGNY in close quarters rounding the far turn finished gamely The others were never serious factors factorsScratched Scratched 974162Spcts 112 RD RACE 5 12 Furlongs False Pride Sept 8 1928 105 4 106 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third June2134FP 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 600 Index Horses Ent A WtlPSt Va Str Kin Jcctys Equiv Oddi Strt 97287JBATTLIG KNIGHT WB 5 112 5 1 21 21 21 1J ManifoldH W A Mike 97411 ROSELAKE w 3 107 7 8 61 41 4C 23 MillerG S T Baxter Baxter97570ALAMAE 97570ALAMAE 73310007140DAUNTLESS wit 7 112 93 I1 I1 lk 32 DverJ Mrs W Cain 733100 07140DAUNTLESS MISS w3102 62 31 31 31 4s SmithFA Mrs A K Miller 1147100 1147100974933CHILLA 974933CHILLA LEE w3102 1 J 7 71 52 5 Moon R H Butts 1876100 97347 512410097215KANAL PRINCESS QUEEN w 4 112 86 5 52 63 64 MayerJ G W Googe 5124100 90810097349L1TTLE 97215KANAL w 3 107 2 4 4 61 71 7k FryeJW E K Bryson 908100 97349L1TTLE MARCELLE w 5 102 35 82 8 84 84 EdwdsD A Bellegarde 3180100 96650 MAXIMUM WB 1575100Time 6 112 49 9999 StulVrDR M D Livingston 1575100 Time 2V5 47 100 107 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100ROSELAKE BATTLING KNIGHT 410 312 236 105 100 56 100 18 100 100ALAMAE ROSELAKE 588 400 194 100 100 100 ALAMAE 312 56 100 Winner 100Winner Br K by Sir Gallahad III Chewink by Celt trained by J D Mikel bred lj Mr A B Hancock Winner entoed to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 323 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start drivingBATTLING good and slu Won easily second and third driving BATTLING KNIGHT under mild restraint reaching the final eighth disposed of ALAMAE easily and held ROSELAKE safe at the end The latter moved to the leaders while racing on the outside rounding tfie far turn and continued gamely when straightened out but was no match for the winner ALAMAE sprinted into the early lead and lacked speed when challenged in the final stages DAUNTLESS MISS had no excuses KANAL was through after the first quarter The others were never serious contenders contendersScratched Scratched 97347 Tlielma L 107 92972Dark Seeker 102 102Corrected Corrected weight Alamae 112 Kanal 107 CtrJfOQ FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Gay World Oct 14 1933 111 3 119 secondJune2134FP i JV Prn Purse 5500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second June2134FP 575 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 972E83ANNE L WB 6 10P 41 3 3 2 I1 SmithFA F Seremba 172100 17210097571GULFELANO 97571GULFELANO WB 4 113 74 41 5i 53 23 MoonR Mrs G F Jenkins 1310100 131010097219LUCKY 97219LUCKY PROSPERO WB 6 114 52 lk lk 1 3 ° SykesD D Christian 514100 51410097414GEORGE 97414GEORGE MAYPOLE WB 6 114 27 52 43 4 4k ° k 44 BogskiW J J Coughlin 321100 97303 THE MISSOURIAN w 3 108 3 5 6k 7 61 51 MayerJ M J Barrens 4795100 4795100973033MANE 973033MANE PACKARD WB 5 101 1 6 7 61 7 61 EdwardsD Mrs C B IrwJn 655100 65510097494TOLTEC 97494TOLTEC WB7113 6 3 24 24 31 7 ManifoldH M McLeod 1112100 1112100Time Time 23 46 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ANNE L 544 396 238 172 100 98 100 49 100 100GULFELANO GULFELANO 1046 616 423 100 208 100 100LUCKY LUCKY PROSPERO 344 72 100 Winner 100Winner B m by Repulse Unexpected by Irish Gentleman trained by F Seremba bred by Mr L C Keith Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST356 AT P9ST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameANNE ANNE L kept close up under restraint went to the outside for the drive and disposed of LUCKY LUCKYPROSPERO PROSPERO and held GULFELANO safe The latter racing in his best form finished with a rush LUCKY PROSPERO was used up early GEORGE MAYPOLE was unable ot reach the leaders TOLTEC quit in the final eighth eighthScratchcd97218 Scratchcd97218 Grand Champion 118 97414 Preferred 114 114Corrected Corrected weight The Missourian 108 Qr7 CfeQ FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Original race declared off ninth race run as fifth race upwardJure2134FP J7 A Jy Anaconda Sept 3 1927 151 J 4 104 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Jure2134FP Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 25 fourth 10 Claiming Claimingprice price 500 i Vi 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 97635MOROCCO w 9 107 7 7 4 45 31 21 llk ManifoldH E Robinowitz 321100 97572 BLIND HILLS WB 8 108 5 6 61 63 54 31 25 RenoT E Smith 161100 16110097635MARY 97635MARY McCARTHY WB 6 107 1 1 3 33 41 56 32 MillcrG I E Burnett 546100 97417 MY CHARLOTTE WB 4 107 43 21 21 2k 41 41 WilsonL Aberdeen Stable 3091100 309110097290TRUXTON 97290TRUXTON WB 6 10 6 4 I2 I3 I1 11 54 MoonR R T Watts 4765100 476510097636MISS 97636MISS UPSET WSB 5 102 8 9 9 9 9 81 61 EdwdsD A Bellegarde 2415100 97417 PARALOMA w 9 114 32 71 71 81 71 71 MillsJH C Lambert 3415100 97634 SKIBO WB 7 112 98 51 51 6 6l 82 DyerJ B Hernandez 1583100 1583100S7418OUR S7418OUR JOHNNY WB 6 108 2 5 81 81 7h 9 9 FryeJW R McDonald 803100 Time 24 48 113 140 153 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MOROCCO 842 368 282 321 100 84 100 41 100 100BLIND BLIND HILLS 306 258 63 100 29 100 100MARY MARY MCCARTHY 494 147 100 100Winner Winner B h by Tangicrs laurinn by Persimmon trained by G F Jenkins bred in England by Mr H J Kirwan Winner entered to be claimed for 500 WENT TO POST 424 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMOROCCO MOROCCO saved early went to the leaders with a rush on the far turn and outgamed BLIND HILLS HILLSJhe Jhe latter challenged gamely turning into the stretch but was unable to overtake the winner MARY MC ¬ CARTHY went to the outside for the drive MY CHARLOTTE showed good form TRUXTON tired in the final stages The others wera not factors factorsScratched Scratched 97350 Bob Woidcl 112 97573 Dr Billy 103 103Overweight Overweight Paraloma 2 pounds TT T SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Ironsides June 21 1930 141 5 106 Purse 2 a Jy 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 Jure2134FP third S35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 97414 MY IDEAL WB 6 112 1 5 I2 I2 I2 I2 1s SykesD D Christian 451100 451100S74S52NORTHERN S74S52NORTHERN SIR w 5 109 5 3 2 22 22 24 21 SmithFA I C Creson 547100 547100974152THE 974152THE BREAK WB 6 106 3 2 41 43 33 35 3 ManifoldH Shipp MacMaster 88100 97394 BOSTON COMMON WB 4 109 2 1 6 61 62 53 4 TildenR Miss M E Jones 1045100 97 3 THE TRAINER WB 3 105 6 7 51 54 4 43 55 DyerJ F lanni 2322100 371 JUDGE G WB 3 108 4 6 7 7 7 61 6s RenoT Miss D Ward 1896100 18961009674SBUG 9674SBUG HUNTER w 6 110 7 4 33 3 51 7 7 HilemanW Summit View Stable 5510100 Tima 23 47 112 138J 143 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MY IDEAL 1102 650 302 451 100 225 100 51 100 100NORTHERN NORTHERN SIR 494 254 147 100 27 100 100THE THE BREAK 222 11 100 100Winner Winner B m by Brumado Miss Braxtcd by Brnxted trained by D Christian bred by Messrs Cruiidcn Skinner Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 453 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMY MY IDEAL took the lead on the first turn and well rated increased her advantage easily in the final stages NORTHERN SIR unable to overtake the winner held THE BREAK safe The latter did not respond to urging BOSTON COMMON dropped out of it at once BUG HUNTER showed early speed speedOverweight Overweight Bug Hunter 4 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Boston Common 109 CfcTTdTfeTJ SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Ironsides June 21 1930 141 5 106 Jf 6 o J 3L Purse S400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to vinner 300 second Jure2134FP 65 third S25 fourth 10 Claiming price 500 97220 DISCOBOLUS w 5 113 27 3 4s 3 Tk lck DyerJ B Suhr 595100 9 628WAIT NOT w 4 103 72 43 31 21 22 21 MoonR R T Watts 303100 30310097352MORE 97352MORE POWER ws 6 103 10 12 11 11 Tl 64 32 LoweW Mrs F J Grand 241100 97413 DRAHA WB 8 108 12 6 52 5 53 51 42 RenoT Hunsaker Kirby 1586100 97563 EXPIATE w 7 108 9 4 2 2l 43 3 53 StullerDR C H Roberts 1601100 160110097573OPEN 97573OPEN GO SHUT w 9 110 5 5 75 84 81 T 63 HilemanW B M Stable 4872100 487210097363SENATOR 97363SENATOR MIKE WB 3 103 4 3 I2 1s I1 41 74 SmithFA Summit View Stable i i97573ANADNAB 97573ANADNAB w 6 108 11 61 61 61 8C 81 EdwardsD Mrs G W Norris t tS7060 S7060 4DAI OR T w 6 113 8 11 9 101 11 102 91 MillorG Dawson Allen 1206100 97573 DONUP WB 5 113 3 9 83 71 9J 91 10s WhalenO J Goedecke Jr 1896100 189610097563ROSY 97563ROSY DREAMS w 3 103 6 10 10 9JIOI 11 11 ManifoldH E Robinowitz 5510100 5510100972153AQUATIS 972153AQUATIS WB 5 103 11 8 Lost rider WilsonL J M McCombs 915100 915100jMutuel jMutuel field Time 23 A7 113 141 146 Track fast 2152 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DISCOBOLUS 1390 530 408 595 100 165 100 104 100 100WAIT WAIT NOT 492 296 146100 48100 48100MORE MORE POWER 298 49 100 100Winner Winner Ch h by Transmute Sun Disc by Sundridgc trained by H Cavanaugh bred by Messrs F D C Lc Bus Jr Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 523 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDISCOBOLUS DISCOBOLUS under restraint in the early stages slipped through on the inside turning into the stretch took a short lead reaching the final eighth and outgamed WAIT NOT in the final stages The latter moved into the lead with a rush reaching the final quarter but could not withstand the winner MORE POWER finished gamely on the outside DRAHA had no excuses SENATOR MIKE faltered in the drive AQUATIS stumbled reaching the clubhouse turn and unseated his rider riderScratchcd97573 Scratchcd97573 External 103 97413 Bag o Roses 103 97352 Water Fowl 113 97216 Mijo 103 97352 Seta 113 97139 Scope 98 98Overweight Overweight Open Go Shut 2 pounds Rosy Dreams 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Discobolus 113 Expiate 108 Draha 108 I EIGHTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Gay World Oct 14 1933 111 3 9rFfk V YlPJL4 119 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming DECLARED OFF = ra5r d I NINTH RACE 1 18 Miles Run as fifth race in place of original race declared off 9 9ra5r 6 4 VJ2 Anaconda Sept 3 1927 151 4 104 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward upwardClaiming Claiming

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934062201/drf1934062201_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1934062201_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800