Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-22


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LATONIA The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Latonia Thursday Paid 12180 for 2 LATONIA KY THURSDAY JUNE 21 1934 Latonia mile Twcntythird day Latonia Jockey Club j Inc Summer meeting of 37 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Presiding Steward C F Price Associate Stewards S H McMeckin S Goodpaster and E Hogge Placing Judges L C Bogenschutz H B Lindchberg and F Burton Starter W Hamilton Racing Sec ¬ retary L C Bogenschutz Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures iii parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horsp and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds T7 pounds 10 pounds CfefTfQfh FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bradleys Peggy June 27 1927 105 2 115 Purse 100June2134Lst oVvR 5600 2ysaroIds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 June2134Lst tnird 35 fourtnj 15 claiming price 1200 if for less 2 ibs allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA VVtllSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97400 NEWELL WB 111 1 1 P P 1 I1 TaylorD J W Parrish 140100 98274 EDITH W WB 108 89 85 6V r 21 ArnoldG C E Hamilton 1660100 97477 AMAZEMENT w 108 2 7 51 2 2s 33 SeaboG Jones McCoy 340100 97552 JUDGE BARKLEY will 95 3 4J 5 4J FowlerD H H Gano 470100 470100973325MY 973325MY PETER WB 111 10 10 10 8 T 53 LoumanH H C Ragan 540100 97202 MINT BABY w 111 3 2 22 3s 3 63 CanfieldL J L Carrick 4980100 49801009S274GYANA 9S274GYANA w 103 6 4 4 71 85 T ClellandP L Jones Son 3610100 97555 MISS JAP w03 75 71 5 4 8s VailS Mrs C Grayson 2350100 97395 BLANCHE C w 112 4 8 9l 10 9 9 MaierF A Aufderhaar 15140100 97045 MID WOOD w 111 5 3 61 9l 10 10 DuffyH Wr F Kncbclicamp 28870100 28870100Time Time 235 47 101 1082 Track fast 52 MTJTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NEWELL 480 360 260 140 100 80 100 30 100 100EDITH EDITH W 1180 500 490 100 150 100 100AMAZEMENT AMAZEMENT 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Craigangower Cloche by Pennant trained by J G Goode bred by Mr J W Par ¬ rish Winner entered to be clainieii for 31000 WENT TO POST 217 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingNEWELL NEWELL away fast sprinted into a commanding lead continued gamely and held sway to the end EDITH W improved her position gradually and closed strongly but was overmatched AMAZEMENT fractious at the post delayed the start began slowly from the outside and tired in the closing stages after being rushed into contention JUDGE BARKLEY had no mishaps MY PETER closed a gap MINT BABY quit GYANA had early speed MISS JAP went well to the stretch BLANCHE C was almost through leaving the back stretch CJB7 Q SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Jj secondJune2134Lat J OOJL purse 600 3ysarolds and upward Claiming Net value to vinner 450 second June2134Lat 5100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 EqtA WtlPSt i Str Kin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt w6102 71 P P P PI ClellandP A Easton 97478IMELDA w5102 33 4 S 21 TaylorD JNeel 290100 29010097479WHY 97479WHY NOT WB3108 66 64 41 414l 4l 3 SchuttcII M J Wellman 180100 18010097269DOUBLE 97269DOUBLE DATE w 4 110 12 7l 55 34 4s FmnortyR Mrs J Heupel 320100 3201009SS34 9SS34 SIR KOSTER wsSlOS 5 5 5 T 5 56 CraigA Mrs A Van den Ende 1180100 118010097126MERU 97126MERU WB 3 1021 8 7 2l 21 61 6s VailS J Shakespeare 10260100 97553 PROUD PRINCESS w 4 107 4 4 3 6 7 71 FowlerG I Kort 1190100 87024 ANITA MAE WB 3 100 28 8 8 8 8 GruberV B W L Stivers 6520100 6520100Time Time 23 47 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BUSY VEN 2260 760 300 1030 100 280 100 50 100 100IMELDA IMELDA 400 240 100 100 20 100 100WHY WHY NOT 220 10 100 100Winner Winner Ch m oy Busy American Vendell by Colonel Vennie trained by D R Riddle bred by Mr J B Respess Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 v VENT TO POST 250 OFF AT ONCE Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving BUSY VEN had the most speed set the pace restrained and easily held IMELDA safe The latter in close quarters to the stretch challenged gamely when clear but was not good enough WHY NOT was rushed into contention after threeeighths but tired when hard urged DOUBLE DATE began slowly saved ground but tired after moving up SIR KOSTER bad no mishaps MERU MERUshowed showed early speed PROUD PROCESS was outrun ANITA MAE showed nothing Overweight Mcru 2 pounds Corrected weight Proud Princess 107 OfTfilQO THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bradleys Peggy June 27 1927 105 2 115 Purse 100June2134Lat y a lJ O Oa a 600 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 June2134Lat third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1200 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses KqtA XVI 1PSt Str Fin Jockeys EquiT Odds Strt 97400 TRIPP UP w 115 7 6 21 25 P P SouthG R L Stivers 260100 97477 BUTfERFLY w 108 81 HP 24 2i LoumanH J B Rcsposs 550100 550100970451SQUIRE 970451SQUIRE BOB w 105 9 5 61 41 31 34 ClclndP Porter Ferguson 410100 97332 SLANT EYE w 111 5 2 4i 61 41 41 ArnoldG W S Bruce 4440100 4440100wlOCj 97332SILVER BLUE wlOCj 410 8 8 1s 53 TaylorD A J Bellew 450100 45010032Ufliia 32Ufliia uuiMiiAni WB 108 24 7l 71 51 6 YeltonR Cattell Stable 2400100 240010097270GRAND 97270GRAND POISE w03 33 31 3l 6 = 7s FinnrtyR L H Bartoa 1160100 1160100ALBESS ALBESS wlOS 69 10 9 = 8 82 SchuttcH A C Ernst 520100 97015 GOLD RESERVE will 17 91010 91 PottsO H W Steele 39760100 39760100BROADSIDE BROADSIDE KING w 111 10 8 51 5 9 10 MeycrJ L Stivers 15490100 15490100Time Time 24 49 102 109 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TRIPP UP 720 460 280 260 100 130 100 40 100 100BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY 560 360 180 100 80 100 100SQUIRE SQUIRE BOB 320 60 100 100Vinner Vinner B g by Lee 0 Cotncr Lady Fair Play by Fair Play trained by R L Stivers bred bv Messrs W L and L II Lewis and R W Collins Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 316J AT POST 5 minutes Start cood and flow Won easily second and third driving drivingTRIPP TRIPP UP raced BUTTERFLY into defeat and drawing out fast won in hand The latter showed good speed to the stretch where she tired SQUIRE BOB improved his position gradually in a good performance SLANT EYE in close quarters leaving the back stretch finished gamclyj SILVER BLUE slow to get going closed a gap MISS CONTRARY was outrun GRAND POISE quit BROADSIDE KING showed early speed ALBESS was always far back f L Continued on twentyfirst page LATONIA LATONIAContinued Continued from twentieth page Q7f CO FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 secondJune2134Lat M Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second June2134Lat 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fia Jockeys Equly Odds Strt 97122 100010096803EARL SCOTLAND BEAUTYws 5 110 24 4l 44 2 I1 CraigA Mrs A Van den Ende 1000100 96803EARL BAKER WB 4 107 4 2 11 14 14 24 TaylorD T M Botts 70100 97269 36010097479OUR POLAS FLAG w 3 103 i 3 1 21 21 34 31 CarrollW Chappel Bros 360100 97479OUR GALE w 3 100 6 3 3J 3k 4Z 4 ClellandP T JAbrams 1770100 1770100973955BLATOLA 973955BLATOLA WB 6 112 55 51 54 5 5 ElstonG J Corceller Jr 460100 96892CLARE 46010096892CLARE BEE WB 5 104 16 666 6 HardyG P J Valenti 7070100 7070100Time Time 23 48 114 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SCOTLAND 100EARL BEAUTY 2200 620 380 1000 100 210 100 90 100 EARL 100POLAS BAKER 280 220 40 100 10 100 POLAS FLAG 300 50 100 Winner 100Winner Ch m by Paicines Elizabeth M by Jack Atkin trained by A Van den Ende bred by Mr C W Hay Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 345 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SCOTLAND sameSCOTLAND BEAUTY outrun for threeeighths gained steadily thereafter disposed of EARL BAKER in the stretch and won drawing out The latter sprinted to the front soon after the start continued gamely to the final eighh where he weakened and gave way without strong resistance POLAS FLAG weakened in the stretch OUR GALE failed to keep up under strong pressure BLATOLA and CLARE BEE were outrun Scratched outrunScratched 97336 Home Rule 100 100Overweight Overweight Polas Flag 3 pounds Clare Bee 2 Q7fiS4 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Purse June2134Lat i oToiTi 560 ° 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 thirdj 535 fourth 15 claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys EquiT Odds Strt 97482 LADY PAL w 3 105 1 2 P 14 14 I2 CanfieldL Darnaby Thompson 220100 97124BROADCASTER w 3 110 5 5 21 23 24 2a ElstonG Laffoon Yeiser 150100 150100WB3110 97274 CAW CAW WB3110 2 3 34 31 31 32 FowIerG Mrs K Ramsey 420100 97557MARIE JEAN WB 4 107 3 4 42 44 4 44 PulleyC F P Letellier 460100 971722MULIA 460100971722MULIA IRENE WB 3 100 41 555 5 ClellandP J F ONcil 2390100 Time 23 47 11 3J Track fast 52 KUTUELS PAID rOFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100BROADCASTER LADY PAL 640 280 220 220 100 40 100 10 100 BROADCASTER 100CAW 280 220 40 100 10 100 CAW CAW 280 40 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Sun Pal Lady Supreme by Supremus trained by A L Darnaby bred by Mr C R Thompson Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POSTr POSTrOgj Ogj AT POST minute minuteStart Start drivingLADY good and stow Won ridden out second and third driving LADY PAL hustled into the early lead continued in front throughout but was under brisk urging to hold BROADCASTER safe The latter closest up from the start challenged gamely but was not good enough goodenough CAW CAW tired after threeeighths MARIE JEAN raced evenly JULIA IRENE was outrun Q7f Oer SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Mike Hall Oct 20 1927 140 3 103 Frank June2134Lat i nVn fort Purse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 5525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 97554JWAR 181010097483RED PLEDGE WB3106 555 5 41 14 121 LoumanH Bianchi Scott 1810100 97483RED BASIL wB3106 4 2 4 4l 3k 2k 22 SchutteH J Shakespeare 860100 97048AMAZING 86010097048AMAZING WB 4 112 1 4 lk lk lk 3k 34 SeaboG Mrs A W Wallin 120100 97481 SOUTHLAND DUKE w 3 105 3 3 21 2l 2k 4 41 FowlerG F P Letellier 220100 22010097483JMY 97483JMY GENTLEMAN WB 4 112 2 1 3b 3k 5 5 5 ElstonG W M Ingram 400100 Time 242 48 113 139 144 Track fast 52 MUXUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WAR PLEDGE 3820 1700 680 1810 100 750 100 240 100 RED 100RED BASIL 1000 420 400 100 110 100 100AMAZING AMAZING 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Crusader Polly Pledge by Archaic trained by 0 A Bianchi bred by Mr H B Scott WENT TO POST 432 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and sloWj Won easily second and third driving WAR PLEDGE outrun to the stretch came fast thereafter wore down the leaders and won in hand RED BASIL a keen contender throughout closed gamely but was no match for the winner AMAZING quit after setting the pace to the stretch head SOUTHLAND DUKE failed to keep up under strong pressure MY GENTLEMAN was done after going a half mile mileOverweight Overweight War Pledge 1 pound Red Basil 1 OTftQft SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 142 3 115 Purse 600 thirdJune2134Lat 4 ftJJ 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third June2134Lat 535 fourth 515 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EiftA WtPPst i Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijuir Odds Strt 972752LITTLE CONNELLY WB 4 109 2 3 I2 14 14 1 I1 SouthG R L Stivers 220100 220100Shady 972753CHAUVENET 4 109 1 1 22 21 32 2 21 SpineN Shady Brook Farm Stable 3250100 3250100w3107 97554HEPSEYS BEAU w3107 5 5 4 34k 4 31 SchutteH McGinnis Smith 390100 974832LADY MACAW w 3 102 4 6 6 4 21 31 44 CanfieldL Darnaby Thompson 670100 670100WB3102 972052LEN HELKER WB3102 6 2 51 5 51 52 54 TaylorD Mrs D Richards 200100 200100w 97483lGRANIA w 4 104 34 3 6 6 6 6 ClellandP D Lehan 1320100 Time 24 489 114 140 147J Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LITTLE CONNELLY S 640 440 460 220 100 120100 130 100 100CHAUVENET CHAUVENET 900 480 350 100 140 100 100HEPSEYS HEPSEYS BEAU 400 100 100 100Winner Winner B f by Hephaistos Polly Connelly by Disguise trained by R L Stivers bred by Mr L A Lyne Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 457 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingLITTLE LITTLE CONNELLY sprinted to the front at once and withstanding a long drive outlasted CHAUVENET The latter challenged gamely but failed to overhaul the winner under strong pressure HEPSEYS BEAU never far back moved up in the stretch and swerved badly LADY MACAW prominent after half a inilej moved up on the stretch turn and tired LEN HELKER raced poorly Corrected weight Little Connelly 109 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT LATONIA Thursday 3 Races 9980 5 Races 15900 7 Races 27120

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Local Identifier: drf1934062201_20_1
Library of Congress Record: