Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-22


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CONNAtJGHT PARK OTTAWA ONT THURSDAY JUNE 21 1934 Connaught Park 1 mile Second day Connaught Park Jockey Club First summer meeting of 7 days Cattarinich Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association J G Reeder Stewards for Connauglit Park E Baker and J K Paisley Judges W J Moirison E C St Pcre W G Gillholey and L N Bate Starter W Ritchoy Racing Secretary T P Gorman Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds CrrFf O FIRST RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Pursa 50June2134CP 4 i SJal 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 June2134CP thjrd 30 fourth 10 Index Hornes li I A VftllSl 4 Str Kin Jorteys Ownen EqnU Oddn Slrl 9S910VANDIS w3111 63 15 I1 14 14 EamesC M Olive 362MOC 97499 JOLLY GAL w 3 101 7 1 34 2k25 25 SylvesterJ Mrs J E Hughes 680100 96738 DUNLAVIN WB 3 107 3 8 6442 3l 3dk WoodJ J E Tanscy 9510G 9510G97422SURANTO 97422SURANTO w 5 105 1 7 8 8 52 4J PcdenH Miss M Davis 49510G 98577 HAPPY LADY w 3 103 5 5 4lk 35 4l 5 = 5 CaseF Mrs A Tancy 183510C 97355 JUSTOLD w 3 100 4 4 T 74 72 6s HornG V CarmichacI 371510Q 97357 BY HERSELF w 5 109 86 55 55 6 7l GucrraJ Mrs C Middleton 197010Q 97071 MATTY w 5 103 22 2 6 5 8 8 FrankH Mrs C Graves 5225100 5225100Time Time 25 50 11 6 5 Track heavy 2 MUTtiELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VANDI5 925 395 255 3621 100 974 100 274 100 JOLLY 100JOLLY GAL 520 295 160 100 474 100 100DUNLAVIN DUNLAVIN 235 17 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Dis Donc Vaniva by Ballot trained by M Olive bred by Regan Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 700 WENT TO POST 302 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving VANDIS VANDISaf af ay fast took command in the first quarter drew away on the turn and won in hand JOLLY GAL forced the pace and outlasted DUNLAVIN The latter was away slowly but moved up on the inside on the back stretch and going to the outside in the stretch closed a big gap SURANTO finished resolutely MATTY had early speed BY HERSELF tired badly HAPPY LADY went evenly Scratched 97069 Vicki 103 Overweight Vandis 4 pounds Jolly Gal 1 Happy Lady 5 By Herself 3 Matty 2 Q77A SECOND RACE 58 Mile Aquatis June 4 1933 100 2 113 Junior Purse Purse y 6 4 1P ttlrth 400 2yearolds Claiming Net valiie to winner 310 second 50 third 30 June2134CP Sin Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equh Odds Strt 97072MARYLITCH w 116 61 I1 I1 125 1 HorvathK Mrs L A Daly 871100 97072 JUST MARIE wulll 1 2 21 l 24 24 HornG P F Stoltz 1375100 97358 SILENT DON WB 1124 6 52 41 3 3IkPasseroJ C Bisulca 745100 7451009S653 9S653 REPROACH will 3 3 4l 54 45 44 MarshioB JD Holland 525100 52510097358JNILREBO 97358JNILREBO w 114 5 4 35 35 5s 5 MitchellM R Robertson 210100 97358 ROBE vlC9 25 66 6 6 RallsC G Phillip 3280100 Time 26 51 104 Track heavy ODDSMARYLITCH 2 MUTTJELS PAID S r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MARYLITCH 100JUST 375 330 250 87J 100 65 100 25 100 JUST 100SILENT MARIE 790 395 295 100 97 100 SILENT DON 285 424 100 Winner 100Winner Gr f by Royal Canopy Gallops by Wrack trained by L A Daly bred by Messrs Byers Bros Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 WENT TO POST 328 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start drivingMARYLITGH good and slow Won handily second and third driving MARYLITGH away fastest was rated along in the lead then drew out in the final quarter JUST MARIE forced the pace from the start continued gamely but was overmatched SILENT DON slow to get going closed a big gap REPROACH raced evenly NILREBO outrun eaily moved up menacingly entering the stretch but tired when hard urged Qf77fA THIRD RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Purse 50June2134CP 6 f ± 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 June2134CP third 30 fourth 10 Eqt A Wt PPSt A Str Tin Joekeys Owners EqniT Odds r trt 9742rCHILE GOLD w5116 31 15 15 15 15 LaurinL F Choquette ChoquetteW7115 265100 97422SQUEAKY W7115 9 6 3 35 4l 2l PedenH R Primrose Primrosew7116 525100 967411BOLD ROBIN w7116 2 4 4l 61 35 31 HornG M P Register RegisterWB 420100 97293 IRISH PEARL WB 5 111 10 10 55 4k 6 44 GibsonH G H Newton Newtonv4120 4690100 97356 GOLIDIAN v4120 72 6k 54 2k 55 PeakeH Mrs F Russell RussellWB 925100 97500 TRICYCLE WB 5 120 59 10 85 75 6k DugganR M Wildu 1535100 97499JSECOND STORY WB 3 113 8 3 24 24 5k 75 RallsC J M Bell Bell9l 305100 96933 CYRANO WB8116 1 8 9l 92 8 85 PasseroJ W N Henderson 3935100 97503CHIPOLA WB5115 4 7 7 74 9 91 WatsonG 0 Burgess 1760103 97500 DRESS CIRCLE w3110 65 84 10 10 10 HorvthK G Patterson 3415 3415100 Time 24 49 118J Track heavy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHILE ODDSCHILE GOLD 730 395 325 265 100 974 100 62 624 100 SQUEAKY 145 100 774 100 BOLD ROBIN 55 100 Winner Ch g by Chilhowee Solid Gold by Theo Cook trained by A Collins bred by Swingalong Stable 5600WENT arid Mr T Youric Winner entered to be claimed for 5600 WENT TO POST 359 AT POST minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CHILE GOLD away fast went into command at once raced SECOND STORY into defeat and with ¬ standing challenges outlasted SQUEAKY The latter raced forwardly throughout closed gamely through the stretch and was slowly wearing down the winner BOLD ROBIN savedground all the way IRISH PEARL was on the outside throughout GOLIDIAN moved up on the inside entering the stretch and tired SECOND STORY tired badly TRICYCLE closed a big gap Scratched gapScratched 97421 Hogarty 116 97356Mintmagi 120 97421Golden Storm 116 97421 Visa 111 96088 Blue John 116 116Overweight Overweight Dress Circle 1 pound F7F7 ftZ FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Hull o oV Citv Prse Purse S400 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net June2134CP value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnlT Odds Strt 97419LOGWOOb WB 5 111 13 3l 25 15 I1 GibsonH G Foisy 97498 WEE TODDLER II w8109 24 I2 15 21 24 SylvesterJ W T Trenholme 97501SWEEPVALE WB 3 97 4 6 525 35 31 35 WatsonG M Chaplin 180100 97419 FATAL GIFT w6 108 71 45 4l 4l 4l MarshioB Mrs G Green 1960100 97419 MISS JOHNSTON w 3 100 5 8 8 51 65 55 HornG G Easthope 4790100 974982PAR 4790100974982PAR EXCELLENCE w 7 111 35 7S5 8 55 6s GwynneJ Mrs J C Stillman 985 100 97639 OPTICAL WB 9 113 6 7 61 6 7 710 HallibnW Mrs C H Conyers 2635100 97353 DON SWEEP w 3 103 100Time 8 2 2k 7k 8 8 FellowsF J C Padgett 4385 100 Time 25 50 117 Track heavy S2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LOGWOOD 100WEETODDLERII 970 410 245 385 100 105 190 22i 100 WEETODDLERII 300 230 50100 15100 SWEEPVALE 235 174 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Cudgel Lotto by Hilarious trained by C Robillard bred by Mr J Cattarinich Winner entered to be claimed for 700 WENT TO POST 425 AT POST minute minuteStart drivingLOGWOOD Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving LOGWOOD rated close up for half a mile went around the leader entering the stretch and won drawing away WEE TODDLER II fast drew into the lead away at once set the pace but was not good enough in the drive SWEEPVALE saved ground all the way and had no mishaps FATAL GIFT raced evenly DON SWEEP tired badly PAR EXCELLENCE closed a big gap in the final quarter Scratched quarterScratched 97501 Die Cast 105 Overweight Wee Toddler II 3 pounds Fatal Gift 5 Miss Johnston 3 Don Sweep 4 H RACE 1 Mile WilkesBarre Aug 29 1924 139 4 108 Province of Que bec Raci9 Association Purse Purse 500 June2134CP irrr 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net Valua to winner 310 second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtlPst 4 J i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiy Odds Strt 97424 AIRWAY WB 6 118 1 6 6l 52 34 3s 1 HorvathK H L W Sauer 305100 97423COUSIN Sauer97423COUSIN GEORGE WB 3 114 5 5 52 35 15 I1 2 HallibnW Mrs W H Denham 150100 972962HARLEM WB6113 3 2 41 2 2 2 3 HornG A L Taylor 295100 974933DARK ALTOS WB5111 2 1 2 45 5k 45 44 PeakeH A II Thompson 485100 975003CORNELIA CLARA w 4 111 6 7 7 7 6 52 5 GwynneJ Mrs J C Stillman 3625100 97420 FORCEFUL WB 3 111 4 4 31 1 44 64 6s GuerraJ J Cattarinich 1940100 SOULTAN 1940100SOULTAN GIRL w 3 106 100Time 7 3 I1 65 7 7 7 SylvesterJ Mrs H Smith 6180 6180100 100 Time 26 51 118 144J Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS AIRWAY 810 425 250 305 100 1121 100 25 100 COUSIN GEORGE 345 235 724 100 174 100 HARLEM 240 20 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Waygood Round the World by Lackford trained by L C Sauer bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to b claimed for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 453f AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same AIRWAY sameAIRWAY slow to get going improved his position in the back stretch moved up on the inside in the stretch and outlasted COUSIN GEORGE The latter saved early took command entering the stretch and hung on gamely HARLEM forced the pace from the start DARK ALTOS raced evenly CORNELIA CLARA closed a gap FORCEFUL tired badly badlyOverweight Overweight Cornslia Clara 2 pounds Continued on twentyfirst page CONNAUGHT PARK PARKContinttffi Continttffi from thirteenth page The Daily Double on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races at Connaught Park Thursday Paid 6655 for 2 QTTftT SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sunvir June 12 1930 143 4 115 Purse 400 J 4 4 4 3vearolds 3yearolds and ucward upward Claimina Claiming Net value to winner S310 310 second 50 third June2134CP 30 fourth 10 Index Horeei BqtA VVtlPBl 14 Sir Fin Joekeys Owners ttui Odd Strt 97502 AIR KING v 5 112 4 4 3l 34 14 I2 I4 PoakeH R Russell 3771100 94112 CHIEFS TROUBADRw 5 112 1 2 242 4k 2k 24 LaurinL Mrs W H Denharc Denharc97355HASOLA 115100 97355HASOLA w5Hl 3 3 14 I1 21 34 31 HorvthK 0 Viau Viau97503PHIL 255100 97503PHIL R w 7 112 66 4k 52 5s 4 4 RallsC C J Wenslcy 845100 97422 FLYG AMBASDOR w 7 112 5 5 51 4 31 58 5s MarshioB P M Sturm 1895100 97359MACK DOR w9l07 216666 6 PedcnH Mrs F H Dowd 1940100 Time 25 51 118 144 149 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS AIR KING 955 330 250 377 100 65 100 25 100 CHIEFS 100CHIEFS 100HASOLA TROUBADOR 280 235 40 100 174 100 HASOLA 245 22 100 100Winner Winner B g by Mackenzie II Queen of the Air by Transvaal trained by R Russell bred by Messrs Morris Walden Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 523 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving AIR KING rated close to the pace the first half mile moved up with a rush on the outside rounding the far turn and drew out in the last quarter mile to win with speed in reserve CHIEFS TROUBADOR forced the pace from the start dropped back approaching the quarter post and came again through the stretch under punishment HASOLA set the early pace but tired in the last quarter mile PHIL R went evenly JACK DOR had early speed speedScratched Scratched 97658 Kaf fa 107 QTTffcG SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sunvir June 12 1930 143 4 115 Purse 50June2134CP J 4 4 wo 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 June2134CP third 530 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtlPst 3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 97424LEAROYD w 4 118 4 2 11 11 1s I3 1s LaurinL C M Stable 2121100 212110097642RISNEUR 97642RISNEUR WB 4 110 2 6 31 22 21 21 21 RallsC Mrs H R Smith 405100 97224 DAUDET WB 4 113 3 4 5 3k 3 = 1 3 = 1 3s WilsonT T J Martell 395100 395100974242COVENTRY 974242COVENTRY QUEEN w 4 110 5 3 4 4 41 43 42 HburnW C O Ferguson 1925100 97070 ARSON w 3 107 7 8 8 71 5i 5J1 55 MarshioB J D Rolland 1795100 179510097500rSIR 97500rSIR MICHAEL WB 4 108 6 5 7 65 62 62 64 MitchcllM E Bowie 1680100 96990 MUSING w 6 108 1 1 64 8 72 75 71 WoodJ C Ferraro Jr 425100 42510097420DORSAYS 97420DORSAYS w 4 110 8 7 2i 51 8 8 8 WatsonG R Robertson 935100 935100Time Time 24 49 115 142 148 Track heavy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LEAROYD 100RISNEUR 625 570 355 212J 100 185 100 77 100 RISNEUR 545 500 1721 100 150 100 100DAUDET DAUDET 405 102 109 109Winner Winner Br g by Mars The Nurse by Yankee trained by A Duplessis bred by Mr W M Jeffords Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 WENT TO POST 550J AT POST 3J minutes drivingLEAROYD Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving LEAROYD away fast sprinted into the lead on the first turn was rated along in the load and drawing away under urging won handily RISNEUR raced close up throughout and closed gamely but was over ¬ matched DAUDET raced evenly COVENTRY QUEEN could not reach the leaders ARSON closed a eap DORSAYS showed early speed but quit badly SIR MICHAEL raced evenly Overweight Arson 1 pound Corrected weight Risneur 110

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Local Identifier: drf1934062201_13_3
Library of Congress Record: