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CONNAUGHT PARE The Daily Double on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races at Connaught Park Saturday Paid 5815 for 2 OTTAWA OUT SATURDAY JUNE 23 1934 Connauglit Park 1 mile Fourth day Connaught Park Jockey Club First summer meeting of 7 days Cattarinich Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association J G Reedcr Stewards for Connaught Park E Baker and J K Paisley Judges W J Morrison E C St Pere W G Gillholey and L N Bate Starter W Ritchcy Racing Secretary T P Gorman Racing starts at 300 p m Chicago time 200 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicatcs apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QrTQCrf FIRST RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Purse winnerJune23o4CP oVVvT S4GO 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner June23o4CP 310 second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Indei norses EqtA WtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv Oddi Strt 97501ROSELYS w 7 112 2 1 1 24 22 ltk WilsonT 0 Burgess 120100 97641 COLORED ARTIST WB 4 112 5 6 31 lk 14 22 MitchclIM A Gauthier 295100 29510097639MASQUE 97639MASQUE MAR w 3 103 4 4 2 3 35 31 HallibnW L Suprcnant 820100 96453 LADY WORTHMORE w 4 112 65 41 41 5i 41 ParkerW J C Stillman 4915100 97087 STAR CREST wn 7 113 72 5l 5 = 1 4 5J GwynneJ Mrs B Fisher 1260100 126010097705SWEEPVALE 97705SWEEPVALE WB 3 103 3 3 6s 62 6 6s FellowsF M Chaplin 495100 97423 DEARZIN WB 3 112 17 7777 BalzartcW R C Utz 1180100 1180100Time Time 24 49 11 6 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODT1S ROSELYS 440 280 250 120 100 40 100 25 100 100COLORED COLORED ARTIST 295 260 474 100 30 100 100MASQUE MASQUE MAR 340 70 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Roselyon French Miss by Malamont trained by H Dryden bred by Mr C Rob son Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 302 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameROSELYS ROSELYS away fast and rated along in front for half a mile was allowed to drop back on the turn into the stretch came again in the final eighth and won going away COLORED ARTIST slow to get going and rushed into the lead in the first threeeighths tired in the drive MASQUE MAR a factor throughout had no mishaps LADY WORTHMORE raced evenly STAR CREST showed good form DEARZIN was away slowly slowlyScratched Scratched 97777Foggy Dew 103 97295 Easter Dandy 113 Ovorweiglit Star Crest 1 pound v Corrected weight Swecpvale 103 QTOCrrr SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 secondJune2334CP i V Vrt rt Purse 5400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second June2334CP 50 third 30 fourth 10 In dps Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odd Strt 96741SINGLE STAR WB 10 109 3 2 1J3 1J 1 PI RallsC C J Wensley 971100 97110097708COVENTRY 97708COVENTRY QUEEN w 4 104 7 3 6k 6 41 2 WatsonG C 0 Ferguson 685100 68510097500ELEUSAGON 97500ELEUSAGON w 7 109 51 21 2ll 2i 3 JelloyE G W OConnor 1480100 148010097225YANKEE 97225YANKEE DOODLE wn 7 114 44 31 4b 31 41 CaseF N K Moody 335100 33510097706HARLEM 97706HARLEM WB 6 109 2 7 51 5J 7 5l HornG A L Taylor 745100 97640 AUTHORITY w 4 111 6 5 77 5 6s LaurinL C M Stable 1095100 97706 FORCEFUL WB 3 111 16 41 31 61 7 HanauerC J Cattarinich 2365100 2365100Time Time 24 48 117 Track fast 2 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS SINGLE STAR 395 310 270 974 100 55 100 35 100 100COVENTRY COVENTRY QUEEN 515 320 157 100 60 100 100ELEUSAGON ELEUSAGON 390 95 100 100Winner Winner B m by Out the Way Teetotal by Irish Lad trained by J A Rennie bred by Mr H R Dulany Winner entered to bo claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 338 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingSINGLE SINGLE STAR away fast and rated in front drew away entering the stretch and won in hand COVEN ¬ TRY QUEEN slow to act going improved her position on the outside and closed gamely through the stretch ELEUSAGON forced the pace from the start and tired in the final eighth YANKEE DOODLE well placed throughout could not reach the leaders HARLEM closed a gap through the stretch FORCEFUL quit badly AUTHORITY could not reach the leaders leadersOverweight Overweight Authority 2 pounds QrTQCTQ THIRD RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Purse 50June2334CP J 4 O JO 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 June2334CP third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97704 IRISH PEARL WB 5 110 8 3 I1 21 1 I1 GibsonH G H Newton 4521100 97776 IMAGALE w 4 109 10 1 2l llk 21 21 FatorE L Giroux 595100 595100976403TIME 976403TIME ENOUGH w 6 112 9 2 31 321 34 3s EamesC Mrs W Ryan 285100 97704 CYRANO WB 8 112 64 41 4k 41 41 PasseroJ W N Henderson 2770100 97702 MATTY w 5 107 1 7 5lk 51 51 5 WoodJ Mrs C Graves 5465100 5465100974992IRISH 974992IRISH MAIDEN WB 6 107 5 9 81 61 61 61 CaseF W B MacDonald 160100 96465 POPCORN WB 5 112 48 9 9 9 71 PcakeH Mrs F Russell 2210100 96572 REFLECTING w5112 26 61 82 7h 84 MooreR W Scott 1960100 97069 FAIR CHARTER w 5 107 3 5 72 71 81 9 DugganR Mrs J McElroy 4210100 97643 VENNIE H w 4 112 710 Pulled up Sylvester J E Brown 3970100 3970100Time Time 25 50 116 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAT BOOKING ODDS IRISH PEARL 1105 815 460 452J 100 307f 100 130 100 100IMAGALE IMAGALE 770 385 285 100 92 100 100TIME TIME ENOUGH 295 47 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Prince of Umbria Ann B by Haki trained by G H Newton bred by Mr G K Allen Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 414 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingIRISH IRISH PEARL away fast was rated along in the lead closed willingly outlasted IMAGALE in the stretch run and was drawing clear at the end IMAGALE forced the pace from the start and weakened slightly at the end TIME ENOUGH raced forwardly from the start but could not reach the leaders CYRANO went evenly MATTY showed a good effort VENNTE H stumbled soon after the start and was pulled up upScratched Scratched 97776s 97776sGolden Golden Storm 112 977762Hogarty 112 96655 Hot Spring 107 97702 Happy Lady 107 97776 Bainnridge 112 97776 Tustold 102 102Overweight Overweight Iriih Pearl 3 pounds Imagale 2 OrroerQ FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purse 400 3 Jj 4 O J J yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 June2334CP fourth 10 EntA WtPPSt V Str Fin Tockpys Owner v Eqnlr Odds StrT 976412THUNDERDROP w 5 120 86 51 5 41 32 RallsC R E Richard 295100 97704 DRESS CIRCLE WB 3 109 6 9 98 51 421 WatsonG G Patterson 4270100 97225 HEY KELLY WB 3 109 1 5 31 11 3 5l WoodJ G Price 4710100 97499 CHIPMUNK w 3 109 52 81 71 61 61 HorvathK G Bisulca 795100 85971 LORD ROCKVILLE w 5 115 7 3 21 21 7 7k k 7k GibsonH A Armstrong 5205100 97069 VICKI WB 3 103 3 8 6 6l 81 81 BarberE W C Wcant 3920100 87704 CHIPOLA WB 5 120 9 1 71 9 9 9 FatorE 0 Burgess 890100 890100Time Time 25 50 110 Track fast fastf f 2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VISA 520 320 260 160 100 60 100 30 100 100CHILE CHILE GOLD 340 280 70 100 40 100 100THUNDERDROP THUNDERDROP 290 45 100 100Winner Winner Br f by The Porter Ashburn Lassie by Colin trained by A Taney bred by Mr E B Me Lean Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 448 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameVISA VISA rated close up for threeeighths gained with a rush on the outside entering the stretch and out ¬ lasted CHILE GOLD The latter met interference entering the stretch THUNDERDROP closed a gap in the itrctch DRESS CIRCLE closed a bic gap HEY KELLY quit LORD ROCKVILLE had early speed speedScratched Scratched 97704 Second Story 114 114Overweight Overweight Vicki 4 pounds QTQ A FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sunvir June 12 1930 143 4 115 Chateau 375June2334CP tf t oOv Laurier Handicap Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 375 June2334CP second S75 third 40 fourth 10 Kiit A WtPPSt Vt H Str Fin JokeyH Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97708LEAROYD w 4 120 26 3 21 1i I2 1s LaurinL C M Stable 5071100 507110097706UIRWAY 97706UIRWAY WB 6 113 8 7 74 51 33 2l 2J GloriosoV H L W Saucr 3140100 314010097070SORCERY 97070SORCERY wn 4 117 4 5 4l I1 21 31 3i HorvthK C N Lilley 535100 53510097500lCOUNT 97500lCOUNT BRUNO w 5 118 61 6l 6 4l 41 42 FatorE H D Hekkema 345100 34510097423CHRYSMUTE 97423CHRYSMUTE w 3 106 3 4 lk 3k 51 52 51 JclleyE J U Gratton 310100 97420BLACK JACKET WB 5 111 5 8 51 41 64 621 62 BalettiW R C Utz 1085100 97708RISNEUR WB 4 110 1 2 8 8 71 7s 74 RallsC Mrs H R Smith 2920100 292010097423NIGGERTOE 97423NIGGERTOE WB 3 110 7 3 2b 71 8 8 8 FellowsF E C Gray 345100 345100Time Time 24 48 114 140 148 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LEAROYD 1215 835 495 507J 100 317i 100 147J 100 100AIRWAY AIRWAY 2060 915 930 100 357 100 100SORCERY SORCERY 415 107 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Mars The Nurse by Yankee trained by A Duplessis bred by Mr W M Jeffords JeffordsWENT WENT TO POST 524J AT POST 7J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingLEAROYD LEAROYD away fast forced the pace to the turn out of the back stretch disposed of SORCERY and drew out in the stretch run AIRWAY outpaced in the early stages closed with a rush in the last quarter mile but was no match for the winner SORCERY tired in the final quarter mile CHRYSMUTE met inter ¬ ference leaving the back stretch and had no chance thereafter COUNT BRUNO made up ground NIGGER TOE quit after having early speed Scratched 97777 Par Excellence 104 Overweight Airway 3 pounds Black Jacket QrrO SIXTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Nichelson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Gati oVVrVrT neau Country Club Handicap Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Net value to June2334CP winner 5375 secondf 575 1nirdf Indei Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Ownerg Eqnlr Oddi Strt 97637 = DUNSPRITE w 3 103 4 6 6w 5k 31 31 1 MitchellM C Ferraro 92484 HEART BREAK w 4 108 2 1 1WB lk 21 2 2k SylvesterJ I S Shafer 966582EUXINE WB 4 108 3 4 4WB 6 6 51 3 PasseroJ J D Rolland 16510CT 16510CT97147PROTRACTOR 97147PROTRACTOR WB 8 120 5 2 2WB 21 lrt I2 4J JclIeyE J U Gratton 185100 97296 STEPONIT WB 5 110 15 15WB 41 41 42 55 HorvthK R Robertson 995100 995100975001LOGGIA 975001LOGGIA WB 3 112 6 3 3 51 6 6 Guerraj J Cattarinich 645100 645100Time Time 23 48 116 Track fast 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DUNSPRITE 2185 1080 475 992 100 440 100 137 100 100HEART HEART BREAK 880 405 340 100 102J 100 100EUXINE EUXINE 290 45 100 100Winner Winner Blk g by Dunboyne Glen Sprite by Glencairn trained by C Ferraro bred by Mri P A Clarke ClarkeWENT WENT TO POST 604 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDUNSPRITE DUNSPRITE slow to start improved his position on the outside and closing with a rush through the stretch won in the final strides HEART BREAK outbroke the others and hanging on gamely just failed to last EUXINE outpaced early met interference but closed a big gap PROTRACTOR tired in the final strides STEPONIT showed good form LOGGIA had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched 96737DingIc Bay 106 97775 Brown Wren 106 106Overweight Overweight Euxine 3 pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile WilkesBarre Aug 29 1924 139 4 108 Purse 400 3 97000 6 OxP rf vearolds yearolds and uoward upward Claimina Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 June2334CP fourth 10 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 975043CAPTIVE WB 6 115 5 8 8l 71 41 31 I1 WoodJ W McKnight McKnightw 1440100 975C4CLOUDY DAY w 5 118 71 21 21 31 21 21 JelleyE J U Gratton Grattonw 215100 96829DISAPPROVED w 7 113 65 51 3h 5r 5 3 WatsonG R Robertson RobertsonWB4113 335100 97504 FORTUNE BAY WB4113 9 4 3 41 21 11 41 FatorE M Gold 1290100 977072CHIEFS TROUBADORw 5 115 4 6 6l 81 8l 4 5 HallibnW Mrs W H Denham 225100 97707 FLYG AMBASSADORws 7 115 2 2 I1 I1 I1 6i 62 WilsonT M Eisner 4215100 97704 GOLDIAN WB 4 118 8 7 7k 6 7k 71 7l PeakcH Mrs F Russell 1720100976375CORSINAX 1720100 976375CORSINAX WB 4 113 3 9 9 51 6 81 81 GwynneJ J C Stillman 1965100 97425 CAPPOQUIN w 4 115 10 3 41 9 9 9 9 BarberE W C Weant 4725100 97642 MISS DONOVAN WB 3 107 1 Left at post SylvesterJ A Lawand 1570100Time 1570100 Time 26J 50 119 146 Track fast J2 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CAPTIVE 3080 980 400 1440 100 390 100 100 100 100CLOUDY CLOUDY DAY 375 330 87J 100 65 100 100DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED 370 85 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Captivation Pathway by Farasi trained by J Mann bred in England by Mrs C Kelly Winner entered to be claimed for 500 WENT TO POST 641 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CAPTIVE forced the pace from the start went to the outside in the stretch and wearing down FOR ¬ TUNE BAY won drawing clear CLOUDY DAY rated close to the pace saved ground entering the stretch and hune on gamely DISAPPROVED closed a big gap CHIEFS TROUBADOR made up ground FORTUNE BAY tired jn the closing eighth CAPPOQUIN had early speed MISS DONOVAN wheeled at the start startScratched Scratched 97702 Suranto 105 97640 Heavenly Music 105 97643 Zeal 115 115Corrected Corrected weight Cappoquin 151