Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-25

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SATURDAY JUNE 23 WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 611 Four Spot 40b 619 Pornella 43 b 620 Hydromella 41b 524 Sun Teatime 40b 613Longus 40b 616 Texas Maid 41b 617 Napoleon W 40h 40hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile616Bney 616Bney Sextnl08b 66 Pctabit l08b l08b617Grayback 617Grayback 101 b 620 Sun Captor l05b 617 Hour Zevl04 ThreeQuarters Mile Mile620Beton 620Beton l22h 619 Knowlton 126 b 620 Frank Ormtl22b ARLINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 618Chesney 42 b 618 Hope Eternal 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 43 Chanceview 56b 620 St Bernard 53b 616 Hoops 51 b 620Tophorn 53 b 620 Mrs Fab 52fb 618 Treasury Key 52b 620 Risky Gal 54b 620 Top Dog 53b 53bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 619 Benevolence l06b 616 M J Brennl08h 619 Cold Steel l04b 612 Prce Charlol06b 619 Creole Birdl0625b 66 Sunned 110 b 619 EHeebe l06b 617 Sage Girl l06b l06bDundreary Dundreary l08h 617 Theorem 105 d 620 Dogmata 104J4h 616 Witan l07b l07bGimlet Gimlet l08h l08hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Brd Mdowsl25 b 619 Hermie Royl20b 619Contessa L19b 619 Pairbypair l19b 618 Dis Dat117b 619 Secluded l26b 615 Homer Ll21b 618 Warren Jr l21h 647Hadagal l21b LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 621 BrV Martin 39h Tweeny 40b 40b619Epona 619Epona 41h 612 Vagabond 41 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 622 Last Attempt 54b 621 Mintogee 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 619 Maple Riccarl06 h 617 Maple Princel06 b FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 618 Big Blue 37 h Ketchu Ketchum 36 h 39 Col Cloister 37 h 620 Leana G36h 327 Charlie H 40 b 616 Mayreen 39 b 621 Grand Flieht 38 b 611 Red Vest 37 h 425 Hit the Deck 37b Statecraft 40b 69 Haramzada 39 b 616 Tonight 36h 619 Jib Boom 37h 619 Wild Child 37 h 619 Ktky Green 38hOneHalf 38h OneHalf Mile 615 Alwin 49h 616 Cbins Goldy 50 h h613Axtien 613Axtien 51h 621 King Halma 49h 621 Brd of Trde 52 h 528 Kelso 55 b 614 Beth Hogan 52 b 619 Morvim 48d 618 Brn Admiral 55b 622 Pent House 50 h 619 Bright Wine 49h 619 Runy Bean 50h 618 Bad News 52 b 620 Sea Lassie 50 h 618 Billie Wise 51h 619 Texas Knight 50h 621 Cathedral 52b 55 Ya Ti 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 52 Ad Remmconl b Major Gomezl02 h 616 Bohemn GIl05h 619 Mt Washtnl03h Washtnl03h619Bearcry 619Bearcry l03h 618 Monde 103 h 617 Beige 107 b 63 Polle 100d 100dChicbook Chicbook 105 b 611 Rishi 106 b 621 Cordon Blcul01 d 65 Solus 103 h hDble Dble Shufflel09 b 619 Shaker Ladyl05 h 619 Equation l02h l02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Bobardment l18b 619 Justa Sheik l18b 64 Bob Weidel 124 b 620 Kyso 114h 621 Claflag 118 b 621 Mutual Frndld5h 620 Cho Cho Sanl17h 613 Mokan 120 b 618 Dr Parrish 122 b 621 Owen 123 b 616 External 116 h SevenEighths Mile MilePrate Prate 140 b bOne One Mile 618 Princella l43h Polle showed plenty early speed Mutual Friend and External were in com ¬ pany LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile Mile621Autn 621Autn Nyph 38h 620 Libretto 41 h h614Babuska 614Babuska 41h 620 Miss Marge 37 h 531 Beaver Dam 41h 621 Pete ODonM 39h 64 Brown Yvte 42 h 620 Queen Clise 39 h 518 Diadorms 40h 616 Scarp 37h 530 First Entry 39 h 615 Skid 39 h h613Jawapa 613Jawapa 37h 620 Smuggled In 37 h 614 Lady Cotner 41 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 620 Alpenstock 54h Nass Lyn 58 b 616 Final Fling 54 b 66 Omel 56 b 620 Iceberg 53 h 621 Pretty Susn 54h 612 Kitty OCol 53 h 610 Spanish Red 53 h 620 Mikes Pal 56 b 67 Would Dare 57 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 622 Aunt Modiel07h 620 Mildred E 109 b 614 Aunt Myrtlel07K 614 Mty Manl7b Manl7b6llBalsite 6llBalsite 109 h 65 Our Bettiel06h Bettiel06h613Bbara 613Bbara Coml07 h 620 Pharamaid 105 h 620 Chinatown l07h 621 Poky Girl lK7h 614 Cherry Flightl07 h 617 Press IvorylK4h 620 Catch Fly l05h 620 Rich Phil 107 h 621 Clovis l06h 620 Red Eva l07h 614 Dbue Connal13 b 620 Rose Dear 106 h 61 Ellen Fisherl09h 65 Ruths Hopel04 h 69 Girls Mmoryl10 b 620 Red Sunset 105 h 621 Green 109 h 620 Stricken l06h 622 Home Rulel09 h 613 Serene lllh lllh62Uane 62Uane Brush l05h Upside Down103h 617 Johnny 0 l06h Wise Cross lK5h 620 Lady Mary l05h 620 Ykee Wtersl07 h 620 MVmg Fairl07 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Bender Firstl20h 620 Maiden Blhl22 h 619 Collection l22h 621 Oriental Bootl21 b 620 Full Sail 122 h 616 Occult 121h 619 Gooseflesh l21h 618 Press Tokel21h Tokel21h620Kievette 620Kievette 120 h 529 Redivivus 120 h 621 Monks Shawll21 b 615 Single Day 121 hi hi617Mimulus 617Mimulus 153d SevenEighths Mile 620 Ridge Mor134 h 620 Sky Lad 144 b 64 Shirley May 143 h hOne One Mile 619 Fiji l54 h 622 Old Lady l53h l53h617Habanero 617Habanero 148 h 616 Red Forage 150 h 621 Lucky Aelial50 d CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track good TnreeEighths Mile 61 Bread King 38 h Thorny Path 38 h 619 Boston Idle 39 d 620 Tody West 38 b 69 Jt Reembr 38 h 618 Viva Pete 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 620 Jince 55 b Sheepskin 57 b 528 Outbreak 58 b 613 Water Lad 51h 610 RuVg Play 55 b 617 Wild Sable 54 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Chley J Sl06 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 622 This Play 126 b bOne One Mile 621 Plain Acel53b DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather partly foggy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 610 Cruising 38h 620 Our David 36h 419 Cold South 40 h 613 Oddesa May 39 h 620 Footwork 37 b 66 Oddesa Clark 39 h 615 Hope to Do 364h 616 Star Marie 36h 63 McCracken 36h 620 Tatanne 38 b 620 Miss Pal 37h OneHalf Mile 64 Clotho 52 b 616 Megai 50h 621 Currants 55 b 620 Merely 616 Courland 52h 620 Matar 51b 614 Cristate 55 b 620 Oddesa Beau 50h 620 Eddie J 50h 616 On Sir 52h 518 James Boy 53 b 531 Poop Deck 51 b b621Lanier 621Lanier 50 b 622 Sncircle Trl 485 h 620 May Stick 51b 616 Stealthy Step 54 b 616 Main Event 52 b bFive Five Eighths Mile 620 AH RoweslK5 h 617 Le Bruyerel03h 621 Boston Brookl04h 622 Mr Presidentl04 h 620 Countess AnnlK5 b 620 Nights End l03h 616 Debs Delightl04b 66 Polly Hunddl05b 620 Double B1 7 h 62 Peppier l04b 620 Dark Mistl63h 621 Reigh StoneH b b619Eastn 619Eastn Rulerl04b 622 Respect 106 b 620 Finikin l07l 612 Sequoia 105 b 619 Green LotuslK4h 620 Sun Lure IKBh 620 Glen Revllel04b 52TTwoaday 105 b 619 Joe Macaw 102h 620 Up and Upl03b 613 Lacquer 104 h 620 Vee Eight 104 h ThreeQuarters Mile 619 Bahamas 115 h 620 Rye l18h 613 Cuirassier 117 h 620 Rempli l17h 620 Dk Coquestl16h 617 Sun Celtic l16h 618 Don Vernia6h 61 Six Bells l20h 621 Exhibition 122 b 618 Saint Kitts l17h 620 Faux Pasl22h 620 Spoiled Boyl19h 620 Half Dayl16h 620 Storm 125 b 618 Homelike 124 h 617 Tumble In 121 b 620 Idle Along M6h 620 Traitor l16h l16h618KentkyMnl20 618KentkyMnl20 h White Ace 120 h 618LadfieId l17h l17hOne One Mile 618 Bright Spglel50h 614 Esseff 143h 621 Black Targetl49 b 620 Sunmelus l47h 619 Curacao l44h l44hBahamas Bahamas and Idle Along act well wellEsseff Esseff and Curacao were going handily handilyVisibility Visibility was bad for an hour due to fog ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428 Frisky Maid 37 h 620 Miss Trooper 36h 620 Fair Blanche 38h 620 Polydee 37h 62 Hair Trigger 39hOne 39h One Half Mile 62 Airway 51h 619 Only Foolin 51 h 618 Cash SVndr 54 h 65 Old Nick 48h 619 Chimney Top 52h 68 Playing On 46h 521 Fast Move 50h 621 Peter Blues 51h 615 Just Bud 51h Prohibition 52h 620 Juniority 50b 621 Quick Step 51h 621 Justa Glow 52 h 614 Race Street 49h 621Leolette 52b 620 Sweet Mollie 50h 621 Morng Dan 52h 615 Tee D Ruth 49h 68 Liqueur 53h 621 Uppercut 56 h 619 Mixed Party 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile619Bedight 619Bedight 105 h 527 Mike Rnoldsl04h Rnoldsl04h618Cabouse 618Cabouse l04h 620 Norway l05h l05hDoorkeeper Doorkeeper l13h 621 Radiator l04h 620 Good Advice101h 619 Reba 108 h 616 Hickory Lad l08h 622Star Porter l01h l01hJae Jae Cee 105 h 622 Slay Boy l04h 620 Jubal l04h 621 Shoo l10h 527 Machilla l02h 619 The Pelican l04h 618 Macadam l04h 620 Tuffy G 110 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Bipartisan l164 h 620 Night Sprite l16ih 617 Cutie Face 117 h 618 Open Spacesl19h 620 Dancg Mackl19 h 618 Taunton 115V 621 Immune l16h 618 Zembla l19h 619 My Purchase115 h hOne One Mile 616 Collateral 146 h 621 Jabot 145 h 620 Frnd WhHeyl49h 610 Law Suit 144 h 621 Honeyswcet 146 h 621 Vote 146 h 611 Horatio Hughl47 h CONNAUGHT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 619 Baptism 40 b 612 Orntal Lady 39 b 619 John Jade 39 b 69 Robe 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 614 America B 52 b 620 Mon Scamp 50 h Edith M 50 h 65 Ting Fan 50 h h620Jocl 620Jocl C 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 617 Sister CIarel05 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 615 Auburndale 119 h 65 Replevin 119 h 619Morelles 119 d dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 617 Make Believel32 h hOne One Mile 620 Happy Ladya53 b 621 Investor iV1M6h DUFFERIN PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile622AItsheb 622AItsheb 38 d 520 Pot au Mint 39h 616 Becautious 39 h 529 Pewter Crest 37h 618 Grge De Mar 39 h 615 Tabson 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 62 Dainty Rose 54 h 618 Len Sweep 52h 622 Fanny 53 h 621 Linesman 55 h 69 Gift Roman 52 h 621 Soil Gills 54 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 612Caryldon 109 h 525 Canny Age 109 h ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Brdon Prce119 h 619 Granite Rockl22 h 429 Corduroy 123 h AQUEDUCT Weather rainy track good ThreeEighths Mile 617 Jesting 39 h 614 Patriotic 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 620 Distracting 48 h 621 My Bonnie 52h 615 Hard Play 51h 618 Palatine 54 h 621 Hpy Hnter 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 614 Blk Watch l02d 614 Portden 103 h 621 Dominus 101h 621 Vera Cruz 103 d 621 Dasher l03h 621 Vicaress l02h l02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Carisbrooke l17 h 611 Fasn Showl17h 614 Dark Secretl18 h 621 Lady Mermnl20 h 618 Fairerio 115 h Nite Lad 123 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mils 616AHeen Cl31h Cl31hOne One Mile 616 Blk Patricial48h 620 King Saxon 148 h 616 Dky Prcessl44h 621 Miss Spray l47h 621 Galon Lad 145 h 620 Stand Patl45 h 612Jovius 142 h hJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather rainy track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile616Abner 616Abner 37 d 616 Najort 8 b 621 Brown Bab 38 b 619 Pdise Maid 38 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 620 Bobanjack 514 b 621 Sophisticated 49 d 620Jsie D M 53b FiveEighths Mile Mile621Eldce 621Eldce l03h 621 Scara GIenl02 d 621 Later On lK3h 618 Union 102d 102dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Briny Deep l15d 621 Dinner Coat 121 b 620Carlaro 116 d 620 Dont Blush l21b 614 Chief A 117 d 620 Gracias 118 b 615 Condescend 115 d dOne One Mile 620Volomite 145 h hBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather rainy track good ThreeEighths Mile 621 Cycle 36h 621 Communist 36 h 611 Caleb 38h 620 Kurdair 36h 621 Ct Rcmemr 36h 617 Sir Lamorak 40 b 64 Gentle Knit 38h 38hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 622 Cheshire 48d 620 Merry Bud 49h 622 Forever Yng 48d 617 Observant 48h 621 Little Argo 51 h 616 Open Range 50h 621 Legender 52 b 621 Rust 50 h 621 Lord Admiral 51h 620 Somebody 50h 621 Ms Mcrrimt 50h 618 Top Row 53 b 621 Mae Skilling 50h 50hFiveEiflhths FiveEiflhths Mile MileAlofar Alofar 105 h 618 Curlette 107 b 620 Any Chance 108 b 621 Col Greene1032 h 523 Brief Case 105 h 6J8 Lone Miss 109 h 621 Chancery 108 h hthreeQuarters threeQuarters Mile 621 Creaky 124 b 621 Ok Winchelll18 d 621 Gold a BIackl16h 612 Pinluck l17h 621 Halcyon 115 h 621 Pass Shotl17h 621 Lady Higlossl18h 618 Scotch Gold 117 h 621 Motto 120 b bOne One Mile 619 Blck Buddy 141 h 614 Red Badge 149 h 612 Discovery 152 b 614 Swatter 145 h 612 Friar Mark 144 h 614 Swiftsport 145 h 616 Flamg Litl48 b 621 Village Vampl45h Vampl45hOne One and OneEighth Miles 621 War Glory l55h

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1934062501_27_1
Library of Congress Record: