2nd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-25

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2nd Latonia ° ut of chute Purse 600 3YearOlds and Upward 0 Maidens Claiming Sun Flag June 20 1924 Mile 1 09 3 1 07 07NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1200 3 yearolds 112 Ibs older 115 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Vt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AceToday Price 976221 8 Pottcrton Lat 108 114 3 109 1200 97397 7 Breezing Along Ala 108 113 3 109 1200 97401 6 Rich Phil Was 113 116 3 112 1500 97333 13 Pharamaid CD 105 114 3 104X 1300 97755 16Pidge Lat ICO 115 3 99 1200 97615 4Fair WandaCI 108 114 4 102 1200 97755 1 Kathryn Wattle CI 113 115 3 104 1200 97681 2 Mcru Lat 102 116 3 104 1200 97756 3Pony Up Lat 105 116 4 107 1200 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AzeToday Price 97622 5Big Gold Lat 100 115 3 104 1200 9 Miss Marg 3 107 1500 96970 10 Zeno Eye Lat 107 117 3 109 1200 97618 11 White Top Lat 102 115 3 104 1200 12 Clovis 3 110 1200 97755 14 Flccta RoseLat 99 117 3 104 1200 97556 15 Balsite Lat 100 116 3 104 1200 17 Coptic 3 109 1200 97128 18Lady MaryWas 110 114 3 99 1200 97553 19 Mimulus Lat 105 117 3 104 1200 75625 20 Frcdreanna B 4107 1200 Potterton 1 OQ B g 3 M by Chatterton Poljty by Politian PolitianJune June 2 Lat 12 49ft Ju Trainer H Forrest Owner A Dietrich DietrichDLie DLie Trk Dis Time Con Odds Wt St Str KinJockey IPCI IceSta Best Company CompanyJun5034sLat Jun5034sLat lo 146 ft 5 107 5 1 1 25 FmnertyR4 1000 7 Dorita 104Laurakiev 103JOutcry 109 Junl8343Lat 2 116 sy 9 110 6 5 53l 512 McDottL4 1000 8 Brustigtl05WhyNotll3BaCarom 105 Jun15 34Lat 2 113 ft 21 108 4 5 3s 2 McDottL 1000 8 Glamousl05FAvenuel03BCarom 103 Jual2 34 = Lat 2 115 ft 28 112 664 61 McDottL10 Maid 11 Nightingalel07Annuity 107Expon t12 Jun 934Lat 2 114 sy 40 108 5 5 71 712 McDottL1 1000 7 BOrphanl05DkyDamollOBcasterl0 Jun7343Lat 3 114 it 32 105 4 5 4ll 341 ArnoldG1 1000 8 SEaglel07iEBalerll2CaptHnry 106 May3034Lat 2 113 ft 12 112 3 5 410 5 ElstonG Maid 9 VanDiegoll2Rolandal07WPledge 112 Starts 1st ud 3rd Von Slnrta 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 11 0 2 1 J 235 Breezing Along 1 OQ Ch g 3 M by Whiskaway Madrigal by Maintenon MaintenonJune June 22 Lat 38 36ft LV Trainer A Wallin Owner W C Goodloe GoodloeJunl6343Lat Junl6343Lat 2 Ii4 ft 26 1065 9 8 8 ° 7 McDottL1 1000 9 Oh Dave 112 Valdosta 112 Outcry 107 Mayl2345Ala 5J 1 105 ft 14 103 5 5 7s 7s GrillF7 1500 7 Annarita 102 Nyack 115 Lerack 109 109May May 4 346Ala 2 111 ft 105 108 4 8 810 8 ScaboG 1500 9 Lebaml05 ErechlOS ProciousKing 111 Apt27345Ala 2 111 ft 44 107 566 6 GrillF4 Allw 6 CursorllOMarBartonllOLynxEye 116 116Jull5332Lat Jull5332Lat 5i f 107 ft 139 115 10 11 9 9 DicksonD Maid 12 JgeLcerll5Brdcterll5BosmPaI 115 IuLlO33Lat 5i f 106 gd 139f 105 10 11 9 9 DicksonD Allw 11 Pcnncote 109 Ding Bin 115Leaflet 106 1933 record 2 1934 record 4 4Ilicll Ilicll Phil 1 I O Ch c 3 M by Carom Empress Wyeth by Wyeth WyethJune June 23 Lat 58 l07sv L Trainer J Daniels Owner Chappel Bros BrosJual634Lat Jual634Lat 1 145 ft 55 106 3 5 5l 5 FinnrtyR Allw 5 MyBlaze 112OHearth 120 Howard 100 Jun 934Lat 17U 145 sy 75 1075 5 6 64 622 FinncrtyR4 3500 6 Collier 11001dJudgell4SaIlieGray 103 Oct3033JSpt 6i l24 ft 35 111 9 4 44 4 LeylandJ 1000 10 FtMovel06BottyU HODstyLane 111 Oct2133Spt 6 f 125 sy 4310 115 8 5 435 645 LeylandJ 1000 10 BayScrvtll2Mt Hoodll5Vdicated 115 Octl933Spt 6 tl244f gd 92 110 4 2 225 225 LeylandJ 1500 7 Ccdo llOChIGeronimollOLisheen 110 Octl2332Was 2 114 ft 39 11310 12 103 95 ArcaroE4 Maid 12 CleonellODaBettma 110PrCharlo 113 1933 record 5 0 1 0 75 1934 record 2 2Pliaramaid Pliaramaid X 1 04 B 3 by Pharamond H Katinka H by Russley RussleyJune June 23 Lat 58 l05sv ± V ± Trainer L A Connor Owner B 0 Spotts SpottsJunig Junig Lat IjV 148 gd 102 SCRATCHED Post P 6 1200 12 WPdgcl MysLucklO HysBeaulOS HysBeaulOSJunl534Lat Junl534Lat 2 113 ft 22 93 2 3 45 512 HuelsmanA 1000 8 Glamors 105Itertonl08FAvenue 103 Jun12 34Lat 2 115 ft 7 107 5 5 9 7 FowIcrG4 Maid 11 Nightingalel07AnnuHy 107Expontll2 May31 34Det 3 114 ft 185 105511 10 11C5 12 DronctL 1200 12 Mylurn 105GenCmpl04Pharrpe 108 May24344Det 1144 si 1 100 4 6 6 6 JacobsJ 5500 6 PyHookylOSSgFlightlllRdFore 108 Mayl234CD J 126 ft 235 110 5 4 65 8 HphricsL 1500 8 BelIeGricrllOBlBrookll2PrCliarlolll May 2 344CD 2 l13f ft 55 105 4 3 31 2 SmithG9 Maid 11 Pcrsicklel05l Nihtgalel03PHky 111 1933 record 7 0 2 2 270 1934 record 6 0 1 0 100 100Pidge Pidge QQ Ch f 3 M by Torchilla Retta B by Free Lance LanceJuno Juno 16 Lat 1m 145 7 ft Trainer R Goose Owner H C Applegate ApplegateJua22344Lat Jua22344Lat 2 114 ft 8 100 3 1 425 4 ClellandP1 1000 8 PrceVicl05BabesonllOClorCrane 110 Junl9343Lat Its 148 gd 16 98 2 1 32 4 TaylorD10 1000 12 WPdgell2MysLuckl06HysBeaulQ8 Junl2342Lat 2115 ft 62 107 3 3 655 9 ArnoldG Maid 11 Nightingalel07Annuity 107Expontll2 Jun 7343Lat 2 114 ft 14 102 5 4 61 8 FovvlcrG 1000 8 SeaEaglel07EBakerll2Potterton 105 Sep16 332CI 5i f 109 hy 13 105 2 1 641 621 FischerHL1 2000 10 SuneBoylOg PnoolOSFlceLouise 105 Sepl533CI 5 flll m 55 108 6 7 6T 64 FischerHL 800 12 BeUyRejoice 110 Garb 108 Lovie 103 Sepll33Cl 5i f 107 ft 225 113 122 3 LoumanH3 Maid 8 FairCthia 113LtEcholl3KkyHn 113 1933 record 7 0 1 1 135 1934 record 4 0 0 0 30 30Fair Fair Wanda 109 Br f 4 M by Actuary Delightful by Dodge DodgeJune June 5 Lat 12 49ft V Trainer R Varwig Owner R Varwig VarwigJun20341Lat Jun20341Lat 2 114 ft 12 107 4 2 51 8 LoumanH3 1000 8 Marynell 103 ScMoney95SupToy 107 Jual634Lat 3114 ft 11 107 2 1 25 5 LoumanH5 1000 9 Oh Dave 112 Valdosta 112 Outcry 107 Jual234Lat 3115 ft 49f 110 1 1 Il 51 FarrellW Maid 11 N5ghtingaIel07Annuity 107Expontl2 Jun 9342Lat 3 114 sy 125 107 335 412 FarrellW 1000 8 PFrankall2HrsPride 113Justina 110 Not 9333Lat 2 115 si 21f 106 3 43 6 HankaW 1000 12 Transvsel04CapCook 116Troford 114 Nov 3332Lat 2 114 ft 27 107 1 4 44 7 SouthG9 Allw 12 StarBud 103Mayreen 97CampCook 112 1933 record 16 0 2 0 125 1934 record 4 0 0 0 15 15Kathryn Kathryn Wattle 1 04 B 3 MJ by In Memoriam Wattle by Sweep SweepJune June 17 Lat 34 l18ft J Trainer H Weiner Owner H Weiner WeinerJua22344Lat Jua22344Lat 2 114 ft 149 105 6 7 6T 610 MurphyM2 1000 8 PrceVicl05BabesonllOClorCrane 110 Jual434Day a 100 ft 28 106 535 RamseyE 500 10 SonnyT 1160IdHonesty 116FlyOn 116 116Jun Jun 734 31 2 114 ft 117 105 8 9 9T5 9 LoumanH1 1000 10 SabreSlashl05PssA0 107B phar 1C7 May31 34Lat 2 113 ft 131 106 4 6 45 5 MurphyM 1000 8 Abdel HSHildrum 106LittIeValIey 106 Mayl634CD 3 115 si 106 105 3 5 512 6t4 MurphyM1 1200 6 Heiressll2iChBuntgl06OurRosein4J May 934CD g 126 ft 18f 106 2 6 9 10 MurphyM4 1200 12 BeGrierl05BbsChcel05BgStr 108i May 7344CD 2 113 ft 133 106 2 6 89 7 MurphyM 1000 9 Occultl07 Bardstownl07 SirJacob 110 1933 record 15 0 1 0 55 1934 record 9 Jleru 1 04 B f 3 W by Mirafel Farceuse by Rire aux Larmes LarmesJune June 16 Lat 38 38ft LV t Trainer J Mosby Owner J Shakespeare ShakespeareJun2134Lat Jun2134Lat 2 114 ft 103 1025 7 2 631 6 VailS 1000 8 Busy Von 102 Imelda 102 Why Not 108 108Jual2345Lat Jual2345Lat 2 113 ft 73 107 9 9 8ts 10 FowlerG Maid 10 CapCookll5Howardll2OurSmmy 112 1934 record 2 2Pony Pony Dp 107 B M by Baigneur The Baroness by Peter Quince QuinceJune June 21 Lat 58 l05ft V I Trainer W Reed Owner 0 Reed ReedJua22345Lat Jua22345Lat 2 113 ft 50 105 3 5 614 615 GruberV 1000 7 Lonell 107 Cayuga 112PantaIoons 102 102Junl9345Lat Junl9345Lat 2 115 gd 29 110 4 5 31 39 GruberV4 JOOO 6 Cayuga 118 Landover 108 Balsite 105 105Mayl7333CD Mayl7333CD 1 140 ft 12 10210 8 712 5 PorterE9 100012 DleDatel02BlonlallOiShadawn 104i Mayl5 104iMayl5 338CD 1 151 hy 54 101 3 3 41 55 PorterE2 1200 7 BgeMissl01LstMossl04BnPrinct 106 106Ma Ma 12338CD l ls s 150 si 104 101 3 6 6tB 710 PorterE2 1000 8 SergenlHill 104BDozerl01Voltinal04 104BDozerl01Voltinal04MaylO33CD MaylO33CD 2 115 m 208 107 9 9 8 8 SchutteH 1500 10 Otherwise 115Volwd 107BOrphan 100 No 732Lat 3 118 si 41 111 12 11 10 7 FmnertyR 1000 12 Patsyettell2LtSeedlllChatwik 115 1933 record 4 1934 record 2 0 0 1 J 35 35Big Big Gold 1 04 Ch 9 3 M fay Golden Guinea Moset by Upset UpsetJune SpencerJuo20348Lat June 11 Dav 38 38ft LV7 1 Trainer J Spencer Owner J Spencer Juo20348Lat 1 146 ft 9 103 4 7 7J 79 HardyG1 1000 7 Dorita 104Potterton 107LraKiev 103i Junl6343Lat 103iJunl6343Lat 2 114 ft 39 100 7 9 9 69 ClellandP4 1000 9 Oh Dave 112 Valdosta 112 Outcry 107 Junl334Lat 2 113 ft 81 100 4 10 9 7 ClellandP 1000 10 Oderic 107 OhDave 112 Valdosta 112 112Jun834Lat Jun834Lat 2113 ft 41 1004 5 6 7 ClellandP1 1000 8 CsinBessl02RoseMoss 103SpRed 112 112Oct2433Lat Oct2433Lat 2 116 si 145 110 8 8 91 91 LoumanH 1000 12 Red Basil 107 George 115 Kissie 104 104Octl333Was Octl333Was 1 126 ft 8 112 9 6 69 65 WghtWD 1000 12 Bost Gal 109ShyMayl04CGonimol07 1933 record 8 0 03Iiss 3Iiss 3Iarg 3IargJune June 23 Lat 38 37sv 37svFirst First start Zeno Eye EyeJun 1 OQ Cn 9 3 M bY Cyclops Zennotta by Vulcain JUtV Trainer W M Brazelton Owner W M Brazelton Jun 934Lat 1 146 sy syJun 132 103 6 8 8M 8 PottsO4 1000 8 Caw Caw 108 Score 115 Upon 115 Jun l343Lat 2 112 ft ftMay 367 107 6 8 819 8 SmithDC1 1000 8 ChryTime 112LadyPal 99StarBud 112 May 334HO 1 150 ft ftAPn30343HO 108 103 8 HuelsmanA 800 8 Panlossll3Bonnetl04UmbnPss 111 APn30343HO 6 f 124 ft ftNovll33Lat 55 113 6ReevesR 1000 8 MrBoss 113GcnieJr 113WeeCIair 108 Novll33Lat 147 ft ftNov 37f 10837f 112 12 12 12 1240 MurphyT4 Maid 12 LuraKiev 109Panorama 109Garb 109 Nov 333Lat 2 116 ft 61f 111 11 11 11 10 MurphyT1 1000 12 BosomPal lllRolandalOSGenieJr 112 1933 record 2 1934 record 4 Wliite 04June Top 1 04 Ch f 3 M by WhiskalongField Flower by Marathon MarathonTrainer June 13Latl2 53frLV Trainer W Westerfield Owner Mrs G Simone Juo20344Lat 2113 ft 189 103 2 2Junie 1 6i 6 FarrellW2 1000 8 LadyFrdllODcgBoy 112Babeson 100 Junie Lat 2114 ft 94 102 3 3Jun 4 5i 61 FarrellW 1000 9 PrceDoo 100BIatoIall2BobCuster 115 Jun 234Lat I7i 146 ft 158 103 2 2May2934Lat 7 8 822 HuelsmanA 1000 8 BoomsPal 113LHelkerll3SJacob 113 May2934Lat 2 114 ft 130 99 1 1May2534Beu 5 8 8 TaylorD 1000 8 MngFairl03WDreaml03FngSilk 110 May2534Beu 2116 ft 35 105 105Mayl8344Beu 61 ErwinS 500 10 BkLover HOAeFox HOStRichd 109 Mayl8344Beu 5J f 108 ft 47 104 104Mayl734Beu 7 EnvtnS 500 10 Tnsmitll2Coletwnll7LuMnifee 112 Mayl734Beu 5i f 1 9 ft 310 105 41 EnvinS 600 10 Regards 109 Polycron 114 Ski 105 i 1933 record 10 01 01Clovis 0 50 1934 record 8 0 0 0 10 10Ch Clovis 110June 110 HelmetTrainer Ch g 3 M by Chatterton Precious Lula by Helmet June 23 Lat 58 l06sv 1 Trainer A Baker Owner A Baker First nnrt Flecta Rose 1 04 B f 3 M by Fl9ht of Time Arden Rose by Orlando OrlandoJuno Juno 21 Lat 12 49ft JJ ± Trainer J M Goode Owner C L Dodgson Jua22344Lat DodgsonJua22344Lat 2 114 ft 183 105 5 4 814 824 CarrollW5 1000 8 PrceVicl05BabesonllOClorCrane 110 Junl934Lat 2 115 gd 20 103 6 4 6 6 CarrollW 1000 6 Cayuga 118 Landover 108PonyUp 110 Junln344Lat 2 113 ft 61 99 7 7 7 7 GruberV1 1000 7 Lonell 106LadyPal 105PanaFrankall3 1934 record 3 3Balsite Balsite 1 04 B 3 b Biy Brush Dum Dum by Yankee YankeeJune June 23 Lat 58 l09sv LU t Trainer W Grater Owner Long Run Stable StableJunl9345Lat Junl9345Lat 2 115 gd 9 105 2 3 2 41 ChthamR 1000 6 Cayuga 118 Landover 108PonyUp 110 Junl634lLat 2 114 ft 27 100 4 3 72i 7 CraigA 1000 9 PrceDoo 100BIatolall2BobCuster 115 Junl2342Lat 2 115 ft 372 107 2 4 1014 111S ChthamR Maid 11 Nightingalcl07Annuity 107Expontll2 1934 record 3 0 0 0 15 15Coptic Coptic 1 OQ B 9 3 M fay Last Reveille Abyssinian Girl by Radium RadiumJune June 22 Lat 34120ft LVt Trainer L V Bellew Sr Owner B B Miller First start startLady Lady Mary QQ r f 3 M by Display Mary Belle by Ballot BallotJune June 23 Lat 58105sv uu Trainer J G Goode Owner J W Parrish ParrishJunl9343Lat Junl9343Lat 1 148 gd 98 SCRATCHED Post P 12 1000 12 WPdgell2MySLuckl06 HysBeaul03 Jual2347Lat HysBeaul03Jual2347Lat 2 114 ft 17 106 5 7 713 7 SchutteH 1100 7 ChauvmlOSHrsPde 113LftWing 111 Jun 111Jun 734Lat 1 147 ft 21 105 4 4 5 5 MartinR1 1000 8 FairChiaKtoLcnHkcrlOaNtingale 100 Junl34Lat 100Junl34Lat 1A 148 ft 55 107 113 3 MartinR4 1200 10 BModylOSMusLuckllOShyMay 107 Ma 107Ma 21 34CD 1 137 ft 32 100 1 4 3 41 CanfieldL4 1500 6 Pastryll5SDAmourll5Wgdoodle 101 Ma Ma1534cCD 101Ma 1534cCD 1 152 m 9 10551 3 5 10 BagurH 100012 Omel HliKenkyHeIenl06 Archery 103 May 103May 934Cn 1 126 ft 9 1035 4 6 84 8 SchutteH1 1000 12 BlkJoellOSpanRed 112 SandyJoe 110 1933 record 14 0 3 1 480 1934 record 7 0 0 1 45 453Iiinulus 3Iiinulus 1 CA B 3 M by In Memoriam Countess Wilmot by Peter Quince June QuinceJune 23 Lat 34 l23sv Trainer A Ayers Owner W R Estill Jua22342Lat EstillJua22342Lat 2 113 ft 103 SCRATCHED Post P 4 1000 8 GElstonlOSRideBlnd 108 Rettef 10 Jual934 = Lat 2115 gd 26 10413 4 81 814 PulleyC 1000 9 SueTerryl05DaDunnl05FlatRock 115 Junl5345Lat 2 Ii4 ft 202 106 7 7 7 7 HalcL2 Allw 7 Roulade 107 Rolanda 110 Rettef 112 1934 record 2 Frcdreanna B 1 A7 B f 3 M by Omond Guide Post by Filigrane Juno FiligraneJuno 21 Lat 58 l04ft u Trainer C West Owner C E Baumgartner Scn10 BaumgartnerScn10 32DP 5i f 106 ft 52 113 6 Lost rider Meyer J 1000 8 CsinNorall6WuceIall2 EmlineH 112 Scn632DP 5ifl08ft 45f 111 9 8 88i 9 MeyerJ 100011 DrkperlllEmlincHlllGIadyss 111 Sen 2 322DP 5 f 109 si 55 112 7 5 6J 6 PoolW4 1200 8 SElectall2WsPride 112 Remtion 112 Au52632DP il04m 58 114 422 31 PoolW Maid 10 Mey Wild 114EvaJane 114 Mi Miosh osh 114 Au52332DP 2101 ft 18f 112 12 12 89i 10s FowlcrG 1400 12 WaydLadlllPdeSteplll ChtTree 111

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934062501/drf1934062501_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1934062501_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800