Fairmount Park Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-25


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FAIRMOUNT PARK NOTES The fourth issue of condition books cov ¬ ering the final eight days of racing were released Friday morning morningDuring During the balance of the meeting post time for the first race including the two remaining Saturdays and July 4 will be 230 p m The halfholiday starting time was formerly 2 oclock oclockThe The veteran rider R Creese under con ¬ tract to E E Major was given a license Friday FridayJockey Jockey G Julian arrived from Kansas City and will be in condition to ride in a few days G W Coffey unloaded Wild Laurel Pa ¬ tricia McKeon Pennant Bearer and Rush Long The horses came from Riverside Park and found quarters here Friday morning morningPaul Paul Sanford plans shipping five horses from here to Syracuse and expects to pick up six others now racing in New York YorkEd Ed Dufries board man here left for Gal veston Texas Sunday where he has ac ¬ cepted a like position C B Marlman will replace Dufries DufriesM M Preston wired from Kansas City re ¬ questing stalls for a carload of horses for the coming Bainbridge meeting Racing secretary R A Leigh who has charge of the stalls at Bainbridge acted favorably on the reservation Another to ask for stalls at Eainbridge was J W Frye who has four horses at Dayton Ohio OhioE E B Shipp purchased the contract on apprentice H Manifold Saturday morning The paper was held jointly by Shipp McMaster McMasterW W Ashbridge arrived from Kansas City and brought Dominant Star and Lady Aggie Jockey G Dabson had his first mount of the meeting Saturday

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934062501/drf1934062501_28_7
Local Identifier: drf1934062501_28_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800