untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-25


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AT ALL ALLNEWSTANDS NEWSTANDS 3S COMT TEN WEEKS 3 Sold on All Stands Throughout the Country CountryNEW NEW ISSUE OUT OUTMONDAYS MONDAYS 500 FREE CODE LATONIAFelr9111523 LATONIAFelr9111523READY READY AND RARIN TO GO SHOULD WIN EASILY EASILYSo So be sure to have issue number 53 right with you to get this good thing 10000 READERS CANNOT BE WRONG WRONGSupreme Supreme Flash the countrys foremost winning turf weekly This in itself proves that there must be a reason Wherever horsemen or horse players congregate you will see the FAMOUS SUPREME FLASH TURF AYEEKLY the guide of the successful turf investor investorLAST LAST TUESDAYS FREE PHONE SPECIAL SPECIALBUBBLING BUBBLING MATE 1120 WON WONPREVIOUS PREVIOUS FREE PHONE SPECIALS SPECIALSNEEDLE NEEDLE 1342 WON WONHYMAN HYMAN 1298 WON WONERECH ERECH 972 WON WONMOUTHPIECE MOUTHPIECE 740 WON WONANOTHER ANOTHER FREE PHONE SPECIAL MONDAY LIMIT WINNER WINNERSEE SEE PAGE 2 SUPREME FLASH ATTENTION OUTOFTOWN READERS Send Jl to act as your guarantee to accept collect telegrams and we will wire you absolutely FREE our daily PHONE SPECIAL WTicn you do please mention this weeks code when sending dollar Code is on page 2 present issue LAST WEEKS SYSTEM BOOK HORSE WINNERS PRINCESS A O 6540 WON DEETS CAMPFIRE 3895 WON TARNISH 1560 WON HACKY H 1160 WON LADYKIN 920 WON KAFFA 960 WON And Numerous Other Winners WinnersPROTECT PROTECT YOUR TURF INVESTMENTS WITH WITHJACK JACK PALMERS WINNING SYSTEM SYSTEMThe The greatest moneymaking turf system ever offered to the racing public A trial will positively convince you of its merits and daily profits Now Mr Player if you want an opportunity just turn to page 8 of your issue in Supreme Flash FlashTERMS TERMS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE OF JACK PALMERS MIRACLE MIRACLEWINNING WINNING PLAYS FIVE 500 DOLLARS DOLLARSMake Make all remittances by telegraph or in person SUPREME FLASH 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934062501/drf1934062501_30_12
Local Identifier: drf1934062501_30_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800