Havre De Grace Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1936-04-23


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HAVRE DE GRACE NOTES ,s e L. Haymaker, W. Elliott and Ben Chapman have made arrangements to transfer their charges to Narragansett Park after the conclusion of the meeting at Havre de Grace. Joe Kahn purchased the contract on apprentice Clifford Stafford from D. J. Mc-Auliffe. McAuliffe, who disposed of the horses that he was training for M. R. Singleton, left for Baltimore to undergo a stomach operation. Trainer George Tappen shipped Star Scout and Paust, the property of Mrs. A. B. Hancock, to New York. Jockey Eddie Barnes was an arrival from Canada. He will condition himself by galloping horses for the Brandywine Stable, trained by Wm. Mulholland. C. J. Bild has arranged to ship his string to New York Thursday. The horses are being trained by Miss Judy Johnson. Jockey George Watson, who suffered head injuries when he was thrown from Reigh Tetrarch at Bowie, has been discharged from the South Baltimore General Hospital and passed through Havre de Grace on his way to his home in Toronto, Canada. Arthur Hullcoat will ship his useful string of ten horses to Narragansett Park next Tuesday. J. D. Spreckels III. will send four of his horses in the same shipment. For a sum that was not divulged, Steve Judge purchased the promising two-year-old Robins Cove from Mrs. L. Campbell. The youngster raced impressively in his first start here a few days ago. The following ruling was posted on the bulletin board at Pimlico by the Maryland Racing Commission. It reads: "Persons starting horses in steeplechase races cannot claim horses starting in flat races unless they have started a horse on the flat." Approximately sixty-five jumpers were schooled through the jumping course at Pimlico on Wednesday morning in preparation for the jumping events to be run daily during the meeting of the Maryland Jockey Club. The course will be open daily hereafter. A check of claims registered since the Maryland season began on April 1 revealed that six members of the A. G. Vanderbilt stable have been obtained by new owners. Those to change hands were: Slump, Steel-head, Abbots Last, Pomposity, Dutch Uncle and Dogmata. Jockey Raymond Workman arrived from Jamaica to ride C. V. Whitneys Trumper in the Hampton Roads Purse. He was accompanied by Jack Healey, who has a division of the C. V. Whitney racers here. Several of the smaller stables racing at Havre de Grace have made plans to ship to Hagerstown at the close of the present meeting to await the opening on May 19. Harry Neusteter, who had a useful string of racers in Maryland is considering shipping his stock to Canada after the close of the Maryland spring meetings that end at Pimlico. Because they were worked after training hours, the trials of Walter M. Jeffords Jean Bart and Transporter did not appear in the workout list Tuesday. The pair were sent a mile together in 1:42 with the fractions as follows: :24, :4S, 1:15. Trainer George Arvin plans to ship the horses that he trains for H. T. Archibald and Felix Spatola to Narragansett Park on Thursday. There will be ten in the shipment. Word was received here that R. A. Moores Thursday will be shipped to Havre de Grace for his engagement in the Philadelphia Handicap, Saturday, if his trial at Belmont Park on Wednesday merits such a move. There are two full brothers and a full sister racing at Havre de Grace at present. These are Howard Bruces Mattapony and Son of Troy and C. J. Bilds Acautaw. All are by Trojan and The Squaw. Trainer Harry Baker will ship twenty horses, the property of E. K. Bryson, to Aurora at the conclusion of Marylands spring season. Jockey G. Witmer will go along to do the riding. Word was received here that Leo S. Echle, prominent in pari-mutuel circles, was ill in Baltimore.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936042301/drf1936042301_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1936042301_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800