Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1936-04-23

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workouts! Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: 1 b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all oat; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type ! ? . . . . 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track muddy Three Eighths Mile. 4-17 Bwn Prodicv :36d Moon Sweep. :38b 4-19 Bdway Maid :37b 4-18 Nemont . . . . :38 b 4-19 Carnelian ... :40 b Onco Sweep. :38b 4-20 Camp Cook.. :39 b 3-25 Palan :39 b 3- 18 Cross S :37 h 4-11 Rliiniz :37h Cayuga :39b 4-16 Solar Maid.. :37 h 4- 19 Derbytown . :37b 4-14 Squaw Lady. :37d Dark Prince. :39 b 4-18 Shland Beau :37d 4-19 Dayscnd .... :37b 4-14 Solar Hawk. :37h 4-18 Entree :36Jh 4-19 Satinwood .. :38 b 4-5 Enameled .. :37h 4-19 Texas Rose.. :37h 4-19Legsure .... :40 b 4-15 Tcdall :38 h 4-12 Grey Streak. :38 b 4-7 Uvalde :38 h 4-18 Grey Nose... :37h 4-17 Viajoro :36d 4-16 Jack W :38b 4-14 Valted :37 h 4-18 Johnny Tight :37h 4-15 Wise Beauty. :38h 4-19 Miss Wise... :36b One-Half Mile. 4-20 Ariel Gold.. :52h 4-18 Ly Comrade :50h 4-21 Billionaire .. :50b 4-19 Mouse Trap. :534b 4-21 Bit Indepdt :51 b 4-18 Ms Grcnock :51 h 4-19 Beau Monde. :55 b 4-16 .Manners Man :51b 4-21 Bcing Along. :51 b 4-21 Old Traveller :53 h 4-21 Biologist ... :50b 4-18 Old Hop :55 b 4-18 Cks Ormont :52h 4-18 Old State.... :52andli 4-19 Crows Flight :53 b 4-18 Prince Fellow :50 h 4-19 Double R.... :52 b 4-19 Prrish Roach :51 b 3- 30 Free Spirit.. :53 b 4-16 Paul T :53 b 4- 19 Fish Moment :56 b 4-19 Shotin High :56 b 4-19G!owset .... :50h 4-19 Swecpalot . . . :53 h 4-18 Hy Rhinock. :51 h 4-18 Sailor Man.. :51h 4-11 Home Grown :53h 4-19 Tartarus :55 b 4-19Janke T. :55 b 4-18 Up to Snuff. :50 h 3- 23 Ktky Eagle :53 b 4-20 Valevictorian :52b Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 19BilIbo l:05h 4-17 Pat C l:03h 4-15 Baby Stare.. l:08-"3b 4-19 Prince FIuz. .1:06 h 4-18 Captn Hcnryl:04h 4-18 Purple Wing.l:08b 4-19 Chauvcnet ..l:07h 4-19 Re-Sweep ...1:07 b 4-19 Cherkeo RcdljD4h 4-19 Skalkafioe ..V.03h 4-15 Miss Diavolol:06b 4-19 Squall 1:05 b 4-18 Mary Scibcrt.l:08b 4-19 Ykce Watersl:06 b 4-19 Miss Tiny... 1:07 b 4-19 Yantis 1:08 b 4-18 Patti Sing...l:08b Three-Ouartert Mile. 4-19Baboson ....l:19b 4-18 L. Confucius.l:21b 4-21 Bonnie Lois. 1:20 b 4-18 Lceoran ....l:23b 4-21 Bootmaker .l:17d 4-18 Lord Dalton.l:19h 4-19 Brevity 1:154h 4 20 Marie Jean. .1:19 h 4-21 Behind Me. .1:20 b 4-19 Mission Timcl:22 h 4-21 Bow to Me. .l:17b 4-18 Miss Melody.l:20b 4-19 Chance Sun. l:16.h 4-8 On the Go.. 1:23 b 4-19 Cloverport . .l:17d 4-19 Prince Vic. . .l:23-3b 4-19 Down in Frtl:20 b 4-19 Ravmond .. .1:20 h 4-18 Eniz 1:21 h 4-18 Robert S. .. .l:17h 4-19Felwvn ......1:19 h 4-18 Shadowdwn l:22b 4-18 Gee Gee l:22b 4-18 Sun X 1:21 h 4-1 Geo. Gable.. 1:21 h 4-18 Sis Asnes.. . .l:20b 4-18 Crania l:22b 4-18 Spanish Red. 1:22 b 4-19 Glint 1:20 b 4-18 Tcrpon .....l:24b 4-19 Jnie NuchoIsl:22 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Cross Ruff.. .1:35 b 4-18 S. and Soundl:35b 4-19 Dusty Dawn. 1:37 b 4-20 Visigoth ... .1:32h 4-18 Rock X 1:35 b One Mile. 4-18 Bdie Troacy.l:46h 4-18 Jawapa l:49b 4-19 Donnahona .l:494b 4-18 Lucy l:46h 4-17 Emvec 1:55 b 4-18 Lucky Amlial:45b 4-19 Fair Cynthia.l:53b 3-2S Red Basil. ..1:58 b 4-19 Gilbert Elstnl:47 h 4-15 Slepinanna .1:47 h 4-20 He Did VA2b 4 19 Teddy Boy.. .l:51J,andb 4-18 Iceberg l:47h One and One-Quarter Miles. 4-21 Bien Joli. . . .2:09h 4-21 Banister . . . .2:10 h Entree showed speed in the going. Pat C. showed a good effort. Brevity wore blinkers in his good work and was accompanied by Chance Sun. Valevictorian joined He Did the last half mile of his impressive work. Banister and Bien Joli worked in company, and their mile and a quarter trial was impressive. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Babv Joe... :37h 4-18 Fr. Princess. :39 h 4-19 Bold General :39 h Fair Delight. :41 h 4-18 Ben Sweep.. :38h Fire Finch... :43 h - 4-19 Ber Thomas :39 h 3-27 Hildur Queen :39h 4-19 Butiful Gean :39h 4-18 Live Granite. :43 h 4-18 Blue Spur... :37?h 4-18 Old Forester. :39 h 3- 25 Don Creole.. :40 h 4-18 Quirky :39 h 4- 20 Dk Laughter :44 b 4-18 Timbcrline . :43 h 4-18 Early Times. :41 h Witty Lass.. :39 h One-Half Mile. 4-18 Bye Bye Will :52?b 4-16 Judge Blake. :50h 4-17 Bsy Lutrecia :50h 4-18 Jges Verdict :52b 4-11 Consistent .. :54 h Nello :56 b 4-15 Crimson :56 h 3-25 Oddesa Girl.. :53h 4-20 Carl S :50h 4-15 Oddesa Boy.. :52h 4-18 Crack Boy.. :52h 4-19 Panalong ... :52h 4-15 Day Dawn... :55 h 4-18 Rudie :53b 4-15 Eies Brother :52h 4-19 Stcalingaway. :52h 4-20 Grand Duke. :55h 4-18 Saturn -JS5b 4-19 Hum Brown :50h Sojourn :56 b 4-18 Impial Polly :54 h 4-18 Side-Stepper. :54 h 4-llImpial Ebeo :557h 4-16 Top Spin. .. . :53h 3- 25 Jay Bee Jay. :54 h 4-18 Zaca :53Mb Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 21 Alice G l:07h 4-18 Floorman ... 1:0673b. 4-18Alhambra ...1:06 h 4-18 Gerald 1:08 Ji 4-18 Bottle Cap.. 1:05 h 4-18 Kingsbury ..l:0675h 4-18 Black Bottlel.-05,h 4-20 Pats Dghtcrl:09h 4-20 Coronium ...lK9h 4-16 Rolanda ....1:10 h 4-20 Demonstrate 1:08 h 4-18 Shinig Jewell:06 h Exclaim ....l:06h 4-20 Tankie l:09h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Almarine . . .l:18b 3-14 Late Date. . .1:27 b 4-19Airforcc ....l:17h 4-19 Lucky Foot. 1:21 h 4-18 Chncy Top..l:17h 4-15 Oddesa Clarkl:22 h 4-17 Dora May... 1:16h 4-18 Smiling Ed. .1:22 h 4-19 Erla 1:20 h 4-19 Saxova 1:21 h 4-19Gobye BIuesl:18 h 4-17 Wild Gus... .l:18h 4-15Hsome Johnl:22 h 4-19 Watersplash 1:18 h 4-15 Helen Hatterl:22 h 4-17 Wise Dora. .l:187sh Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Blue Gantletl:37b 4-19 Gautomala ..l:33h 4-19 Don Pancho.l:33b 4-10 Gen Greonckl:37-3b Black Bottle and Bottle Cap went together. Holdum Brown and Judge Blake were in company. Dora May worked exceDtionallv well. Helen Hatter, Oddesa Clark and Handsome John went handily together. The following horses worked from the gate: Busy Lutrecia, Carl S., Watersplash, Erla, Goodbye Blues and Old Forester. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track fast Three Eighths Mile. 4-14 Claimant ... :39 b High Mabel.. :41 b 4-16 Flyg Centr. :367h One Half Mile. 4-19 Briarthorn .. :53 b Spicy Bit :53 b Dedication . . :51 h Step Away. . :55 b 4-19 Flying Netta :51 h Snark ...... :55 b 4-19 Move Fastr :55 b 4-19 Wise Bun... :51 h 4-15 Seabiscuit.. :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Sophia Tckrl:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-15 Apprchnsie 1:21 b 4-9 Stingum ....1:17 li 4-15 Merry Pete.. l:16h 4-20 Uganda.... 1:16 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 3- 28DbIc Finessel:32 h 4-17 First Bid... .1:32 h One Mile. 4- 19 King Saxon. 1:41 h 4-20 Wte Cockdel:49 b 4-17Teufel 1:42 h One and One-Quarter Miles. 4-20 Isolator ....2:14 b BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three Eighths Mile. 3- 27 Hail :37h 4-20 Sorceress ... :37 h 4- 16 Mandas Bby :3823b One-Half Mile. 4-19 Black Buddy. :46h 4-18 My Purchase :50h" 4-19 Chancer .... :48h 4-13 Mazurka ... :52 b 4-20 Credulous .. :50 h 4-19 Observant .. :49 h 4-15 Dickory Dock :53 b 4-13 Pearl Diver.. :52 h 4-20 Goldeneye .. :49 h 4-19 Plat Eye... :46h 4-20Joyride .... :49 h Propriety ..; :53 b 4-11 Lost Battaln :52 b 4-19 Qun Elizath :52 b 4-2 Little Maxie. :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Airy Going.. 1:00 d 4-20 Match Play..l:03h 4-19 Apple Betty. .I:0l75h 4-19 Nightmare ..1:07 b 4-16 Blk Grouso..l:01 h 4-17 San Antioca..l:02h 4-17Bolsima ....l:02h 4-17 Samakov ...1:01 d 4-18 Glastonbury l:03h Sun Feathcrsl:08 b 4-20Janeen l:03h 4-17 Terpsichore .l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-21 Argueficatn l:17h Lrd Admiral.1:16h 4-20 Bravado ... .1:20 b 4-17 Significant . .l:17h 4-19 Baby Sis.... 1:17 h 4-18 Sea Cradle.. 1:18 h 4-19 Flying Mare.l:16h 3-27 Speed 1:22 h 4-20 Forced Ldgl:18 h 4-20 Whopper ...1:17 h 4-20 Hellespont ..1:18 h 4-20 Waster 1:20 b 4-18Islay 1:17 h One Mile. 4-19 Carp 1:47 h Sparta 1:43 h 4;19GaIsac 1:43 h 4-7 Thursday ...1:45 h 4-13 Preeminent .1:46 b 4-19 Tuxpan 1:47 d One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-17 Brt Plumagel:57andh 4-19 Memory Book1:55 h 4-19 Brush Hook. 1:57 h 4-20 Split Second.l:57h 4-18 Chf Mournrl:59 h 4-20 Singers Folly.2:06 b 4-19 Gillie 1:57 h JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Clientelle ... :36d 4-20 Ironbound .. :37h 4-20Cabouse .... :41 b 4-19 Jhn Werring :37h 4-18"Galloping On. :37Vsh One-Half Mile. 4-8 Flying Thor. :50d 2-29 Sis Royal... :51b Machilla .... :51h 4-19 Tudor Queen. :50 h 4-16 Mskd Queen :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. -4-14 Bding CountlK5 b 4-16 Mr. Bill 1:07 b 3- 20 Count Me... 1:05 b Son o Sting.l:05 b 4- 19DunIilt l:03h 4-20 Wise King... 1:03 h 4-17Dundrum ...l:03h Three Quarters Mile. 4-19 Clasp 1:19 h 4-20Vi:ice Farleyl:21 b Seven Eighths Mile. 4-20 Star Shadow1:293d 4-19 Sweetbroom .1:32 d One Mile. 4-18Ahriman ....l:53b 4-19 Exeter 1:43 d 4-18 Apprentice ..1:54 b 4-19 Four Spot.. .l:44d 4-19 Big Red 1:43 d 4-20 Legionary ... 1:4511 4-18 Cascapedia .1:51 b 4-15 Thisway ... .1:51 b HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-21 Accolade .... :37h 4-19 Mettle :36h Abbots Last. :37 h 4-20 Old Ironsides :35 d 4-2G Apprehend .. :37h 4-13 Pass Em By :36h 3- 17 Au Folly.... :39 h 4-9 Sun Abbot... :38h 4- 15 Blescd Again :36h 4-16 Sunrap :37 h 215Bk Hrmony :36 d 4-4 Shantime ... :36 d 4-17 Busby :37h 4-20 Stge Whisper :36 d 4-16 Gold Seeker. :37 h 4-20 Sun Alley... :37 d 3- 16 James City.. :39 d 4-13 Vole Boy.... :37h One Half Mile. 4- 20Bston Brook :49d 4-20Furfiber .... :49 d 4-18Beveau :49id 4-20 Flying Wind. :50 h 4-2 Bubblette... :50 h 4-16 Goldey F.... :483h 4-16 a. and Arow :50 h 4-20 Per Diem.. .. :49d 4-5 Corum :52 h 4-16 Swap :52 d 4-20 Captain Hull. :51 h Strng Home :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. Bungalow ..1:05 h 4-17 Phantom Fox1:03 h 25-19 Insulated ...1:06 h 4-2 Proteus l:03h 4-18 My Colin.... lMh 3-30 Staroean ....1:04 b 4-19rcter Carey.lK7 h 4-17 The Bailiff... l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-20Airatrix ....l:18h 4-20 Miss Mared. .1:17 h 4-16 Aperitif ....1:17 h 4-18 Night Court. I:i7 h 4-20 Droll Story. .1:20 h 4-19 Sir Windsor.l:17 d 4-19 Giant Killer..l:19 b 4-18 Scout On. .. .l:18h Green Mist.. 1:18 h 4-18 Ste. Louise.. 1:20 h 4-18 Jimmy D.... 1:18 h 4-19 Snow Fox. ..1:18 h 418Jakovia ,...l:18h One Mile. 4-17Chatmoss ...l:45h Palamede ...l:457sh 4-19 Exaggerate 1:46 d 4-19 Ronfalon .. .1:45 d 4-17 Firethorn ...1:43 h 4-17 Stand Pat... l:43b 4-20 In Front.... 1:46 h 4-6 Terry On....l:45d 4-19 Knt Warriorl:4375h Stand Pat was under restraint. Firethorn went handily from the barrier. Knight Warrior went handily. Chatmoss went handily. Giant Killer was hmeziner Goldey F. showed her usual speed. Sunrap and Gold Seeker went handily. Bubblette and Bow and Arrow went handily from the barrier together. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Inside Track. Weather cloudy; track fast - Three-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Beau Bon... :36h 4-20 Onrush :37h 4-16 Bronc Rider. :37h 4-15 Prince Sador :36h 4-20 Erb :37 h 4-12 Pretty Peg.. :37 h 4-18Fanfern .... :38b 4-18 Pansys First :35?h 4-1 Favtc Child. :40 h 3-22 Rip Vn Wle :40b 4-14 Goln Saint.. :38h 4-20 Snorky :38 h 4-20 Lassies Son. :44 b 4-19 Scythe :38 h 4-8 Master Time. :36 h 4-18 Spicate :36h 4-17 Mry Carline :38b 4-20 Wtch Tinker :42 h One Halt Mil 4-19 Alma Delia.. :51 h 4-15 Mareve :53 b 4-16 Bay Bubble. :50b 4-11 Moon Moss.. :48 d 4-19 Bonnie Pan.. :50h 4-16 Moisson .... :48 d 3- 8 Barbara J... :50h 4-17 Nat Bragg... :50 h 4- 20 Chance Line :51 b 4-8 Prairie Belle :50 h 4-16Capn Logan :50h 4-12 Pharatime .. :51 b 4-18DbIe Kerry. :50b 4-19 Quasimodo . :48 d 4-7 Daisykan ... :50 h 4-12 Rtic Lassie. :50 h 4-5 Dozana :55 b 2-14 Really True. :50h 4-10 Goln Fate.. :47h 4-16 Rushaway .. :50b 4-19Highomar .. :50 b 4-19 Rapid Bells. :53b 4-7 Ida King.... :49h 4-12 Seven Up.... :54 b 4-12 Joe .Jay :51h 3-22,Wing Won :55b 4-18 Lady Mar... :49d 4-16Warrr Slave :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Bald Crest. ..1:03 h 4-14 Fitkin 1:06 b 4-16Countss Annl:04 h 4-12 Sheratan ...1:04 h 4-9 Club Soda...l:06h 4-8 Rams Head.. 1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-16 Annan l:20b 3-30 Lee Laffoon.l:18 h 4-18 Baby Swccp.l:16b 4-20 Maskcticr ...l:18h 4-13 Early Call...l:15h 4-15 Miss Antny.1:15Jh 4-17 Fairsickle ...1:17 h 4-21 White Legs. .1:23 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Mcy Getter.l:30b One Mile. 4-18 Bye Bye Myl:44 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-18Marynell ....1:55 h Outside Track. Three-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Prcs Teddy :37 h 4-18 Tornadic . . . :38h One-Half Mile. 4-20 Begins Bait. :49 h 3-27 Northgalis .. :55 b 4-17 Howard G... :55 h 4-15 Pce Heather :49h 4-19 Mild Manrs. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Billy ONct.l. 1:05 h 4-15 Lone Knight.l:06h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-15 Lady Trust.. 1:16 h Pansys First had speed. Fanfern and Merry Caroline were breezing together. Rushaway and Bay Bubble were hard-held in company. Golden Fate worked impressively. Baby Sweep worked well in hand. Money Getter was under restraint through out in his trial. Marynell went evenly all the way in he good work for the stake Saturday, her frac tions being: :24, :48, 1:14, l:404i. TANFORAN. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 5 Reproach . . . :37 b 4-14 Special Agent :37 b One Halt Mile. 4- 10 Brass Bottle. :48Jh 4-11 Opium 31 b 4-7 Inheritor ... :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-5 Bea l:03andb 3-27 Macd Breezel:05h 4-6 Clyde 1:00h 4-16 Skipton ....l:01Ii 4-18 Hal Dwycr. . 1:0314b 4-17 Supreme Lce.14 b 4-llMazol l:01b 2-11 Ur 1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-16 Bye Lo...... 1:18 b 4-21 Nilus 1:12h BAY MEADOWS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Cantrip .... :364ib 4-5 Make a. Brk :37 b 4-18 Drastic Rose :37b 4-9 Ruflc :37b Gornct :40andb Ruthenium.. :40!b 4-2 Jeannctte K. :38 b 4-11 Shasta Banr :38 b 4-21 Low Ball.... :36b 4-6 Sashcmus ... :37 b One Halt Mile. 4-17 Am. Emblem :50b 4-17 Oriley :50if,b 4-17 Alice Mine... :50h 4-6 Panic Blues.. :53b 4-18BartIctt .... :52 b 4-18 Plunge Home :53b 4-17 Bay Leaf. . . . :51h 4-19 Rochcsr Day :51 b 4-17 Chatr Queen :53b 4-7 Stavka :50 b 4-18 Gertie :51b 4-17 Ten After. ... :52b 4-20 Harrogate .. :48h 4-20 Tonta :50 b 4-12 Hobnail :51b 4-18 Uppermost... :49 h 4-15 Korccna .... :49b Five-Eighths MiK 3-20 Army Lass..l:03b 4-12 Hour Rap...l:04b 3- 23Blck Minnicl:03b 4-13 Itsown l:03b 4- 16Barondi ....1:03 b 4-9 Lampasas ...l:03b 4-19Buddg Star.l:02b 2-21 Little Son. . ,l:04b 4-8 Bonhonest ..l:06b 4-15 Royal Chef.-lf-b 3- 20 Dan Breeze.l:03b 4-21 Sharp Girl. ..l:03b 1-14 Fresno l:05b 4-9 Sedreg lK4b Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 6 Bmr Bchavel:19ib 3-21 Chick Boots. l:19b 3- 15 Brown Idyll.l:15h Easter Style. l:19b 4- 9 Bon Amour.. l:22d 4-19 Scrip Money. 1:15h 4-16 Cumulative .l:17b One Mile. 4-18 Biddys Toy. 1:43 h 4-9 Plucky Jack.l:52b 4-19 Be Mine 1:48 b 4-21 Wise Baby. ..1:45 d Make and Break was hard held. Oriley could have gone faster. Chatter Queen was very hard held. Plucky Jack was only cantering. Biddys Toy was well rated throughout.

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