Daily Racing Form, Daily Racing Form, 1936-04-23

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gjnnra Best of the Day RgSggjgi JAMAICA 5th YOUNG NATIVE A HAVRE DE GRACE 5th CORUM "KVTWfllfCJ HiEandS5 1 ARLINGTON DOWNS 5th. COLONEL ED VJ--"- IVXIVJ I - BAY MEADOWS 3rd.... BARBARA LEE JAMAICA Trackman: C. J. CONNORS. Outstanding selections appear ia bold type. Weather clear; track fast. RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES j SWEEP ANALYST CONSENSUS Juliet W. Hook It Juliet W. Banjorine The Queen Buttermilk Buttermilk 20 1 Bosnia Totem Pole Buttermilk Buttermilk Buttermilk The Queen Juliet W. 16 Inactive Banjorine Inactive Inactive Banjorine Bosnia Banjorine 12 Bounding Count Bounding Count AINeiman Play Book Move Faster Move Faster Move Faster 28 2 Clientelle Move Faster Move Faster Move Faster Clientelle Bounding Count Bnding Count 24 AINeiman Clientelle Clientelle Bounding Count Bounding Count Clientelle Clientelle 14 Drawbridge Drawbridge Drawbridge Drawbridge Drawbridge Drawbridge Drawbridge 48 3 Belle Elan Drowsy , Belle Elan Belle Elan Belle Elan Belle Elan Belle Elan 20 Working Girl Gleaming Disown Stylist Drowsy Drowsy Drowsy 8 Chancer Seabiscuit Seabiscuit Seabiscuit Seabiscuit Seabiscuit 50 4Seabiscuit WhaHae Seabiscuit Chancer Goldeneye WhaHae WhaHae Chancer 20 Chancer WhaHae WhaHae Chancer Chancer Chancer WhaHae 16 Young Native Young Native Young Native Young Native Young Native Young Native Young Native 54 5 Fusco Warren Jr. Warren Jr. Warren Jr. Warren Jr. Fusco Warren Jr. 18 Captain Jinks Captain Jinks Sunanair Fusco Captain Jinks Warren Jr. Fusco 10 Chatterdoo Chatterdoo Chatterdoo Early Dawn Chatterdoo Chatterdoo Chatterdoo44 6 Go Quickly Masked Queen Gunwale Chatterdoo Languorous Flying Gypsy Early Dawn 10 Flying Gypsy Languorous Early Dawn Languorous Gunwale Gunwale Gunwale 8 HAVRE DE GRACE Trackman: G. SNOW. Outstanding selections appear In bold type. Weather clear; track fast. RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES SWEEP ANALYST CONSENSUS Alahad Alahad Swiftply Staraway Swiftply Swif tply Swif tply 32 1 Swiftply Happy Hostess Warrior Queen Swiftply Staraway Warrior Queen Alahad 18 Staraway Accrue Staraway Warrior Queen Peggy Shippen Alahad Staraway 16 b Distracting Distracting Little Argo Little Argo Distracting Little Argo Distracting 32 2 Sunned Chiliad Sunned Chiliad Chiliad Distracting Little Argo 28 Chiliad Little Argo Chiliad Distracting Sunned Sunned Chiliad 16 Red Wagon Apprehend Red. Wagon Cruising Apprehend Red Wagon Red Wagon 34 . 3 Apprehend Red Wagon Apprehend Red Wagon Epitaph Beveau Apprehend 24 j Epitaph Epitaph Semaphore Epitaph Red Wagon Semaphore .Cruising 10 My Colin Night Play Bow and Arrow My Colin Bow arid Arrow Bow and Arrow Bow and Arow 30 4 Night Play Galmica Two Bob Bow and Arrow Galmica Galmica . My Colin 18 , Galmica Two Bob Rosselli Galmica My Colin Night Play Galmica 16 Fez Fez Coram Corum Fez Corum Co rum 38 5 Corum Corum Fez Fairest Flag Corum Fairest Flag Fez 32 Jack Patches Fairest Flag Fairest Flag Fez Fairest Flag Fez Fairest Flag 14 Dancing Cloud Light Brook Light Brook Tul eyries Wand Lone Hand Light Brook Light Brook 30 6 Viva Pete Patient Saint Lone Hand Light Brook Dancing Cloud Guilder Lone Hand 16 Guilder Dancing Cloud Guilder Lone Hand Light Brook Lone Hand Dancing Cloud 14 0verstimulate Mad Frump Apathy Six Bells Mad Frump Overstimulate Overstimulate 26 7 Mad Frump Mt. Hood Tack Overstimulate Six Bells Mad Frump Mad Frump 26 Wishing Star Overstimulate Overstimulate 1 Apathy Overstimulate Six Bells Six Bells 14 ARLINGTON DOWNS Trackman: P. G. McCANN. Outstanding selections appear to bold type. Weather clear; track fast. RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO OICK WELLES SWEEP ANALYST CONSENSUS Hatty Hatty Prince Sador Prince Sador Hatty Hatty Hatty 38 Rustic Miss Erb Hatty Howard G. Erb Erb Prince Sador 16 Howard G. Ruth Scout Erb Hatty Ruth Scout Ruth Scout Erb 14 Homer L. Homer L. Homer L. Homer L. JustaHymn Homer L. Homer L.-42 Parma Violet Sharp Thoughts Parma Violet Parma Violet Albane Parma Violet Parma Violet 18 Sharp Thoughts Parma Violet Albane JustaHymn Aurebon Joe Jay JustaHymn 10 Snorky Snorky Snorky Alwintour Alwintour Snorky40 3Snorky Alwintour Alwintour Alwintour Alwintour Snorky Snorky Alwintour 32 Greenstone No Saint Foxy Quiller No Saint No Saint No Saint No Saint 8 March Step Clarify Dozana Clarify Dasher Clarify 28 , 4Nedvive Clarify Nedvive March Step Clarify Dasher Clarify Dasher 14 Takus Inscription Dasher Takus Inscription Dozana Nedvive 12 Colonel Ed Colonel Ed Colonel Ed Pharatime Colonel Ed Colonel Ed Colonel Ed 45 5 Indiantown Garden Message Indiantown Colonel Ed Garden Message TheDarb Indiantownl2 Onrush Indiantown Onrush Wise Anne Indiantown Garden Message Gden Message 10 Burning Up Burning Up Fabius Burning Up Fabius Fabius Burning Up 34 6 Strange Times Strange Times MintdeMie Moreanmore Moreanmore Burning Up Fabius 32 Fabius Fabius Moreanmore Fabius Burning Up Ladino Moreanmore 10 Pretty Peg Pretty Peg Ancelot Allenfern Ancelot Ancelot Ancelot36 7 Allenfern Ancelot Flaming Light Ancelot Flaming Light Flaming Light Pretty Peg 20 Ancelot Flaming Light Fandan Flaming Light Pretty Peg Pretty Peg Flaming Light 16 Col. Hatfield Benefit Baboo Baboo Benefit Benefit Benefit26 8 Captain Red Captain Red Beau Bon Here On Baboo Sarsita Baboo 20 Benefit Col. Hatfield Captain Red Beau Bon Beau Bon Beau Bon Col. Hatfield 10 BAY MEADOWS Trackman: J. J. MUKrHi. Outstanding selections appear in bold type. Weather clear; track fast. RACE TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES SWEEP j ANALYST CONSENSUS " Mollify The Lake The Lake The Lake Mollify Mollify Mollify 30 Black Rhapsody Black Rhapsody Black Rhapsody Mollify Black Rhapsody Black Rhapsody The Lake 30 The Lake Mollify Mekong Black Rhapsody The Lake The Lake Blk Rhapsody 22 Gold Return Sue Grafton Sue Grafton Release Gold Return Release Release 26 2 Sweet Mayme Gold Return Release Zanny Release Gold Return Gold Return 24 Release Zanny Zanny Holmfirth Sweet Mayme Sweet Mayme Sue Grafton 16 Barbara Lee Barbara Lee Barbara Lee Barbara Lee Barbara Lee Barbara Lee Barbara Lee 50 3 Chazzan Pickard Captain Fried French Honey Chief Evergreen French Honey French Honey 12 French Honey Captain Fried Pickard Chazzan French Honey Captain Fried Captain Fried 8 Shasta Banner Shasta Banner Fresno JoeFlores JoeFlores JoeFIores24 4JoeFIores Fresno Small Mortgage Fresno Small Mortgage Shasta Banner Small Mortgage Shasta Banner 22 Tamalpias Fresno Small Mortgage Shasta Banner Fresno Tamalpias Fresno 20 Make and Break Harrogate Make and Break Wise Ace Harrogate Harrogate Harrogate 32 5 Wise Ace Make and Break Harrogate Harrogate Fair Quest Fair Quest Make and Brk 24 Fair Quest Silver Kiev Howden Make and Break Make and Break Natalie Alice Wise Ace 14 Blackmail Uncle Fred Gertie Am ican Emblem Dignified Gertie Gertie 26 6 Gertie Dignified Uncle Fred Dignified Gertie Blackmail Dignified 20 Squeezer Blackmail Dignified Gertie Blackmail Dignified Blackmail 16 Bye Lo In Chancery Uppermost Bye Lo Uppermost Uppermost Uppermost 38 7 In Chancery Uppermost In Chancery Uppermost Bye Lo Tarpaulin Bye Lo 22 Mr. Bun ByeLo Mr. Bun In Chancery Mr. Bun In Chancery In Chancery 20 JimX. Polly Cee Bourbon Prince Salz Bourbon Prince Salz22 8Salz Dunes Salz Bourbon Prince Silver Bond JimX. JimX. Borbon Prince 22 JimX. Polly Cee Salz Silva Bourbon Prince Polly Cee JimX. 18 Love Sick Mahomet Love Sick Mahomet Mahomet Mahomet Mahomet 38 9 Mahomet Nugent Cheyenne Boy Nugent Love Sick Love Sick Love Sick 26 j Nacho Love Sick Mahomet Son of Day Nugent Nugent Nugent 12

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936042301/drf1936042301_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1936042301_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800