Arlington Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1937-04-24

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ARLINGTON DOWNS o --t THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES AT ARLINGTON DOWNS FRIDAY PAID 66.70 FOR . -- ---.--....- -K ARLINGTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1937. Arlington Downs 1 116 miles and 30 feet. Twenty-first day. Texas Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 28 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, S. Nuckols. Steward representing State Racing Commission, G. R. Pickard. Associate Steward, W. H, Shelley. Judges, L. C. Bogenschutz, E. A. Hileman and W. II. Shelley. Starter, R. Dicker, son. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; "10 pounds. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE. Trlnchera, Nov. 21, 193G 1:117 110. Purse 00. 3-year-Aff,f7fX 0,ds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since March 30. ,Tt, 3-year-olds, 107 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since March 30 allowed Apr.-23-37-A.D 3 ibs.; since February 27, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horits Eqt A Wt PP St Y4. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40036EVERY EFFORT wb 4 108 6 3 31 3 2 1"" VedderRL A Zitnik 330-100 40037LO w 5 103 2 4 1 1J lh 23 Hauerll C E Davison 140-100 40015 SQUEEZE OUT w 6 108 11 1 5 5J 31 3 PhillipsE Bonaire Stable tl655-100 39846ELIZABETH T. wb4 103 7 8 4J 4J 4t 4 CornayW Mrs E McCuan 2090100 39999IAGO wb 10 108 10 2 8J 7 7 5 Johnson WL Mrs E"E Chadnell 845-100 40188 SWIFTY w9 113 9 9 11 8 8 6 AdamsJ Mrs E Drillon f 40036TE.MPTING WITCHwb4105 4 6 2 2 51 71 Moral! M Huttinger 2715-100 400133CHICARO BOY wb6113 3 5 5 6 6 81 BeckA C Howell 720-100 39907 HER HERO w 6 118 5 7 V- 9 9 91 ErwinS J Robilio 2120-100 39999EREBUS wb6110 111 10 10 10 103 RichardJ Silver Star Stable 1385-100 39439 NOURRICE wb 6 108 8 10 9 11 11 11 GrillF J Finlcy 22030-100 tField. Time, :23and. :47?$. 1:1344. Trick fast. ,-12 CERTIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS , EVERY EFFORT $ 8.60 $ 3.40 $ 3.20 330100 70100 63100 LO 2.90 2.70 45100 35100 SQUEEZE OUT Field 5.90 195100 Winner B. g, by Gladiator Last Effort, by Ultimus trained by J. Zitnik; bred by Mr. G. Drumheller. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:18. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EVERY EFFORT, away fast and saved early, responded well after three-eighths, was forced wide by LO at the stretch turn, came fast when clear and won drawing away. LO, badly handled and rushed to the front, was unable to draw clear, bore out entering the stretch, gave way to the winner, yet held the others safe. SQUEEZE OUT began fastest, but was unable to keep up, worked its way forward on the outside and held on well. ELIZABETH T. moved up fast when sent to the inside for the drive and Finished strongly. SWIFTY raced wide and closed fast. CHICARO BOY was unable to keep up. TEMPTING WITCH H quit" IAGO was outrun. Scratched 40159aTap Time, 102. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. Trlnchera, Nov. 21, 19361:11547-110. Purse 00. 3-year-40273 S a"Upr?,- chtml"Sv Non-winners of two races since March 30. . A7r A5 f-year-olds, 107 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since March 30 allowed 2337 Apr.-23-37 A.D 3 lbs.; since February 27, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second. 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St lA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40095COLOR BEARERWB5113 7 7 4 li 1 1 WardWF Mrs R O Higdon 420MOO 40161 ROYAL LINK wb5115 8 2 3 3J 21 2h ChestnutJ H K Barron 710-100 40037 JOHN DOE wb 4 113 10 1 71 81 4H 3- ErwinS Mrs M L Smith 475-100 39730SCRIP MONEY wb6105 9 8 9 5 31 45 CornayW Mrs J L Wilson 1040-100 40095ABLE ABE wb4 108 6 6 51 4J 6 51 RobcrtsS J Smith 400-100 39885NO WORRY wb4 103 3 4 V 21 5 62 VedderRL P Stell 865-100 39768 LUGEN LUGGAGE wb 7 115 2 5 6 61 7 7 KingT C C Lemons 1300-100 39845 IRISH WAKE wb7115 5 9 8" 9 9 8 TerryM Mrs J Blakely 895-100 38612OWEN wb 6 108 1 3 2and 7 81 9 RichardJ J Hinckley 5890-100 39999RAFFLES LAD wb 4 110 4 10 10 10 10 10 Hauerll C Morris and Son 1580-100 Time, :2i. :47, 1:13J$. Track fast. f-2 CERTIFICATES FAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 COLOR BEARER 0.40 $ 5.20 $ 3.20 420100 163100 60100 ROYAL LINK 6.50 4.70 225100 135100 JOHN DOE 560 180-100 Continued on fifteenth page.. ARLINGTON DOWNS Continued from third page. Winner Ch. g, by High Time Pinkie, by Delhi trained by R. O. Higdon; bred by Mr. S. V. Labrot. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:51. AT POST J minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COLOR BEARER, away slowly, improved its position fast after a quarter, drew away rapidly after reaching the lead, responded to strong urging in the stretch and won with something .left. ROYAL LINK, a strong factor from, the start, offered a bold bid on the inside in the stretch, but tired fast thereafter. JOHN DOE began fastest, but was unable to keep up, improved his position on the outside and finished strongly. SCRIP MONEY tired after reaching contention on the inside. ABLE ABE had no mishaps. NO WORRY was done after a half mile. LUGEN LUGGAGE was unable to improve its position under strong ureing. OWEN quit Scratched 40094 Chaumont, 110; 37671 Spearulus, 92. THIRD RACE 1 1-16 MIXES. Infantry, Nov. 21, 19361:443112. Purse 00. 4-year-Afltyr? A Ids and upward. Claiming. Weight, 115 lbs. Non-winners of two races k"and since March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since then, 6 lbs.; since February Apr.-23-37-A.D 27, 8 lbs.; In 1937, 10 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. No apprentice allowance. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Hones Eqt A Wt PP St hi Str Fin jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40020 HANDY BAGGAGEw 4 112 11 6 8 7 3 1 l2 RobertsS T S Parker 855-100 40125 FANDAN w5112 3 10 9 9 6 2h 21 Richard J F Shultz 410-100 40067 JOBIOSO w5112 2 8 5h 5 5n 71 3 Manifold!! C Rothwell 760-100 40037 BARNEY KEEN w 10 107 5 1 l" 21 4 6 4n LakeL H R Merrill 345-100 40222 CHATTERLY wb 6 109 10 2 6 41 7J 41 5 MoraH E H Burns 925-100 40096 PHRIXUS wb4 109 8 3 32 3 1J 3 6 FallonML Mrs D Hum 12185-100 39671 HOUSE AFIRE w4104 9 5 7 8$ 8" 8 7 JohnsonWL Mrs C B Shafer 2235-100 40130JCAPTAIN RED wb7107 7 4 2 1J 2" 5h 8J HauerH C E Davison 640-100 39931 WITCH LORE wb4 109 6 11 11 11 101 9 91 AdamsJ TB Miller 1965-100 39655 DUTCHY wn6109 1 9 103 103 11 11 103 WardWF C H Speelman 740-100 39524 DELIA BOOTER wb4 104 4 7 4J 6h 9 10 11 GrillF C W Rich t tField. Time, :24, :48K. 1:1494. 1:41K. 1:48. Track fast. .- CERTIFICATES PAID. , OFFICIAL BOOKTHQ ODDB HANDY BAGGAGE 9.10 6.70 $ 8.40 855100 735100 320100 FANDAN 5.90 3.80 195100 90100 JOBIOSO 5.40 170100 Winner Ch. g, by Bagenbaggage Blue Print, by Bubbling Over trained by J. W. Parker; bred by Idle Hour-Stock Farm and Mr. R. H. Farmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:21. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HANDY BAGGAGE, outrun early, improved his position steadily on the outside, drew clear rapidly after reaching the lead and won easily. FANDAN, away slowly and forced wide while racing, forwardly, responded to strong urging in the stretch and finished strongly. JOBIOSO, in close quarters early and on the inside, was steered through the field in the drive and closed with a rush. BARNEY KEEN tired. CHATTERLY moved up fast after five-sixteenths, then dropped back when its riders became disengaged from the stirrup irons, but, came again despite the mishap. PHRIXUS, used up in reaching the lead, tired in the drive. CAPTAIN RED quit. DUTCHY was outrun. Scratched 40095 Little Reigh, 109. FOURTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Liberty Scout, April 15, 1937 :54 2 112. Furse 0275 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Apr.-23-37-A.D Net vlue l0 wjnner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40068CAUTIVO wb116 7 4 2J lJ 1J FallonML King Ranch 160-100 40162 TRANSVIEW wll6 3 1 33 3h 2 LakeL Vestal and Hampshire 235-100 OTTOS CHOICE w 116 4 2 l1 21 3 AdamsJ Mrs M M Johr 985-100 40162WESTYS HERO wb116 5 5 4 4 43 CornayW C W Pershall 290-100 40068 SQUARE DANCE w 113 1 6 51 51 53 RichardJ Reynolds Bros 7440-100 40068 ROSWEEP wb116 8 9 7J 6 6J ScurlockJ Bedford Stock Farm COO0-10O LITTLE TRAMP wll6 2 3 61 71 71 RichardA Mrs A J Schuetie 2020-100 40126 KERRYLITE w 116 9 8 9 9 8 MelocheT G L Thompson 680-100 39451 LITTLE HIG w 116 6 7 8J 8J 9 KingT W A Mikel 6900-100 Time. :22K. :48. :55. Track fast. J2 CERTIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKTHQ ODDB , CAUTTVO " i 5-2" 3.10 $ 2.80 160100 65 100 40100 TRANSVIEW 3.70 3.10 85-100 B5 100 OTTOS CHOICE 4-50 125100 Winner B. c, by Livery Chicaro Jane, by Chicaro trained by W. Crump; bred by Mr. R. J. KltIWENTrTb POST 3:52. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CAUTIVO was hustled along from the start, swerved slightly when reaching the lead, drew clear rapidly then tired near the end, but withstood TRANSVIEW. the latter, probably best, was shuffled back early moved up fast when clear, responded to strong urging in the drive and was wearing the winner down at the end. OTTOS CHOICE came over slightly when sprinting into a good early lead, swung wide at the stretch was sent to the rail when straightened and was forced to take up when the winner raced into the lead inside the final three-sixteenths. WESTYS HERO raced evenly. SQUARE DANCE had no mishaps. 1 1TTI F TRAMP dropped back after an eishth. Scratched-40039 Check Signal, 116; 40097 Miss Darling, 113; 39886 Loleet, 113. FIFTH RACE 3-4 31 U.K. Trinchera, Nov. 21. 1936 1:11 7 110. Furse 00. S-year-Afxnrrd olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners since March SO allowed 8 4U57t lbs.; since February 27, 6 lbs.; in 1937, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; If for Apr.-23-37-A.D less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,750. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vx Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40098 niFRRY CHIC wb104 5 6 51 41 32 lh FallonML King Ranch 445-100 40099BRIGHT LAND wb109 3 5 3 21 V 2 RichardJ Mrs A M Creech 245-100 Iqqm my TOMMIE w 105 4 2 41 31 4 31 RobertsS Glad Acres Farm 845-100 SraqsiwiI I DO w 102 2 3 11 1 2 4 HauerH N G Gibbons 295-100 399MJESTING LADY w 100 1 4 21J 5" 53 53 JohnsonWL M Nelson 575-100 T79AQtT TTTT F ITPSET uiac.! w 112 6 1 6 6 6 6 TurnerL B Hernandez 570-100 oldWJLniL. Time. 2394. :4794. 1:134. Track fast. CERTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . ruc-BRV rH,p 0.90 $ 4.50 $ 3.90 445100 125100 95100 br"h7 4-10 mm land SJjj Ssioo MY WnneBVf," bychicaranderry Rose, by General Roberts trained by W. Crump; bred by estate of ii M King. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO P0ST-4:22. AT POST-1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. rurnnv ClUC awav slowest and outrun for five-sixteenths, improved her position steadily, responded "urging after-reaching the stretch, wore down BRIGHT LAND in the last stages and was drawing to strone t lh. end BRIGHT LAND, well up from the start and saved early, took command when ready, drew JE? rapidly," " put to strong urging when tiring, but failed to withstand the winner. MY TOMMIE, away -. fast but unable to keep up, responded well after three-eighths and finished strongly. WILL DO was hustled into a clear lead early and tired in the drive. JESTING LADY quit. LITTLE UPSET was outrun. Overweight Will Do, 2 pounds; Little Upset, 2. ! SIXTH RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Waggoner Course, Out of Chute. Heelfly, Nov. 18, Arjrr 19361:17552112. Furse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3- year-olds, 102 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Winners, 3 lbs. extra for each race worj Apr.-23-37-A.D 8ince March 30. Claiming price, ,500. j Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. 1 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str 400713BUNNY MARTIN w 4 108 2 3 3 3 3 1 VedderRL Mrs R O Burns 375-100 400033ALL DEVIL wb5115 5 5 t 6 4 21 RichardA Mrs C E Dale XOO-100 40128 SLAVONIA w 4 113 4 6 V 2i 21 3J GrillF Cactus Stable 470-100 39125FAST MOVE wb6115 1 4 14 ll 1" 44 LakeL CEDeahl 775-100 400983JUDGE LEER wb6110 6 2 53 51 6 5h CornayW C W Pershall 200-100 40003YULE STAR w 5 110 7 1 41 4J fil 6" JohnsonWL Mrs E Drillon 690-100 39239 LEONARD WILSONwb 5 115 3 7 7 7 7 7 LaidleyO Mrs V Wyse 3280-1CO Time, :23. :47?. 1:1294. 1:1994. Track fast. J2 CERTIFICATES FAID- , OFFICIAL B00KINO ODDS, BUNNY MARTIN $ 9.50 $ 4.10 $ 2.90 375100 105100 45100 ALL DEVIL 7.20 3.90 260100 95100 SLAVONIA 3.50 75100 Winner B. f, by Bunting Slang, by Sir Martin trained by J. Williams; bred by Rancho Verde Loma Cia. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:49. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BUNNY MARTIN, well handled and saved when outrun, responded well when called upon, was forced wide entering the stretch, came fast when straightened, wxire down SLAVONIA in the last forty yards and outfinished ALL DEVIL. The latter, far back for a half mile, was steered through the field in the drive and was wearing the winner down at the end. SLAVONIA was hustled along from the start, was forced wid entering the stretch, wore down FAST MOVE in the final eighth, but tired in the last stages. FAST -MOVE rushed into a good lead early, was put to strong urging when tiring, but gave way rapidly in the last eighth. JUDGE LEER improved his position after three-eighths, was forced to the extreme outside at the stretch turn, but came acain when clear. YULE STAR propped slightly at the start and was done after a half mile. Scratched 40040 Sir Gawaine, 115. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 MILES. Malimou, Nov. 21, 1936 2:05 6 111. Furse 00. 4-A AOffD year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since March x-" O 30. Weight, 113 lbs. Non-winners at a mile or over since March 30 allowed Apr.-23-37-A.D s i0s. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 40125LATER ON wb5104 7 7 94 8n lh 2J 1J RobertsS E R Moulder 380-100 401253IRISH IMAGE wb 6 109 10 10 33 14 2J lh 2 HaasL Mrs R O Higdon 635-100 40125BABY WRACK w 9 103 3 3 51 61 4 4h 31 VedderRL A Burchardt 815-100 40125NORTHCUTT w 7 105 4 4 8 7J 34 6 4 HauerH C Speelman 1200-100 40125 FACCHINA wb 8 104 9 9 73 9 84 51 51 AdamsJ R L Anderson 1235-100 401662PRINCE BALLOT w 5 103 5 5 6J 5" 5J 31 63 JohnsonWL Mrs D Christian 315-100 40072 FLABBERGAST wb6100 8 8 4 4 72 73 75 CornayW W A Mikel 925-100 40129STORM ANGEL wb 8 105 2 1 1 2 61 8 8 RichardJ Mrs A M Creech 4790-100 40125 SIGNAL LIGHT wb6107 6 6 2 33 9 91 9 WallR A Jackson 9585-100 MICHIGAN II. w7103 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 MoraH MrsVOtt 500-100 Time, :25, :489. 1:139. 1:40. 2:064. Track fast. ,32 CERTIFICATES PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB LATER ON $ 9.60 $ 4.50 $ 3.80 380100 125100 90100 IRISH IMAGE 6.40 3.70 22010 0 85100 BABY WRACK 4.10 105100 Winner Br. g, by Display Antidote, by Bachelors Double trained by C. T. Young; bred by Mcrcworth Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 5:17. AT POST J minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LATER ON, going in his best form and outrun for three quarters, moved up fast .when called upon, forged to the front approaching the final quarter, gave way when he swung wide at the turn, came again under strong urging and wore IRISH IMAGE down in the last strides. The latter, a strong factor from the start, drew away after reaching the lead, gave way when challenged, came again in the stretch, but tired in the last stages. BABY WRACK, in close quarters for a mile, closed with a rush. NORTHCUTT raced wide and finished strongly. FACCHINA made up ground. PRINCE BALLOT tired after reaching contention on the inside. FLABBERGAST and STORM ANGEL quit. SIGNAL LIGHT was done after three-quarters. Overweight Later On, 1 pound ; Irish Image, 1; Facchina, 4; Signal Light, 2. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Infantry, Nov. 21, 19361:443112. Furse 00. 4-year-4-027Q Jds and uPward- Claiming. Weight, 115 lbs. Non-winners of two races w aV sInce March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since then, 6 lbs.; since February Apr.-Z3-37-A.D 27, 8 lbs.; in 1937, 10 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. No apprentice allowance. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vt, A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 401942.MISS DALLAS w4 107 9 1 23 21 lh H 11 CornayW B Binion 545.ICO 40130 LEGAL GAMBLE w6112 7 6 11 11 8 5 2U Manifold!! S Buckland 205-100 40218 PARGO wb4109 2 8 lh lh 21 23 33 VedderRL Mrs F Howard 1615-100 40094 TERRIER wb7112 8 3 41 3 3431 4"k AdamsJ Hall 4 Anderson 405-100 39773JSPANISH RED b 7 109 10 7 74 and 41 4n 5 FallonML J Johnson 765-100 40124 SPLURGE wb6 107 6 11 10 9 6n 81 6 DerdenH J R Derden 2065-100 40129 RICCIARDO w8112 3 9 6 10 10 103 V GrillF L Matyas Jr 615-100 40166 ATIT wb 4 112 11 2 31 5 7 9 81 TurnerL B Hernandez 3345-100 40067 THE JUDGE wb9105 1 4 51 4J 54 6" 9 JohnsonWL Mrs O L Mobley 2375-10O 40218 VAN HASTINGS wb5112 5 5 91 7 9h 7h 10 BeckA Mrs J E White 4740-100 40096 SAD KNIGHT wb8105 4 10 8 81 11 11 11 KingT WA Mikel t tFIld. Time, :25, :4894. 1:14. 1:40. 1:47. Track fast. 5nPTIl1?-?ESP.AID- OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , uinnc DALADS, 512-90 $ 4-20 $ 3.60 545-100 110-100 80-1M LEGAL GAMBLE 3.60 3.30 80-100 6510 tviriiiU 7pg 250 ig Winner-B f, by Lantados-English Brew, by Tea Caddy trained by E. J. OConnell; bred by Mr. M. J. Barrens. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:49. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving ,..iIlSni5AiSprATt S,Sf? f,0m 2? s,ta.It t0,Igei ? the front afler five-eighths, drew clear in th. J ? M Jd jv 1AMSi,?nfe V""l " back " savcd Sound "hen improving his posi- "imoG U,"d.JUp P" in he drive. TERRIER tired. SPANISH wh? BFn, S ,iZFfln; -f SiS URpEf W,d!-- RICCIA2R dWrf back aft five-sixteenths and finished with his rider s feet disengaged from the stirrups. ATIT quit - Scratched 39735 Luna Bright. 102. Overweight Atit, 3 pounds; Van Hastings, 5. NJRJ;, "A1?- Tr,"che.Nv. 21, 1936-1:113-7-110. Purse 00. 3-year-40279i dS an?JUP,,?r,du clalnB- Non-winners of two races since March 30. 3-year-olds, 107 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since March 30 allowed Ad Apr.-23-37-A.D aniD 3 lbs.; since February 27, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. DECLARED OFF.

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