Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1937-04-26

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r- ------------ - 1 1 j ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES j JAMAICA 1 MONDAY, APRIL 26 ET Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1336 .43 "W B Percentage of Winning Favorites at This Meeting .40 "a Starts from Bahr Stall Gate at AH Distances Except 1 1-16 Miles, Which Are Started from the Australian Barrier Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bnrean and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. 5-8 M1XE. Outline, May 16, 1923 :58 2 111. Purse ,000. 2-year 1 f lam oIds Claiming. Weight, 114 lbs. Non-winners since April 10 allowed 3 lbs.? maidens, 6 lbs. Claiming price, 52,000; if for more, 1 lb. extra for each. additional 00. , Index Post r-BestatDistance- Wt. Claim Index Post r-Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim" No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt Time AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 40202 1 Cold BreezcJam 102 lKlsy 111X 2000 2 Baby LynnM - 112.. 2700 401461 4 Spanish FlyJam 115 1.01 116.. 2500 40146 3Dohoev ...Jam 11341:02 108.. 2500 40146 5 Johnnie Dear. . 40202 6 Sparkling M. Jam 118 101 118X 2700 Jam 107 102 110.. 2500 40231 7Early Evening 9 Renege" M... 108.. 2000 M Jam 115 102 100.. 2000 G. D. Widener and Mrs. G. D. Widcner entry 40287 8 Down East M Cold Breeze, Early Evening. Jam 116 102 108.. 2000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1936 71 :!:Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 2 or 3, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance The past performances of the horses entered in this race", together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: 4 Indicates favorite in rac3 Cold Breeze X 1 1 1 ch- f 2 by High North Wind, by North Star III. J-J-J- Trainer, W. F. Mulholland. Owner, G. O. Widener. Date. Trk. Di. Time Con. Odds. Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey r.P.CI.Pee.Sts. Best Company Apt21-37Jam ll:01sy 10 1023 1 14 1 MowerE3 1500 7 Barbaras. 114,Brogan HO.IdoIizc 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1937 record.. 1 1 0 0 $ 700 Spanish Fly 1 1 fi B. c, 2, by Spanish Play Fly Dot, by Pennant. J- -1-u Trainer, C. H. Knebelkamp. Owner, Orienta Stable. Apcl9-37iJam 1 1:01 ft 44 115 5 5 424 334 ArcaroE3 2750 5 Mi.tedWrl094,JnyDearll8,PtPrj 105 Mad7-373Trp 4 :47 ft 14-5 111 3 5 5 334 CooperA3 2750 10 B.Grto 1104,R.Creaml05,M.D.Kay 111 MarlO-373Trp 4 :48 gd 74 118 3 6 31 1" CooperA2 2250 8 BIueGrtol02,WesIIcroll4,BaySt 111 Feb23-37Mlia 1 :33 ft 47 110 10 10" 9" CooperA3 3500 12 RoChmll6,JnieDearll2,WhoKns 105 Fchll-37Hia 1 34 sy 11 118 13 10"10" SteffenE8 2500 15 JoheDearll8,DftAIongll5,Marshy 115 Jaa20-37Hia g -4 ft 25 118 11 12"11 LandoltC 2500 13 RadioChmll8,Marshyll5,Manver 118, 1937 record.. 6 1 0 2 $ 735 Apr. 24 Aqu 5-8cd...l04h Mar. 29 Trp 1-2 ft... lb Mar. 15 Trp 1-2 ft. . :48b Johnnie Dear X 1 1 S B. g, 2, by Westwick Miss Stanley, by Trap Rock. . , Trainer, H. Jacobs. Owner, Mrs. E. D. Jacobs. Aptl9-37iJam 1 1:01 ft 7-10 T118 3 1 in 24 WrtWD 3000 5 MixedWrl094,SphFlyll5,PtitFrs 105 Mail3-373Trp 4 :47 ft 9 115 8 6 63 54 BaIaskiL AIIw 12 FIyFriendll5,BdTurkl08,SincLow .112 Mac 4-37iHia 1 :33 ft 3-4 118 1 l2 1H WrtWD 3500 8 Higlizo 113,Chanceful 111, Quicker 111 Feb23-37JHia 1 33 ft 39-10 112 2 24 2" SteffenE3 3250 12 RadioChmll6,WhoKns 105,Btcst 105 Fcbl3-37Hia I:35hy 12c 119 13 123412" CoucciS Stks 16 Bigcyll9,YesSirte 122,RadioCharm 122 Fcbll-37iHia 1:34 sy 11-51118 5 3 lJ Stou.J3 2500 15 DriftAlong 115,Marshyll5,Qternaryll8 Feh 2-37Hia 1 :33 ft 39-10 116 7 54 43 StoutJ Mdn 11 SallyShaH 113, Bigey 116, Silvador 116 Jan77-37JHia :35 ft 9-10fT114 5 5 42 SleffenE" 2750 15 RioChmll9,Whirzel 113,O.Kefmll6 Jan2-37iHia 1 :34 ft 27-10 118 4 74 54 SteffenE3 3250 11 SngSlavcll3,OurKamll6,TalIPrs 117 JanJ5-37iHia 1 :33 ft U 114 5 6i 2 BalaskiL 3000 10 Cniptionlll,OurKetmll4,SgSIave 111 , 1937 record.. 10 2 3 0 ,675 Anr. ,t 13 Jam 5-8 co, ft l:02d Early Evening 1 flfl B. f, 2 M, by Jack High-Evening, by St. James. , Trainer, W. F. Mulholland. Owner. Mrs. G. D. Widener. ApI??SHa,n f?:Pim 6 r 115 r 2 2 7 7" WrigtWD3 Mdn 8 Magicnell5,LyPeg 115,InfteLady 115 Aprl6-37Jam 1 1:00 ft 16-5e 115 4 2 34 43i WritWTJ3 Mdn 11 RareBrmll5,Magicnell5,Tchlight 115 1937 record.. 2 0 Q Q I 60 Apr. 20 Bel 5-8 ft 102h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1937042601/drf1937042601_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1937042601_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800