Bay Meadows Summaries, Daily Racing Form, 1937-05-21

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BAY MEADOWS SUMMARIES SUMMARIESHorses Horses not listed are scratched Following are the available summaries of Thursdays racing at Bay Meadows MeadowsFIRST FIRST RACE 34 Mile Horse Wt Jockey Straieht Place Show ShowSCENARIO 600MACAWLITA SCENARIO Ill Leonard 940 660 600 MACAWLITA 820ROYALTY 109 Robertson 740 820 ROYALTY CHECK 116 Summers 1440 1440Time Time 113 Track fast fastOff Off 203j Also ran Dandy Vale Sky Bingo Autumn Color Blue Check Montana Doctor Carr Busybody Second Baseman Mildred Zim SECOND RACE 34 Mile ShowRED Horse Wt Jockey Straight Place Show 360DOLLY RED POWDER 116 Webster 680 500 360 DOLLY K 105 Sena 800 520 520CRYSTAL CRYSTAL SPEED 112 Josephson 600 600Time fastOff Time 112 Track fast Off 231 Also ran Broadway Rage Tarpick Leeds Ripelc Jimmy Basil Major George High Amer ¬ ican Red Quibbler Charmajo THIRD RACE 34 Mile ShowROYAL Horse Vt Jorkey Straight Place Show ROYAL WAVE 114 Miller 880EASTER 2700 1260 880 EASTER 580QUICK PARADE 114 Josephson 860 580 QUICK LOOK 114 Thompson 600 600Time Time 113 Track fast fastOff Off 256 Also ran Rock Leven Emgee Sky Brush Mailliw Stolen Color Adder Boomette Madam Attorney Smoke Maid

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Local Identifier: drf1937052101_17_1
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