Changes At Churchill Downs: Infield to Be Terraced to Provide Unobstructed View for Patrons, Betting Booths Also Provided., Daily Racing Form, 1937-05-21


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CHANGESAT CflHRGfflLIrDOWNS Infield to Be Terraced to Provide Unobstructed Viejy for Patrons Betting frBetting Booths Also fr Provided LOUISVILLE Kyf May 20 To accommo ¬ date the everincreasing size of Derby Day crowds at Churchill Downs Col M J Winn head of the track has authorized numerous additions and improvements for the pic ¬ turesque and spacious course for next spring springOf Of particular interest to the many thou ¬ sands who annually overflow into the center field on Derby Day will be the announce ¬ ment that the area will be terraced so as to provide an unobstructed view for those who wish to watch the race from that point It is also Colonel Winns plan to install bet ¬ ting facilities in the center field for the convenience of those who have found it difficult to pass from that section of the grounds to the grandstand and clubhouse enclosures and their betting sheds shedsTo To provide easv access from the main enclosure to the center field an underpass about forty feet wide will be tunneled under the race track proper built along the lines of the underpass which has been itf use many years at Latonia LatoniaColonel Colonel Winn also will reconstruct the grandstand at the north end of the plant so as to offer more seating accommodations and also to provide additional betting booths The second floor of the stand will be extended back and rest rooms lunch rooms and other conveniences built while on the ground level a betting pavilion will be in ¬ stalled stalledThe The present paddock will be dismantled and a new one constructed on the outer edge of the grounds in that same area This change is being made to relieve the con ¬ gestion around the gates between the grand ¬ stand and clubhouse enclosures

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Local Identifier: drf1937052101_30_8
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