untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1937-05-21


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POST TIME AMERICAS AUTHORITY ON RACING RACINGThe The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Magazine AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEWSSTANDSTHE THE JUNE NUMBER IS NOW ON SALE SALEThis This number contains The Class System by Bob Tagney and gives a list of the horses which won no less than fifty per cent of their starts during 1936 and which may well be expected to do as well this season When searching for winners this season do not overlook the winners of last season The Class System is a new idea and it produces many winners winnersRalph Ralph Munson the veteran writer of Systems con ¬ tributes Profit by Reason out of Chance This System is practical It works so well that various bookies have invited Mr Munson to take his business elsewhere as they could make no monoy handling his play Read this article and learn how he does it H W Coates contributes an article on Vandarpool the horse which won sixteen consecutive starts startsJockey Jockey S Roberts tells of his early experiences as a race rider riderCharles Charles Hatton shows what happens when the right trainer takes charge of a horse that has not been highly successful successfulE E C Thorne has prepared an article which would seem to prove that weight does not stop real good horses It is true to turf history and most enlighten ¬ ing ingThese These and other articles combine to make POST TIME the best racing magazine in America Stop at your favorite stand and get your copy today POST TIME 542 S Dearborn St Room 1403 Chicago III IIIHerewith Herewith enclosed find 800 for which send senda a copy of THE GREEN BOOK OF SYSTEMS by Mturm Mturmmail mail and place my name on your subscription list for forone one year j jYours Yours truly trulyNAME NAME STREET AND NUMBER CITY STATE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1937052101/drf1937052101_31_4
Local Identifier: drf1937052101_31_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800