Daily Racing Form Charts: Thistle Down Park, Daily Racing Form, 1939-07-24


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THISTLE DOWN PAKE CLEVELAND OHIO SATURDAY JULY 22 1939 Thistle Down Park 1 mile Seventh day Thistle Down Jockey Club Summer meeting of 44 days Bahr Stall Gate used Powers Camera Weather cloudy Stewards J S Young and H R Allsljousc Judges C F Henry W G Kelly and F Otis Starter B Stecle Racing Secretary C F Henry Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS Madwind July 16 1932 140 3 101 7Q K Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races 4 cJJLO i since May 15 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners of a race July2239Tdn at one mile or over since June 15 allowed 3 Ibs one such race since May 15 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 788482THISTLE RED wsSHO 8 4 4 44 1 12 14 ScurlockO Wheatley Stable 300100 782583KANSASCITIAN WB 5 113 6 6 2 24 22 22 24 SorsenA E Barrera 300100 788483CROUT AU POT w8107 5 7 8 8 5i 4h 32 SchlcnkcrA J E Church 230100 77010078505CATCH 78767 DIARISSA w 4 113 9 9 9 9 i 644 HightshoeR Mrs V Wyse 770100 78505CATCH FLY w7105 3 3 52 5 73 52 5l MiiliganP J L MacKnight 820100 78924 8140100789242MISS PERFECT ONE WB 6 115 4 2 I2 I2 32 34 65 FowlerD L M Templeton 8140100 789242MISS 136010078924COHORT ADELE w 9 103 7 5 42 32 42 7 7 WestD Mrs M II Powelson 1360100 78924COHORT GIRL w 6 103 2 1 6 h 85 8 88 StroudO Spring Valley Stable 3720100 76404 WORLD FINEST WB 5 112 1 8 3 6 9 9 9 AtkinsonT E Dickason 7500100 7500100Time Time 2VS 43 114 140 143 Track fast 52 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 s THISTLE RED 800 420 260 300 100 110 100 30 100 100KANSASCITIAN KANSASCITIAN 360 260 80 100 30 100 CROUTAUPOT 100CROUTAUPOT 240 20 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Wise Counsellor Hildred hy Peep o Day trained by E Wheatley bred by Mr G Collins Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 215 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart drivingTHISTLE Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving THISTLE RED going in his best form and steadied along early moved into the lead when ready drew clear under strong urging but won in hand KANSASCITIAN a strong factor from the start responded well when called upon and was unable to withstand the winner but held on well GROUT AU POT well back early improved her position on the outside and tired near the end DL4RISSA closed with a rush CATCH FLY was in close quarters the greater part of the trip PERFECT ONE set a good pace for five eijhths then retired MISS ADELE was done after threequarters COHORT GIRL was outrun WORLD FINEST quit SECOND RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS Madwind July 16 1932 140 3 101 fTQf KtZ Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races 4 t JLO t since May 15 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners of a race July2239Tdn at one mile or over since June 15 allowed 3 Ibs one such race since May 15 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 27010078767GEO 78667MADCAP YNKEEws 5 113 4 3 I6 I8 I6 13 I2 HanauerC D Nugent 270100 78767GEO KREHBIEL WB 4 107 7 4 33 22 2 23 28 GnzalezMN Mrs J R Collins 320100 77827 WAR JEST B 4 102 3 1 63 65 33 3 3 MilliganP Mrs J D English 2140100 78169 TURF STING wB4118 9 7 4444444 48 GleasonG J Robilio 630100 78931 734040077725SPTING LEGALITY WB 8 112 8 6 54 5h 5 5 51 McCadenW E Lesh 7340400 77725SPTING MAUDIEws 10 108 6 5 2 3 63 64 62 StroudO J Oran 5980100 78432 28010077696PRCE IMPERIAL NICK WB 5 115 5 8 8 7 7 7 7 PageW Heaton Padgett 280100 77696PRCE PHAROAH WB7110 2 2 1 8 8 8 8 GardelleL B Bagley 1230100 76912 EASTORIAN WB 4 113 1 Refused Roberts I J Collins 1200100 Time 23 47 113 140 143 Track fast S3 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB MADCAP 100GEO YANKEE 740 400 300 270 100 100 100 50 100 100WAR GEO KREHBIEL 440 300 120 100 50 100 WAR 100Winner JEST T 740 270 100 Winner Ch m by Infinite Madfinis by Mad Hatter trained by J Chesncy bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 244J AT POST 1J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Eastorian Won easily second and third driving drivingMADCAP MADCAP YANKEE sprinted into a big lead during the opening quarter held sway Under steadying restraint was roused entering the stretck and was eased up in the final stages GEO KREHBIEL worked his way forward on the outside and finished strongly WAR JEST improved his position after fiveeighths and tired near the end TURF STING raced evenly and saved ground LEGALITY had no mishaps SPORTING breakCorrected MAUDIE quit IMPERIAL NICK was outrun EASTORIAN refused to break Corrected weight Imperial Nick 115 THE DAILY DOUBLE ON FIRST AND SECOND RACES PAID 1720 FOR 2 ENTRIES AND FIELD HORSES RUN AS ONE HORSE THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Bold Lover Aug 8 1936 110 6 118 rr t C ft Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since Juno S7JLOO 15 Weight 117 Ibs Nonwinners since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs since July2239Tdn March 1 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 385 second 70 third 30 fourth 15 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 788423TARPON w 11 112 4 2 I1 14 14 1 MilliganP F Boh 430100 78576 720100785033MILK QUICK WB 8 117 7 3 3h 23 23 24 SchlenkerA Jack M Brooks 720100 785033MILK WB104 29 91 i 3i 33 SorsenA River Divide Farm 1501CO 788422ROUGH 1501CO788422ROUGH LANE WB6117 57 i 5 41 42 MartinezC J Valone 540100 87010078090GAY 78842 SUN HENRY w4117 86 11 9 62 5h CarlbergC Miss M Hodge 870100 f5810lCO77822ETHELS 78090GAY BILL WB 5 109 6 8 5 84 91 6h ScurlockO J T dayman f5810lCO 77822ETHELS 1700100774573ANCIENT CHOICE WB 5 107 35 6i f 2 8 74 StroudO I J Killion 1700100 774573ANCIENT TIMES WB 7 104 10 10 44 31 52 82 GonzalzMN J R Malona 3380100 76666 DOUBLE FINESSE WB 6 111 9 11 8 1041Q1 92 AtkinsonT H Ruff t 77442 JIGGERETTE WB 6 109 11 1 10 11 11 1Q1 KingT Mrs R C Urgo t 77235ODDESA MAID wa4104 14 2h 4 7 11 TrahanM Border Farm 1390100 1390100IMutuel IMutuel field Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TARPON 1060 520 320 430 100 160 100 60 100 QUICK 100MILK 100QUICK 780 400 290 100 100 100 MILK 280 40100 Winner 40100Winner Ch g by John P Grier Marina by Man o War trained by F Boh bred by Mr F W Armstrong Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 313 AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTARPON TARPON hustled to the front established a clear lead during the opening quarter increased his advantage under light urging and tired rapidly in the last stages but outfinishcd QUICK The latter a strong factor from the start was inclined to bear to the inside in the stretch and but for that probably would have won MILK slow to begin and forced to the outside for room closed with a rush ROUGH LANE made up ground SUN HENRY finished fast on the inside GAY BILL lost ground ETHELS CHOICE was unable to reach her best stride ANCIENT TIMES and ODDESA MAID had early speed Scratched speedScratched 73761 Mr Schley 106 Overweight Jiggerette 3 pounds FOURTH RACE 80 FEET LESS THAN 5 12 FURLONGS Thistle Down Course Miss 7Q 7Qfc7 fc7 Dolphin Aug 8 1936 103 2 120 Purse 700 2yearolds Handicap HandicapJuly2239Tdn July2239Tdn Net vaue to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt WestD788442BIG 78927JTRUE STAR WB 112 15 2 2h 2i 14 1 in WestD M J Schmitt 788442BIG BRANDS SON WB106 43 41 6 54 2 22 DewE J H Miles 78994 789942COLUMBIAS = COLUMBIAS BOY w 106 3 6 6 3 3h 31 3 Hcrnai HcrnandezJ Mrs R Mozer 78765 LITTLE DAVEY wslO 52 52789272BELLE 11 I1 2i 42 RobcrtsP B Hernandez 789272BELLE JAMES WB 109 2 4 4789273BALTEE 51 5i 4i 5 TildenR A H B Moort 789273BALTEE wullO 61 32 4h 6 6 HorvathK C Leroy Kir Time 106 Track fast 13 MUIOEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD TRUE STAR 1140 580 320 470 100 190 100 60 108 BIG BRANDS SON 350 100 98 188 COLUMBIAS BOY 90 109 Winner Ch c by Transmute Cogartown by Rolled Stocking trained by E Brown bred by Mr J H Rouse RouseWENT WENT TO POST 343 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTRUE TRUE STAR a strong factor from the start and reserved early moved forward whcn ready swung wide when taking command entering the stretch established a clear advantage rapidly and although tiring in the last stages lasted to outfinish BIG BRANDS SON The latter shuffled back on the far turn and forced to the outside for room closed in determined fashion and would have been winner in another stride COLUMBIAS BOY raced evenly and held on gamely LITTLE DAVEY hustled into a clear lead during the opening threesixteenths gave way to the winner and tired in the last stages BALTEE was done after threeeighths threeeighthsOverweight Overweight Columbias Boy 4v pounds Belle James 1 Bailee 2 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Bold Lover Aug 8 1936 110 6 118 rrOICTC Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Handicap July2239Tdn Net vaue to wnner j700 secondf 5150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv OddsStrt 789292PROFESSOR PAULwB6110 5 6 6789282CANDESCENT 6 6 34 1H HanauerC Mrs J Chesney 789282CANDESCENT w8105 3 4 42 52 51 2 MilliganP B C Carpenter 78928 DARBY DEAN w3107 6 1 34 24 21 34 SchlenkerA Darby Dan Farm 78928 TRAVEL AGENT WB 3102 1 2 12 ii ih 41 SorsenA River Divide FaVm Continued on eighteenth page THISTLE DOWN PARK Continued from ninth page 788473SQUADS RIGHT w8105 4 5 53 31 6 51 McCartyR Mrs W J Wertz 1850100 78671 MAD MONEY w 4 103 2 3 2 44 4h 6 Roberts Le Mar Stock Farm 570100 570100Time Time 23 46 111 Track fast 2 MUTUZLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PROFESSOR PAUL 820 360 240 310 100 80 100 20 100 100CANDESCENT CANDESCENT 340 220 70 100 10 100 100DARBY DARBY DEAN 280 40100 40100Winner Winner Ch g by Justice F Anna Gosey by Golden Broom trained by J Chesney bred by Mr A B Gordon GordonWENT WENT TO POST 412 AT POST J minute minuteStart drivingPROFESSOR Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving PROFESSOR PAUL away slowest and well back for threeeighths improved his position on the outside took command when inside the final eighth and after drawing clear was placed in hand to win easily CANDESCENT badly ridden and under strong restraint while racing on the inside was taken to the outside for the drive and closed resolutely DARBY DEAN moving when the start came but unable to hold the lead was taken in hand for fivesixteenths came fast when called upon and tired after offering a bold bid approaching the final eighth TRAVEL AGENT rushed into a commanding lead during the opening quarter set a keen pace gave way to the winner and tired rapidly in the last stages SQUADS RIGHT tired after improving quitOverweight her position while racing wide MAD MONEY quit Overweight Darby Dean 3 pounds Travel Agent 2 Squads Right 5 SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Lucky Dan Aug 22 1931 143 105 Third Running 79159 TEST HANDICAP 2000 Added 3yearolds 3yearoldsJuly2239Tdn July2239Tdn Net vaue to wnner 1530 second 400 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PF St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 786713 fSUPREME SIR wu 117 6 3 44 44 42 34 lh MilliganP Mrs E L Martin 100100 78929 BROWN BEN w 106 1 6 6 6 53 44 2 HcnsonE S Pershall 790100 78672 ZIPAWAY wslOS 3 4 32 32 21 lh 36 SchlenkerA Burger Murdock 260100 786722HOPTOWN LASS WB 103 2 1 24 2h 41 RobertsP Rosedale Stable 530100 789953NANAHCUB WB 95 5 2 lh 22 34 54 5h HanauerC L M Biggs 1120100 78849 J WARE WB 101 4 5 56 56 6 6 6 PrchmW A T Simmons 5830100 tFormcrly 5830100tFormcrly ran as Imperial Sir SirTime Time 24J 48 113 139 146 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSSUPREME SUPREME SIR 400 300 280 100 100 60 100 40 100 100BROWN BROWN BEN 600 340 200 100 70 100 100ZIPAWAY ZIPAWAY 280 40100 40100Winner Winner B c by Suprcmus Chaucer Girl by Hollister trained by J Baumbach bred by Mr H P Headley HeadleyWENT WENT TO POST442J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSUPREME SUPREME SIR never far back and reserved for threequarters moved up when called upon responded to strong urging when racing on the outside in the drive and was up in the final stride BROWN BEN far back for threequarters was sent to the outside after reaching the stretch and hung in the final stride ZIPAWAY a strong factor from the start was put to strong urging when improving his position was in ¬ clined to bear to the inside when wearing down HOPTOWN LASS and failed to withstand the leaders but held on well HOPTOWN LASS hustled along from the start drew clear after disposing of NANAHCUB and tired rapidly in the drive NANAHCUB quit J WARE was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 79158 Travel Agent 107 Overweight J Ware 1 pound SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS Madwind July 16 1932 140 3 101 Nonwinners of a race at one mile or over since July 14 allowed juiy 33Tdn 3 ibs since June 15 5 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1100 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1000 5 Ibs Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 788433COIL SPRING WB 4 113 3 2 2 = lh 1 13 is RobertsP J E Church 360100 78843 BARANCA WB6113 4 5 54 34 24 2 23 AtkinsonT Mrs R Bruckner 1720100 78670 WOODBRIDGE W5106 8 8 8 i 62 31 3h PageW E Dickason Dickason786522GOLDEN 3840100 786522GOLDEN ARIEL w5103 6 3 i 8 8 62 4 GnzalezMN R Grundy 230100 Grundy784323QPENING 784323QPENING NIGHT w6110 2 1 4J i 5 5h 5 WilsonJG R A Connell Connell789252DISTRIBUTE 2340100 789252DISTRIBUTE wB8113 7 7 651 6451 44 4444 62 TildenR J Cohen 230100 23010078651JMINT 78651JMINT FLAVOR w5115 1 6 31 4h 3h e 7 = FowIerD Harris Cozart 1230100 78668 MR QUICK WB6115 5 4 lh 23 4 8 8 MartinezC Mrs J T Simmons s 870100 870100Time Time 24 48 113 139 142 Track fast 2 MUTUFLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING OEDB COIL SPRING 920 500 460 360 100 150 100 130 100 100BARANCA BARANCA 1480 1020 640 100 410 100 100WOODBRIDGE WOODBRIDGE 1320 560 100 100Winner Winner B c by Golden Broom Courting by Wrack trained by C OMalley bred by Mr S G Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 516J AT POST 2J minutes minutesStartgood Startgood and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCOIL COIL SPRING hustled along from the start established a good lead after disposing of MR QUICK responded well when roused in the stretch and won easily BARANCA improved his position after a half mile and failed to menace the winner but was much the best of the others WOODBRIDGE outrun early responded well after improving her position and closed with a rush GOLDEN ARIEL made up eround in the drive OPENING NIGHT had no mishaps DISTRIBUTE tired after improving his position MINT FLAVOR was done early MR QUICK quit quitOverweight Overweight Woodbridgc 1 pound Mint Flavor 2 EIGHTH RACE 1 34 MILES Out of Chute Barrette July 21 1937 300 4 107 milesJuiyzz39Tdn 1 Nonwinners since May 15 of two races at one and onehalf miles Juiyzz39Tdn Or over allowed 3 Ibs one such race or two races at one and onequarter miles or over 5 Ibs one race at one and onequarter miles or over or two races at one mile or over 8 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1100 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1000 5 Ibs Net value to winner 550 second 125 third 60 fourth 40 fifth 25 Eqt A Wt PP St 1 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 78674HIGH FIDELITY w5113 7 7 84 10 31 lh 14 HensonE S Pershall 80100 80100786742NATALIE 786742NATALIE MAE WB 7 105 10 2 2434 14 23 23 MilliganP B C Carpenter 490100 786574MERNE 490100786574MERNE w4105 6 9 91 2 54 46 3h GonzalzMN W F Lutz 620100 620100786743IMPERIAL 786743IMPERIAL SALLYwB5101 9 1 13 1423 34 4 PrehniW Imperial Farms fMlO100 78674 MISS KIEV WB 7 105 4 5 34 55 44 5h 54 KeipcrP J W Cooper 4020100 78931 MERE LASSIE w4105 2 6 5444 6 63 6h FairG F Guciardo 660100 78650 SKIPSEA w 9 105 3 8 74 82 8 7 = s McCadnW Mrs C J Patchctt 2740100 78674 IMPERIAL QUEEN w 5 105 1 3 44 6h 74 8s 82 WilsonJG W Williams f 77802 LOCKSTEP w5105 51010 92 93 94 95 R0bcrtsP Mrs M M Johr 2S60100 78173NAT 2S6010078173NAT BRAGG wn5105 8 4 62 21 10 10 10 CarrA J L MacKnight 6390100 6390100JMutuel JMutuel field Time 25 50 117 144 210 236 301 Track fast 2 HUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD HIGH ODDHIGH FIDELITY 360 340 280 80 100 70 100 40 100 100NATALIE NATALIE MAE 520 360 160 100 80 1CO 1COMERNE MERNE 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B g by Insco Top Lady by Ormondale trained by J M Nugent bred by Mr H M Woolf Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 548 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingHIGH HIGH FIDEI1ITY far back for a mile moved up rapidly thereafter and responding to strong urcing in the drive wore down NATALIE MAE to win easily The latter well up from the start moved into the lead when IMPERIAL SALLY gave way approaching the final quarter and was unable to withstand the winner but held on well MERNE never far back closed with a rush IMPERIAL SALLY rushed to the front set a good pace under light restraint was put to strong urging when challenged but was unable to withstand the leaders and tired rapidly during the final quarter MISS KIEV tired MERE LASSIE tired after improving her position IMPERIAL QUEEN was done after a half mile mileScratchcd78657i2Later Scratchcd78657i2Later On 105 105River River Divide Farm claimed High Fidelity for 1250

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939072401/drf1939072401_13_2
Local Identifier: drf1939072401_13_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800