8th A.P, Daily Racing Form, 1939-07-24

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1 316 MILES Turf Course Whichaway July 10 1939 159 G 11C 0111 QfU A P Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 10G Ibs older 116 Ibs Winners twice since June 24 2 Ibs extra Nonwinners since sinceJune June 24 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs f BestatDistance BestatDistancev v Wt No Pos Horse Track Wt TimeAsoToday 78914 5 Penriil AP 111 201 7 111X 78645s 2 Sir Ajax AP 112 201 6 113X 789141 9CaracoIe 4 111X 78914 4 Bcrcit 6 111X 78913 6 Yarn Sox Index Post PostNo i BestatDistance Wt No Pos Horse Track Wt Time AsoToday 78982 8 Joyce K 5 108X 78915s 1 Corker AP 112 203 5 110X 78915 3Bombastic Hia 109 204 6 100X 78422 7 Boiling Point 7 110X PAnrill reurm A Y 111 JJJ Owner J Emery 1937 record 29 6 5 4 4645 Trainer F Carra 1938 record 29 653 3330 B 3330B m 7 by Buntinq Denroy by Viceroy 1250 1939 record 25 5 3 4 3475 JuL19397AP 3475JuL19397AP 1ft 201 si 5 111 6 7 68 5 RobtnA5 1250 60 RkSally 106Cracolell30kwdsLd 8 Jull5394AP I1ctc201 ft 175 111 8 3 32 3J RobtnAS 1400 65 Emporium 108 Sir Ajax 112 Zor 8 8JuU239GAP JuU239GAP l tc 156 ft 7 111 10 6 32 I2 RobtnA 1250 57 ScoutAzure 111 Ron 116 Muscleln 12 12JuL10398AP JuL10398AP 1c 159 ft 6 109 2 2 2 47 RyanP2 1250 70 U Demon 117 Gyral 114 Rich Girl 8 8JuL JuL 539GAP li tc 207 ft 4110 112 4 1 2 423 RobtnA8 1250 64 Banola 106GreatSmokell6MuscleIn 11 11JuL JuL 1397AP Iffc 202 ft 85 111 4 1 li 2 YarbryWl 1250 63 Surcouf 116Reelavayl08LinnieKate 6 6Jun24395LF Jun24395LF 1 146 gd 6 113 1 5 4 4 RobtnA4 Alhv 69 LitTramp 118LaborDay lOSSignUp 7 Jun21398LF liV 148 gd 245 114 7 1 I8 I7 RobtsnAS 1000 72 Tristrap HOMaskillo 110U Demon 8 8Junl7393LF Junl7393LF 1 155 ft 2710 103 4 3 33 4i Yl eryW3 1000 67 SctAzure lOSOaksLadllSBoilgPt 7 7Junl539SLF Junl539SLF liV 149 gd 115 113 7 2 I3 1 YarbyW7 1000 64 SumtHill 118Misinfonl08QieWing 8 Juno 29 AP 78 gd l29h June 4 LF 1m si l47h May 30 LF 1m si l49h l49hSir Oir Sir rtjdA AiaY Y 1 1 Q Owner Mrs G B Scallon 1937 record 27 1 5 5 1975 ± ± O Trainer G B Scallon 1938 record 6 0 1 1 120 B 120B g 6 by The Scout La Delivrance by Ajax 1250 1939 record 8 2 2 0 1475 Jull5394AP 1475Jull5394AP I1atc201 ft 23 112 2 1 lh 2 LakeL3 1400 65 Emporium 108 Penriil 111 Zor 8 JuL1239GAP 1 tc 156 ft 5J 116 7 5 64 73i RyanP 1250 54 Penriil 111 Scout Azure 111 Ron 12 JuL 4398AP H 152 ft 19 116 5 6 1 7 LberrH2 1500 56 SunMica HSPssTorchlllLaborDay 3 Junl5393LF 3 115 Sd3910 118 5 2 lh lk HankeE4 1000 72 BostonSound 120LegalAdvicell4Ep 10 Juol3392LF 3 116 si 6 110 3 3 33 13 LberrH2 1000 68 Honey Roll 110 Bercit 110 Tomy 9 Jun 6391LF 3 114 ft 32 120 3 4 32 24 LberrHs 1000 74 DarkSeer 115ParnMaidll5Strgag 11 Jun 3392LF 3 120 hy 18 110 5 5 32 423 LberrHS 1000 45 KingJune lOSSkyddlOSDarkSkcr 9 May31392LF 3115 ft 42 117 910 9 9 LitzgerHi 1000 58 JcnsSon 117RoyIBrmll2BostnSd 11 Sepl5382FP 3 116 hy 7J 110 7 3 In 2 ChnackiF2 700 67 Phrixus 115AnaX 105VanHastings 8 8July July 8 AP Imgd l46h July 1 AP 1m ft l46h May 27 LF 34 sy l20b l20bPararnlp Pararnlp vcucuuic Y 111 Owner Superior Farms 1937 record 6 3 1 0 1300 J J J Trainer M B Cohen 1938 record 10 1 2 1 705 705Ch Ch c 4 by Buddy Bauer Coroling by Coronach 1250 1939 record 12 2 4 1 1550 I 1550I JuL19397AP 1ft 201 si 1710 113 2 2 In 22 LgdenJ2 clOOO 64 RkSly 1060kwdsLdll3Wliipsth 8 JuL15398AP 1 153 ft 4910 113 1 3 2 1H RobtnA2 1000 68 SHoward lllWipstitchlllJewelry 9 I JuL13397AP 1139 ft 165 113 1 4 42 2 LgdenJi 1000 76 Agotaras 116Jockaway 108 Valdina 12 JuL 6397AP 1 141 si 3710 108 2 2 2h 5 MartinG 1000 61 ForRomance 106SiIvcrBraidJObRoa 8 JUU27391AP 1126 ft 9J 110 2 5 67i 663 ParisoN 1000 72 Banjorine 113BeIEspoirll8MuscleIn 12 Jun21394LF 3 114 gd 5 105 3 4 38 22i HankeE 1000 74 IsolenellOiGryEthcl 1060nynvy 8 Jun 1394LF 3 114 ft 5 113 4 3 3 3 RobtiA 1250 72 PrsTorch HlMilnBucksllOArnna 7 Mac 7397OP I70 143 ft 10 110 5 3 43 53 DupuyH7 1200 83 Petard 107CoIonelJoell2GndJester 7 Feb28397OP I70 150 hy 12 106 1 4 42i lh DupuyH2 1000 52 Bereit 106 Clashman 113 Catchall 11 July 11July 10 AP 1m ft l52b July 9 AP 38 ft 39h July 5 AP 12 ft 53h 53hR 53hrAif ucicu R rAif Y 111 Owner E B Patterson 1937 record 4 0 0 0 JJJ Trainer E ONeil 1938 record 15 333 2727 B 2727B m 6 by On Watch Minawand by Lonawand 1250 1939 record 10 3 2 2 1901 1901JuL19397AP JuL19397AP Lft201sl 11 111 1 3 54 68 Anrsonl3 125057 RkSally 106Cracolell30kwdsLd 8 Jun28394AP 1 tc 157 gd 3 111 2 1 I3 13 Anrsonl7 1250 52 BoilgPoint 113MaImsonl03Bombc 10 Jual739 LF 1 126 ft 2 105 2 3 3 43 HankeE3 1250 69 LassieFlo 108FrecSpirit HSMaskillo 8 Janl3392LF i 116 si 65 1106 5 443 323 CookWi clOOO 65 Sir Ajax 110Honey Roll HOTomy 9 Jun 139LF 3 113 ft 6 113 1 3 35 34i CookW6 1000 75 RoyalBroom 113Isolene 108Kissem 8 Mat31394OP I70 145 ft 2710 103 3 3 34 22 WallaceGi 1000 76 FullTilt 103ChesRosel03RoyChm 10 I Man23393OP li 207 ft 5 103 2 4 4G 48 WallaceG3 1100 71 Fandan 112ImperialJean 113BanoIa 6 Mad639GOP 1A 146 ft 85 105 4 5 31 14 WaIlaceG 1000 79 Prum 115HinduPcess 105Carinian 7 Fch28397OP I70 150 hy2710 106 8 3 Ih V WallaceG1 1000 52 Caracole 106Clashman 113Catchall 11 July 11July 18 AP 12 m 51h July 16 AP 58 ft l02h July 11 AP 58 ft l04h l04hYarn Yarn idiu OUA snv Y 11 JJO Owner Millsdale Stable 1937 record 1 0 0 0 Trainer B Parke 1938 record 16 2 1 2 1975 Ch 1975Ch g 4 by Woodcraft or Tce Call Eter Skings by Sir Bton1250 1939 record 11 1 2 2 1659 Jull939 1659Jull939 AP 1 126 si 44 113 10 10 102210is OrosJE 2000 57 Inviting t117WtWitall3Blazearnd 10 JunlO398Del liV 148 ft 4 115 7 7 2i lh StevonCS 1250 73 JstaFlight 109NcyMael09Offender 7 Jua 3398Del 1 208 ft 3110 115 8 7 47 34 StevonC2 1250 67 Longful 112Interpreterll3riaymor 8 May3039SDcl 1 154 ft 5 113 8 7 7 8 StevsonC7 1500 61 MissPne 107NewDI 117BdingCnt 8 Mat 4397SA 1J 204 ft 12 114 12 10 883 24 WropeJ9 2000 79 KhayyamlllSicklebill lllKandahr 12 Feb22398SA 12 232 ft 4710 109 6 2 28 2 StevonC7 200081 DkAcccnt 112BmoreBoyll7Sibill 7 Febl7392SA 1A Ir46 ft 17 118 11 7 7 5 SlevnC4 2000 75 Bonsoir 118GlenBrushl09Ethelmnt 11 Feb 9398SA 1 2 05 ft 31 10 112 8 6 59i 44 StevsonC8 1000 72 Kandahar 114 AuMan 114Rccoatna 10 Feb 4397SA 12 235 m 4 109 7 5 38 38 StevsonC8 2250 60 BaltireBoy 108SirMidsl2001dJkt 7 July 22 A P 1m ft l55b July 17 AP 1m sy l51b July 13 AP 1m ft l47h JoVCC l47hJoVCC K Y 108 LUO Owner W c Reichert 1937 record 2 0 0 0 2t Trainer V I Pultz 1938 record 26 6 1 5 3685 Ch m 5 by Golden Guinea Sonya by Trap Rock 1375JuL2039sAP 1250 1939 record 17 2 2 2 1375 JuL2039sAP 14 153 gd 29 103 1 6 54 64 MartinGi 1250 65 Jewelry lllFlying Dere 103My Wo 8 JuLl239GAP 1 tc 156 ft 16 106 5 8 4 84i MartinG2 1250 53 Penriil 111 Scout Azure 111 Ron 12 JuL 1397AP 1 202 ft 8 111 1 6 6 612 RoIlinsC2 1250 51 Surcouf 116 Penriil 111 Rcolaway 6 Junl9397LF 1 157 si 165 110 8 3 2 1 RoIlinsC8 1000 55 PolantcSeth 105 Emir 110 QueenU 8 Junl4398LF lrVl50 gd 12 110 2 5 54 44 ParisoN4 1000 54 Atholton 105U DemonllOCrossRuff 9 JualO393FP I70 148 m 11 109 3 4 34 42J ScIockD3 1000 60 Chipeta 104GrecnTime 102Hidnite 8 Jua 339FP 1A 149 hy 3 106 5 2 22 13 DycrJS 800 67 Hnite llSSevcnStarllOWaygdLad 8 Mv25395FP I70 145 ft 7 103 6 7 3 7 ° assityW7 1200 71 EbyBoy lllAmEblemlllDgBrar 8 July 18AP34 m l25h July 8AP3 4 gdl22b June 27APlm ftl53b Continued on tenth page Arlington Park Entries and Past Performances PerformancesContinued Continued from seventh page Tnrlfpr Y 1 1 O Owner Mrs A Peterson 1937 record 35 4 2 5 3340 Corner A 11 U Trainer J Woodruff 1938 recoiJ 12 2 1 3 51475 Ch g 5 by St Henry Cathleen ni Houlihan by Hourless 1000 1939 record 6 0 0 1 60 JuL19398AP li 156 si 14 116 11 6 4 35 WilsonL3 1000 50 Palasa 111 Silver Braid 111 Cinar 1 JuL14398AP 1i 206 ft 30 112 6 5 5 58 RichardJ3 1000 62 BedBibest 107RkSallyll3RichGl 6 JuLll398AP 1 154 ft 24 108 7 11 9 88i GrubrW11 1000 58 SlpyHoward 108Quccniel06Cantrip 11 JuL 539GAP li tc 207 ft 20 116 5 8 7 3 LberrH9 1250 58 Banola 106GrcalSmokcll6MuscIeIn 11 Jua28394AP 14 tc 157 gd 16 116 3 10 9 712 LberrH4 1250 40 Bcrcit HlBoilingPntll3Malmaisn 10 Jual6392LF 3 115 ft 42 115 8 8 8 8 CafellaM6 1400 59 Goslicn 115NightBanditl20Agotaras 8 Octl382Haw 6i 1 119 ft 143 11010 11 ll26 LewisA 1500 59 Dctmincd 112BeaverCtyll2tVitan 11 JuL29387AP li 212 hy 9 111 7 i 712 610 ConlcyR2 1300 59 MrMack 119GoodPolitianll7Almac 7 JuL18387AP Itc201 i 135 112 7 7 7 7 RollinsC5 1600 54 Rhiniz 112 Foolcm 120 Almac 7 JuL 4388AP lite 241 st 12 110 6 2 2 34 ParisoN8 1250 30 BattlingGirl 110MrMackll3Rhiniz 10 July 2 AP 34 ft l19h June 27 AP 38 ft 38h June 20 Was 1m m l52h l52hwner Bombastic X wner Mrs M Weil 1937 record 50 3 5 11 2600 2600www www UUUwx jjj 222 51455 Trainer M Weil 1938 record 33 Ch m 6 by Bagenbaggage Belle of Ky by Sir Martin 1000 1939 record 8 0 0 0 25 JuL19398AP 1 156 si 17 10610 8 71G 813 MartinG5 1000 42 Palasa lllSilvcr Braid 111 Corker 11 Jull7398AP li 154 sy 24 103 8 8 71G 712 MartinG8 1000 53 SilKicv 116BIBIarneyll3MuscloIn 8 JuU2398AP 14 153 ft 10 111 6 8 7 51C RyanP 1000 54 Pompasse lllBldBncyll6Paulson 8 JuL 539GAP li tc 207 ft 16 10610 5 533 55i MartinG 1250 61 Banola 106GreatSmokell6MuscleIn 11 Jun28394AP 14 tc 157 gd 46 103 833 42i MartinG1 1000 49 Bereit HlBoilingPntll3Malmaisn 10 Jun 3398LF 14 201 hy 27 105 8 5 611 612 SouthG7 1000 26 Lucy 109 Orbcdlu 105 Mariolct b May29398LF 14 158 si 26 104 6 7 722 7 HankeE7 1000 35 Silver Kiev 114 Patan 111 Qucenie 7 May26392LF 3 113 ft 159 10411 11 ll2213 HankeE8 1200 63 Aglow 104PcessT rchl08SoIarHvk 11 Oct28387Spt lit 154 ft 6 105 8 7 711 68i ConleyR4 1000 Taximan 113SttHeartl08WrnRun 10 Oct26387Spt 14 159 ft 5 108 8 7 711 711 McLeanP9 1000 PfectOne lllSctAzurclllSttgem 10 July 10 AP 58 ft l06b July 9 AP 38 ft 39h June 26 AP 34 ft l20h l20hRmlincr 3490COlling Rmlincr Pninf Y 110 Owner Decker MeY6 1937 record 28 4 6 3 5 3490 COlling roint A 11 U Trainer A Meyers 1938 record 27 5 4 6 3487 3487B B g 7 by Bubbling Over Belittin by Black Toney 1000 1939 record 18 2 2 1 1095 1095JuL1239GAP JuL1239GAP 14 tc 156 ft 28 116 3 3 li 52i LakeLS 1250 55 Pcnrill 111 Scout Azure 111 Ron 12 12JuL539SAP JuL539SAP 14 156 ft 3i 116 3 5 711 611 RollinsC1 1000 42 JcwelrylOS HryHawk 113MercsMc b bJuL JuL 1398AP 14 155 ft 11 113 6 9 101G1017 MartinTP3 1000 43 U Demon 116ForRomel06R5chGirl 10 10Juo28394AP Juo28394AP 14 tc 157 gd 9 113 1 2 23 23 MartinTP3 1000 51 Bereit lllMalmaison 108Bombastic 10 10Jua24395LF Jua24395LF Irir 146 gd 11 113 2 4 59i 510 MartinTP2 Allw 68 LitTramp 118LaborDay 108SignUp 7 7Junl7398LF Junl7398LF 14 155 ft i 1102 2 2433 RyanP1 1000 67 actAzure 108OakvdsLadll3Penrill 7 7Jim Jim 739FP I70 144 ft 10 109 6 5 5s 49 JonesRJ2 900 76 SevenStar 112Hidnitell2StoutHrt 7 7Jun Jun 339sFP P ° 147 hy 9i 114 7 2 61 64 HancrC1 900 63 AofSpades 114ArcStar 112Murlyn 7 7Hay31396FP Hay31396FP I70 145 ft 12 115 6 2 32i 42i HanauerC7 900 75 GrCtry 112ScnStarl07AofSpdes 7 7June June 14 Was58 ft l05h May 30FP58 ft l04h May 21FP58 ft l05h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939072401/drf1939072401_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1939072401_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800