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AKSARBEN OMAHA Copyright 1941 by Triangle Publications Inc IncOMAHA OMAHA NEB SATURDAY JU E 28 1941AkSarBen Field 1 mile Twentyfifth day AkSar Ben Exposition Company Meeting of 30 days Balir Gate used Thomas Camera Weather clear Steward representing Nebraska Racing Commission J B Rossitcr Presiding Steward R A Leigh Sr Associate Steward A J Hcffcrnan Judges J Maluvius H Foster and J L Watkins Starter N Chil cutt Racing Secretary R A Leigh Sr Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance ot each race indicate horse date track record age of lorsc and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Droop June 18 1940 104 5 112 Purse 505 vrjkPfQrT 4yearolds and upward Foaled in Nebraska Claiming Nonwinners of l 3 4 two races in 1941 Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners in 1941 allowed 5 Ibs June2841Oma Claiming price 800 Net value to winner 355 second 75 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 09208NAUGHTY SISTERwB 5 103 I 3 31 I 1 CartcrR F M Gossard 09466 SILVER SAN wu6118 5 7 4 5 4i 2 SmolinskiW 0 Hall 08844 KEEN GLOAMINGwB 7 118 9 2 34 2 2t 3h WhitingL T Whatlcy 1290 09208 LORE SETH wn4108 3 6 5nk 42 3441 WilsonHB L Parker 730 09208 BAY HAVEN wB7118 25 f 1 62 51 5 PcrkinsC G W Freeman 2580 2580Or Or ALEIDISON wn5118 49 9 8 64 6 KcesH J Slumpf 270 09208 MAY KEEN wn3107 81 11 7 7 StaffordC R A Owen 2460 09372 DONNANETTE w3102 78 81 9 82 82Jl BushV Mrs W Brown 1210 1210092083NORMA 092083NORMA CLARK w 10 108 64 4h 72 9 9 DixonG R C Gilmoro 650 650Time Time 23 47 100 106 Track fast 52 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 N NNAUGHTY NAUGHTY SISTER 840 420 380 320 110 90 90SILVER SILVER SAN 560 460 180 130 130KEEN KEEN GLOAMING 600 200 200Winner Winner B m by War Instigator Horinga by Horron trained by F M Gossard bred by Messrs F M P Gossard Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 206J OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start cood and slow Won driving second and third the same sameNAUGHTY NAUGHTY SISTER displayed speed from the start look the lead when MAY KEEN quit and held SILVER SAN safe at the end The latter stocred in behind horses when moving up rapidly in the stretch found racing room next to the rail nearing the finish and closed fastest KEEN GLOAMING and LORENA SETH tired KALEIDISON was taken back soon after tho start and vas not persevered with thereafter thereafterScratched Scratched 09686 Honey Gold 108 09208 Johnnie Nomark 118 118Apprentice Apprentice allowance waived Bay Haven SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Susi Qyune 4 1938 109 3 104 Purse rvQWoo 605 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonw nners of two races yj 4 PO since February 22 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 116 Ibs Nonwinners in June2841Oma 194 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 1000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for foreach each 100 to 800 Net value to winner 430 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 09212 TARTARUS wn 7 113 12 3 3092093JURABOY 3 23 I2 I3 WhitingL Mrs F Whiting 092093JURABOY wc6109 5 4 12 jnk y 2 + WilbournF WilbournF2h Miss A Styers 08933 CLOUD DOR w 10 109 9 2 2h 3h 3 3 WilsonHB F E Lyon 09038 WAVY SEA wn8109 8 12 12OS9323EMPRESS 91 91 4i 44 CollinsJC R C Gilmore OS9323EMPRESS HILLS WB 6 103 11 1 1OS037LADY 5 51 51 54 CartcrR CartcrR6t Mrs J C Sawyer OS037LADY HIGHER w 4 104 1 5 5085022LADY 6t 61 71 6 GlidewellP GlidewellP4nk A E Miller 085022LADY SANG wB5104 4 6 4nk 44 6i 7 BushV L A Hancock 08505 LADY LAKESIDE WB 7 103 6 8 7 74 84 81 McGahanll H Sicck 08579DR HAWES w 4 108 7 11 84 81 92 94 BcckerF C L Miller 08932 BETTER LOOK WB 4 108 3 10 11 11 104 1QS EbbcrtsA V J Vick 08071 BLANCHE G WB 6 104 10 9 IQi 102 11 11 SvlviaE Mrs B E Gaughan 092092HEIDI wB6104 2 7 Fell BiancoC J P Kampmcycr 290 290tMutucl tMutucl field Time 22 46 111 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 TARTARUS 620 420 360 210 110 80 80JURABOY JURABOY 960 600 380 200 200CLOUD CLOUD DOR 600 200 200Winner Winner Ch g by Torchilla Uncles Lassie by Uncle trained by F Whiting bred by H P Gardner estate Winnei entered to bo claimed for 51000 51000WENT WENT TO POST 236 AT POST minute minuteStart drivingTARTARUS Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving TARTARUS under slight restraint to tho turn took the lead when ready and won easily JURABOY was in command from tho start and hung on well to tho end CLOUD DOR had no mishaps WAVY SEA closed courageously EMPRESS HILLS ran in spots HEIDI fell when in close quarters soon after the start Scratched 09209 Happy Heather 113 09123 Roger Witch 104 Rich Soil 104 09125 Just Judgment 105 09467 Anns Choice 103 08505 Polvos Image 104 104Overweight Overweight Lady Higher 1 pound Lady Sang 1 Lady Lakeside 4 Dr Hawcs 4 Better Look 4 4Apprentice Apprentice allowance waived Wavy Sea Better Look Blanche G Heidi THE DAILY DOUBLE ON FIRST AND SECOND RACES PAID S2200 FOR 2 ENTRIES RUN AS ONE HORSEFIELD HORSES INDIVIDUALLY THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Susi Q June 4 1938 109 3 104 Purse AQTQQ 605 3year ° lds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 103 Ibs older 112 Pc Ot Ibs Winners of two races in 1941 4 Ibs extra three or more races June2841Oma 7 ibs extra Claiming price 1000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 800 Winners in 1941 preferred Net value to winner 430 second 100 thirds 3750 each Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 08932SATURNINO WB9116 7 1 2 2 1 = 1 McGahanH W W Bloom BloomMrs 09211 JIME CABANISS WB 8 116 8 9 7 84 54 2I WatsonK WatsonK4i Mrs J L Oglcsby OglcsbyG 094692 tPRINCE PAD w 8 107 11 5 4i 6i 44 3 CartcrR k G W Shultz ShultzF 090383 tDINAlN WB wn9116 9 116 4 48 8 6 5 21 3 WagncrC F E Lyon LyonH 09374 GAMALIEL wn9107 1 7 709617SQUAW 9 94 74 7461 61 5 DixonG DixonG09617SQUAW H T Deahl DeahlE 09617SQUAW MAN wn 4 106 9 3 4 11 3 61 BcckcrF E H Hcgg HcggMrs 09469 TALL OAK wn 7 112 3 12 1209211fCALAVERAS 12 11 91 7 CollinsJC CollinsJC09211fCALAVERAS CollinsJCHi Mrs M G Farnsworth FarnsworthThomson 09211fCALAVERAS w w8114 8 114 5 510 10 1007679MY Hi 9 8481 GlidewellP GlidewellP07679MY Thomson Smith SmithMrs 07679MY MODEL w 12 112 6 62 2 5 31 71 i 9 BazerW Mrs W Brown BrownL 09617 PROMPT RETURN w 8 110 10 4 3 41 10 10 KeesH L Marsh MarshMrs 096172STONE RANCH w 4 112 2 11 Ifli 12 12 11 WhitingL Mrs G F Jenkins JenkinsJ 09618 TOMS LADY wn 6 104 12 6 8 10 Hi 12 BushV J W Cooper tDcad heat JMutuel field fieldTime Time 22 46 11 1 Track fast J2 Mutiiels Paid Odds to 1 SATURNINO 1620 800 480 480JIMMIE 710 300 140 JIMMIE CABANISS 1140 600 600PRINCE 470 200 PRINCE PAD 340 340DINAIN 70 DINAIN 360 80 Winner B g by Greenock Maidens Tryst by Trystcr trained by W W Bloom bred by Mrs F A Carreaud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST304 AT POSTi minute minuteStart Start cood and slow Won easily second and thirds driving drivingSATURNINO SATURNINO sent into command when SQUAW MAN quit won without need of urging JIMMIE CABANISS outrun early moved up entering the stretch when urged and coming to the inside for the drive closed with a rush PRINCE PAD raced on the outside all the way came fast in the drive and was up in the last stride to finish on even terms with DINAIN for tho show Tho latter forced to race behind horses until well into the stretch closed well when clear GAMALIEL was in close quarters on tho inside all the way CALAVERAS was never a factor Scratched 08676 Black Cherry 102 09618Last Rose 107 09468Bold Lover 103 09617sNopanoma 108 09469 Shcrab Jr 116 116Overweight Overweight Squaw Man 3 pounds Prompt Return 2 Toms Lady 2 2Apprentice Apprentice allowance waived Stone Ranch FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Doana June 20 1936 1414 4 100 AOrTQA Pllrse 605 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of a race FMX 7U at a mile or over in 1941 3yearolds 106 Ibs older 113 Ibs Claiming June2841Oma price 800 Net value to winner 430 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Indfjc Horses Eqt A Wt PP St VL Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Jl Strt 09473REDDING w5108 8 9 746 6i 4 1 RcmcrscdF H C McConncll 1350 08934 KINGSHIGHWAY wB7113 1 3 5 4 4 3l 2 SmolinskiW C L Miller 4990 09038 VERACIDAD w 6 108 12 7 2 + I I3 I3 3 McGahanH Meydr Bros 09375MOLIDA WB 5 104 10 6104101 8 5441 Bushy D Christian 091233THE MARKER w 6 108 2 4 32 34 2 2J 54 FarmcrR F Schullz 09128 CHARLOTTE G wa5108 412 645 = i 74 64 CollinsJC E G Mahonoy 092103TOP NOTCHER w 7 108 6 5 9 l 5h 93 7 DixonG J P Kampmeyer 08937 MONTOSO JAMES WB 5 109 5 11 8 9J 101 82 8 WhitlockK Mrs J F Waters 09210 = BAHADUR w 10 113 9 1 II 2 31 61 9 WatsonK H F Miller Millerw7110 09379 SCHOLAR GIRL w7110 7 2 448494101104 KeesH P L Wright Wrightwn 09379BOMBASTIC wn 8 103 3 8 12 12 12 12 112 H2i Ficldin FicldingR Mrs R Nccl 08937 SWIVEL NECK wn7113 11 10 1141H 111 n = 12 EbbcrtsA T D DtMutucl tMutucl field Time 23 47 112 139 1449s Track fast 2 Alutnels Paid r Odds to 1 1REDDING REDDING 2900 1300 740 740KINGSHIGHWAY 1350 550 270 270KINGSHIGHWAY KINGSHIGHWAY 6060 1680 2930 740 740VERACIDAD VERACIDAD Field 740 2JO Winner 2JOWinner Ch g by Quibbler Lambaste by Sweep On trained by H C McConncll bred by Mr H C McCoiinelM Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 344 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameREDDING REDDING was taken under restraint early moved up when roused and closing with a rush inside the last eighth was up to win narrowly KINGSHIGHWAY never far away took a short lead when VERA Continued on eighteenth page AKSARBEN OMAHA OMAHAContinued Continued from seventh page CIDAD tired slightly and held on to the end The latter soon sprinted into a long lead answered readily to stout urging for the drive but was rot quite good enough MOLIDA raced wide throughout but finished well TOP NOTCHER in close quarters on the inside through the bapk stretch faltered when placed to pressure BAHADUR quit quitScratched Scratched 09469 Theo Speck 103 09037 Moonsct 108 08679 Count Gary 113 08846 HiWave 103 09375 AIvamor103 09039 Highmost 103 09469 Tiny Tim 108 09123 Marlie May 108 Overweight 108Overweight Molida 1 pound Montoso James 1 Scholar Girl 2 FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Dozana June 20 1936 1414 1 100 P rse 605 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Weight 11G Ibs Non V o A winners sincc Mav 26 allowed 4 Ihs Claiming price S800 JuneZ841Oma et value to winner 430 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eal A Wt PP St VL Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd Jl Strt 09215 BABY LYNN WB6106 1 2 11 lz 1 13 p ScamanW ScamanWwu5116 A C Snyder 200 09211 = TADPOLE wu5116 6 4 4 3 3 23 22 WhitingL WhitingLWB J Oliver 250 09214 PAN FULL WB 8 116 4 7 56 5 4J 31 3 WilbournF WilbournFw J Kane 1120 092143MEAN LEE w 9 111 3 1 2 K 44 58 43 4 i GlidewcilP GlidewcilPw J E Irvine 360 08583JENNIE MAY w 4 104 5 5 6 7 6i 62 5 BushV BushVwn Harr Harrn Harry Wells 1110 09214 TANNHAUSER wn n G 116 2 6 7 6 7 7 6 6i McLeanP cLeanP L A Av Walsh 1870 09621 KING BLACK v 4 116 7 3 3i 23 2i 51 7 WagncrC I M MTime Dufficld 1490 Time 23 47 112 138 142 Track fast fastI I J2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to Jl x BABY LYNN 600 360 300 200 80 50 TADPOLE 360 280 80 40 PAN FULL 400 100 Winner Bfi m byVJacopo Vcspa by BudLerncr trained by W W Hill bred by Mr A H jClarck wald Jr Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 415 AT POST 1 minute Startgood and slow Won easily second and third driving BABY LYNN was sent to the front soon after the start and well ralcd throughout won as her rider pleased TADPOLE worked his way up gradually answered to stout urging but was no match for the winner PAN FULL was best of the others JEAN LEE and KING BLACK had brief early speed but gave way readily when the real racing becan Scratched 09376 Barmctto 111 08848 Tomoca 111 09621 Due Sport 107 Overweight Jenny May 2 pounds SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Susi Q June 4 1938 109 3 104 krO Quivera Handicap Purse 1205 3yearolds and upward June2841Oma Net value to winner 855 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Str I 09213ALL LIZZIE wD4115 24 3 4i 2k 1 WhitingL H Ncllor Ncllor092133LADY 092133LADY PSYCHIC w3106 45 5i 51 3h 2 DixonG II T Dc Dcahl 950 09377 VALIANT BOY wn7103 510 9s 84 i McGahanH B McFarland 1060 09377 LITTLE ABNER WB 4 104 11 11 11 10 9V 4h GlidewcilP J Oliver 1830 09377 PANDISCO w 7 103 13 lh 3i 4 5 WilsonHB F E Lyon 2250 2250093772HIS 093772HIS GIRL w 7 105 10 1 43 ll Ink 6t ColIinsJC Mitchell Hcnson Palmer 1880 09471 TRIM STEPPER w4104 6 9 7H 7 5i 7v BushV H Ncllor f 09213 MAISCO w5114 38 61 GI 6i 8h WagncrC Squire Stable 590 09213 CNOTE w6106 76 81 9 81 BazcrW M H Van Berg 2040 09469 JESSIE CLOUD WB8106 9 7 IQi 11 11 10s WlbournF Reed Gilbert 7560 04818 HANKY PANKY w3 99 82 2 2 10 11 CartcrR A L Birch 2040 f Coupled as H Ncllor entry Time 22 45 1111 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Od3s to 1 H NELLOR ENTRY 420 320 3100 110 60 50 50LADY LADY PSYCHIC 540 380 170 90 90VALIANT VALIANT BOY 44 ° 120 120Winner Winner Ch f by Sweep All Elizabeth Sullivan by Omond trained by H Nellor bred by Mr C R Miller WENT TO POST 451 AT POST f minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ALL LIZZIE outrun to the turn nd saving ground came out for the drive entering the stretch came fast when urged to win in a drive LADY PSYCHIC under mild pressure to maintain her position closed with a rush in the last eighth VALIANT BOY closed a huge gap under strong pressure LITTLE ABNER away slowly was going fastest of all at the end PANDISCO and HIS GIRL hung on gamely MAISCO lacked racing room through the stretch or might have been closer HANKY PANKY appeared sore after the race raceScratched09213 Scratched09213 Flag Post 113 0937730 K Mullen 104 Overweight Lady Psychic 4 pounds Valiant Boy 1 Trim Stepper 3 CNote 3 Jessie Cloud 1 Hanky Panky 4 Corrected weight Jessie Cloud 105 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Horse Wt Jockey Straight Tlace Show ShowBORN BORN HAPPY 116 Whiting 540 380 5320 5320CLANSMAID CLANSMAID 106 Farmer 2100 1340 1340REDNECK REDNECK HI Glidcwcll 380 380Time Time 146 Track fast fastWent Went to post 524 Off at once Also ran in order of finish Zingo Portfolio Indian Salute Roscvo Kieva Girl Dona Nutter Candlelight EIGHTH RACE 1 12 Miles Horse Wt Jockey Straight Place Show ShowSNOBEEDO SNOBEEDO 104 Glidcwcll 4080 1320 S 740 740ACE ACE OF SPADES 108 Carter 360 300 300CANIMAR CANIMAR HI Whiting 380 380Time Time 233 Track fast Went to post 555 Off at once Also ran in order of finish Pargo Blazcaround Bold General Paul T Quotum Omar