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O 0 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Miss Mouse, Oct. 2, 1933—1:04—2—110. J r Lycidas Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Colts and geldings. JU tlTip Allowances. Non-winners of two races. Weight, 122 lbs. Non- winners of ,500 allowed 3 lbs.; of ,000, 6 lbs.; maidens, 11 lbs. Best time made at distance of race. Ci fa 4 Chart Book Tod-y ■ Index No. Horse. Data. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. Irish Tar M 425553 All Talk Jun43 Aqu 1:08 116 116 40196 High Resolve 116 Sea Base M HI Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 42853 Que Hora 116 41546 Pluckv Raider 116 42643 "Restriction Jun43 Aqu 1:09% 116 111 Wheatley Stable entry— Irish Tar, Sea Base. ■ | 0, a rv Ju ju « May A] A t Q M, May A] C S V 0 A j , J I i | i i 1 I , . 1 T ik a lit Ch. c. 2, by Hard Tack— Erin, by Transmute. IriSh lar VMJ III Breeder, Wheatley Stable. Owner, Wheatley Stable. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. June 29-Aq»- 3 8 ft Sl%k June 24-Aqu-l 2 ft :49h June 22-Aqu-3 8 ft . . . . Mh First start. 11 t 11 1 1 £. Ch. c. 2, by Transmute — Algalla, by Sir Gallahad III. AM lalK I 10 Breeder, Thomas Piatt. 1943.8 1 1 2 ,750 Owner, Grant Thorn. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. , . Iun.17-431 Xqu 54 f 107 ft 21 10 4116 6 5 424 3« BrooksS* 5000 80 CVetMata 116.Stynnelll.Smolensko 7 Jun.l2-434.Aqu 54*107 ft 33 116 8 7 6T 344 BrooksS3 Allw 81 Ravenala 119.BullDndylll.Abshed 9 Mayl4-431Bel44fwc 54 m 64 118 2 2 23 1" GiohsO" 2500 84 Persiflage 112,TtFli?lit 118.Unc.Bud 10 7-43Jam 5-810iy5ft 24 106*8 7 5si 5s GivensC 2500 72 S.rftte 108.Docdonhll6.MagicHeels 9 Apr.30-433Jain 5-81:01 ft 14115 5 3 35 2* GilbertJ3 3500 77 Bobri.h 115.UncleBud 111, Co Star 5 Apr.20-433Jam 5 8 l:002ssy 15 116 5 4 4» 4° GilbertJ* Mdn 73 Pinelsle 113,Tropea 116,HomeFlight 5 June 29 Jam 38ft.... :36%h June 26— Jam— 3 4 ft 1:17b June 23— Jam— 3 8 ft :36h U Dr«l«« 11/1 Ch. g. 2, by Zacaweista— Gray Porte, by Porte Drapeau. H- ign KeSOlYe | ID Breeder, Mrs. Phil T. Chinn. 1943.2 1 0 I 75 Owner. J. Grimes. Trainer, T. D. Grimes. 5-43 Iain 5 8100%lt 7 10 4119 6 6 6SJ 614 GilbertJ* Stks 68 I.ckyDraw 114. Ravenal.1122. Spheric 6 Apc29-43!Iam 5 8 -59*ift 11-5 116 3 1 1* Is GrohsO* Mdn 86 Fr.l.ancell6,LdHairan 116,TtFlisht 10 June 28-Bel-5 8ft....l:XH4h June 23-Bel-3 4 ft 1:151. June 20-Bel -5 8 ft . . .l:02V h B. Hard Tack— Swing On, by Whisk Broom II. D »« fkA 111 c, 2, by bea Base vMj III Breeder! heatiey subi«. Owner, Wheatley Stable. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. June 24 -Aqu -1-2 ft.... :49d June 22 -Aqu— 3 8 ft. .. . :37%h June 17— Aqu-1 2 ft. . . . :50sh First start. U»», 11. B. c. 2. by Time Maker— Minxy, by St. Germans. Q../» "6 Mora | ID Breeder, D. N. Rust, Jr. 1943.2 1 0 1 87 Owner. Arnold Hanger. Trainer. M. Hirsch. ,,,,,._ Jun.21 43Aqu 54 f 1:07 ft 14 5 116 3 2 24 l«f M*UmW Mdn 86 RedBlms 116,W.G sTh ell6.B »H e 7 + Dead heat. , ... ,_ Apr8-43fam 5 8 101%ft 84 116 9 8 5-i 34 GarzaF Mdn74Faiseur 116, Su.rogate 116, Vim 12 June 29-Bel-3 8 ft.... :35%h June 27-Bel— 3 4 ft l:21h June 25— Bel — 12 ft :50b PlurLw Rnirlpr 1 1 A Br £- 2- h* Foray H.— Plucky Polly, by Sir Gallahad III. PlUCky KOiaer I 10 Breeder, Morven Stud. 1943.3 1 0 0 ,125 Owner, C. T. Chenery. Trainer, T. M. Waller. Jun l-434Bel 5 8wc :59-sv 6 117 5 4 3i 4*2 GilbertJ* Allw 72 Autorrt 117.1. kyDay 11 .SpookShip 6 Ma 25-43Bel 5-8w :58%ft 8 116 3 1 lh- 14 Gilbert.! 3000 85 RdBloss 116.rtFlishtll8.MreWine 9 May 6-43 Jam 5 8101 ft 62 111 9 7 653 43 SchmidlA9 1500 77 DandyJim lll.UncleBud lll.Resale 9 June 28— Bel— 1 2 tt :50h June 24— Bel-3 8 f t . . . . :37%h June 21-Bel-3 8 ft :40b fr.-a-Irt:,.. Ill Ch. g, 2, by Burgoo King— Finita, by St. James. KesrriCriOn I | | Breeder, G. D. Widener. 1943. . 4 10 0 ,050 Owner, G. D. Widener. Trainer, W. F. Mulholland. Jun.l8-434Aqu 54 f l:07"i?d 74 116 5 5 644 78 McCrryC3 Allw 75 DceTeam 116.SpkShipll6.Fr.L nee 10 May22432Bel 5 8wc :59 n. 22-5 116 3 4 4S1 413 McCrryC* Allw 71 Cocopet 113.Autocratll6.DnreTeam 4 Mayl5-43Bel44fwc :53V/5ft24-5 116 3 1 l»j 14 McCrryC" Mdn 88 Toolmker Hl,Herldll6.WarDressg 11 May 10-43 Bel 44fvc -5225ft 23-5 116 8 9 610 610 McCVrC5 Mdn 83 DceTeam 116.DthChgell6,Gr.Rice 12 June 26-Bel-12ft.... :47%h June 24 -Bel -5 8 ft 1:09b June 17— Bel-3 8 ft. ...... :33h