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Explanation of Daily Racing Forms Past Performances Position in ORDER OF FINISH WITH ■m * Race and WEIGHT CARRIED «; m n 9 Lengths Be- If finish shows horse won, second. ™ I S c a - % hind Win- _ u third and fourth horses are given. c * | ° gH°1 ning Horse 5 ■ g If. second, first, third and fourth ~ n — g C°T3t2S -cSrerF-E horses are shown. - S ~ ° K ° o ° S c fjsSs 2km« If third, first, second and fourth J • j m g • ! s §!,! I I i £* 1*1 3 horses ar shown- ™ I J 2 E c% Uva.v. i£isiZJ£Z j 11 j If unplaced, first, second and third . D z H Q h U U SiS?" k % n n 42 o H U / horses are shown. j? Jaa29 435F.G 3-4 l:12%gd 21 5 #113 4 2 1*J 12J ZufeltF* Allw 88 Moretto 113,Tweedy 116,NavyCross 7 NOTE — Speed ratings not given at tracks of less than one mile.