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Three Tracks in Florida Apply for Winter Dates Tropical Asks 50, Hialeah, 46 And Gulfstream 40 Racing Days MIAMI, Fla.. June 29. — Cherishing - the j hope that war-time conditions will permit the resumption of racing in Florida next winter, all three tracks in this area have filed applications with the State Racing i Commission for dates. Tropical and Hia- leah Parks have asked for approximately the same dates on which they operated heretofore, but Gulfstream Park, which has been idle for more than three years, complicated the situation by applying for its full quota allowed under the law. Tropical Park asks for 50 days, splitting them into two meetings. It proposes to , stage the first session from December 20 ; to January 11 and the second from March | 6 to April 8. Hialeah Park desires to operate in the interim, a period of 46 days from ! January 12 to March 4. Tropical Park and Hialeah Park would thus absorb 96 days between them. L. M. Gerstel, trustee in bankruptcy, act- jing in behalf of Gulfstream Park, which cancelled its inaugural meeting in Feb- j ruary, 1939, after operating for four days, has applied to the commission for an undivided one-third of the legal racing season of 120 days. The Florida legislature recently extended the season by advancing the opening date to December 1 and moving the closing date back to April 20. If the plea of Gulfstream Park for an uninterrupted 40-day meeting is granted, drastic revision of the Tropical and Hialeah Park dates will be necessary. The commission did not intimate what its probable course will be, and it is not expected to announce its decision in the knotty matter for several weeks