Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Detroit, Daily Racing Form, 1943-06-30


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DETROIT For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 RACE— 1 1-8 MILES. 3:30 P. M. 1ST 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Prob. Prob P P Horse. Jockev. Wt. Mud. Odds. 5 YARN SPINNER Keiper 115 2-1 8 MISTUCKY South 110 X 5-2 3 DORA K. Clark 110 12-1 1 ALUMONT Turk 115 10-1 7 KNOCK KNOCK Alfonso 104 4-1 9 SLIGHT ERROR Adams 109 X 6-1 4 TEDDER 115 8-1 2 SEASON CALL Knott 110 12-1 6 ONE LINK 115 10-1 Yarn Spinner is razor-sharp; took last with speed in reservz. Mistucky is strictly the one to beat. Dora K. drops seven pounds off recent win. |NDRACE — 3-4 MILE. 4:00 P.M. ™ 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 11 MARMAC Clark 115 3-1 5 STELL 110 X 5-1 4 CALL TO COLORS Adams 117 X 6-1 1 PRINCE WAYGO Clark 117 X 4-1 6 JOSS STICK Roberts 110 X 4-1 9 POPS RIVAL 110 8-1 2 AXELSON Scurlock 112 gfl0-l 3 BERT W. « Horn I 112X12-1 7 ABOGADA 112 15-1 8 BYGONES LittrelD 107 20-1 10 BEAU CATCHER Alfonso 110X10-1 12 HOME BURNING Cupp i 107 20-1 Marmac, a speedy front-runner, may hang on long enough to beat these. Stell is consistently in the pay-off. Call to Colors must be reckoned with. 3RD RACE— 3-4 MILeT" 4:30 P. M. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 FAIRLY FLY , 108 X 5-2 4 BUTTON HOLE Canning! 108 3-1 3 SWELL CHANCE Roberts 114 X 3-1 5 ISOLDE Hart 106 x 4-1 2 JUG Adams 113 X 6-1 Fairly Fly has but to race to best form to triumph. Button Hole has a brisk turn of early foot. Swell Chance shares often; always a contender. ATH RACE— 3-4 MILE. 5:00 P. M. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Allowances. 5 SMACKED Mojena 110 7-2 8 MARKSMAN Horn 113 X 5-1 6 MEGGY Adams 113X 4-1 9 HASTY KAY Turk 100X10-1 7 TRUMP 101 8-1 1 JAY JAY 113 6-1 2 a-UNBUTTONED Roberts 110* 8-1 3 BILL G. Clark 110X10-1 4 a -WAR BAM Roberts 110® 8-1 a-Mrs. H. P. Bonner entry. Smacked may have needed last as a tightener; deserves another chance. Marksman will offer plenty contention. Meggy turned in a smart effort in last start. CTH RACE— 5-8 MILE. 5:30 P. M. «* 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. 3 MISS VALOR Hern 110 8-5 4 SEANCE Knott 113 5-2 2 BROWN GOWN LittrelD 110 8-1 1 SQUEEZE THRU Milligan 107 10-1 6 SORBONNE Roberts 108 4-1 5 SIR SPRITE Clark 110 10-1 Miss Valor,, headed for a win, finds a likely spot. Seance beat cheaper ones in last; dangerous. Brown Gown is smartly handled; last was good. ZTH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 6:00 P.M. V 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Allowances. 4 MANY LANDS Adams llix 5-2 5 BOOM ON Scurlock 108 5-1 2 ABRUPT 105 X 3-1 3 PAIRCAIS 105 3-1 1 STAR BLEN Roberts 101 6-1 Many Lands is brought up to this effort in fine fettle. Boom On finally hit best stride in last. Abrupt moves up a bit; in good trim now. 7TH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 6:30 P. M. * 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 4 OK SUGAR Milligan 103 4-1 5 HAREBELL I Fator I 108 X 4-1 7 DETROIT BULL Horn 113 X 5-1 8 BURNING STICK South 111X 8-1 1 HOVER Adams 108 X 5-1 11 AVA DELIGHT Adams 111* 4-1 10 BISC A YNE BLUE Strange 108 X 6-1 9 COUNTMEIN Milligan 108X10-1 2 PITTISTRAW Clark 108X10-1 3 PINK GAL Mojena 108®10-1 6 AWAY Keiper 113 8-1 OK Sugar won last in a gallop: carrying same weight, merits the call. Harebell figures to make it interesting. Detroit Bull likes this oval. OTITrACE— 1 1-16 MILES. 7:00 P. M. *• 3-Year-Olds anil Upward. Claiming. 4 DARBY DEAN Adams 112X 5-2 5 BETROTHED Roberts 107 X 3-1 6 DUST CAP Scurlock 107 3-1 3 PANDERMA Keiper 115 X 6-1 1 MISS TRANSIT Turk 102 4-1 2 FOREST DO Record 110 10-1 7 DIMPLE Knott 107X10-1 Darby Dean, with Adams in the saddle, will be a hard combination to beat. Betrothed is trying hard to score: second in last two tries. Dust Cap is not out of it.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1943063001/drf1943063001_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1943063001_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800