Pimlico Prexy, Commissioners to Consider Groom Problem, Daily Racing Form, 1944-04-12


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i r. e f k it a a y d e g is rt lt a a 1- ;- s Pimlico Prexy, Commissioners To Consider Groom Problem BALTIMORE. Md., April 11.— Harry A. Parr III., president of the Maryland Jockey Club, operators of Pimlico, where a 28-day combined meeting of this states four major tracks commences tomorrow, announced this afternoon that he and members of the j Maryland Racing Commission would break - fast together tomorrow morning at Pimlico to consider the groom problem. It is alleged the grooms intend petitioning for a different arrangement in the manner I of awards. The procedure heretofore has been for the groom leading the winning horse to the paddock to receive a fee of 0 It is understood the grooms would prefer a fixed fee for leading each horse over to the paddock, rumored at . The fixing of groom awards is a preroga- tive of the commission. The rule in question states: "When the purse is ,000 or more, the groom of every winning horse shall re- ceive a fee of 0, and if less than ,000, the groom shall receive a fee of . Groom awards will be assumed by the association. "

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1944041201/drf1944041201_16_9
Local Identifier: drf1944041201_16_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800