5th Jam, Daily Racing Form, 1944-04-12

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3-4 MILE. King Saxon, April 20, 1935— -1:1025— 4— 118. Fifth 1 £**L r%r* Running EXPERIMENTAL FREE HANDICAP First Division. Jill J QUI ,000 Added. 3-year-olds weighted in the Jockey Club Experi • mental Handicap. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays 5 Index No Hoi*f. Date. Track Rec. Wi. Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. . 55°% Broad Gnu Aue43 Bel 1:15 116*112 55996 Wild Rice Aug45 Was 1:15*4 118 106 6 51915 tronchold Jul43 Jam 1:13=4 112 108 47321- Bov Knieht J ul45 Jam 1:12*4 113 119 9 51472- Pukka Gin Jul43 Was 1:15*4 114X126 52485 Sweeping Time Oct45 Jam 1 32% 111 HO D 55996 Fox Brownie Sep43 Aqu 1:12% 116X11C 52504 Ariel Game Sep45 Aqu 1:12*4 115 108 B *d___j /•_:„ VU I 1« -B. c. 3, by The Porter— Delight, by Dis Done. broad urin f | IZBreeder, M3res Nest stud. 1944.. 1000 00 0 Owner. Greentree Stable. Trainer. J. M. Gaver. 1943.. 9 3 0 0 ,900 0 Apr 8 -44* Jam Sj f 1:06 ed 9-5e4117 11 10° l 4* BreenJ8 Alw 82 FoxBwnie llfNui Taiell4BudGrey 13 3 Nov 3 436Pim l,Vl:47%m 4e 119 7 710 792 716 ArcaroE7 Stks 61 Platte.- 119,ByJiminyll9,Smolensko 8 1 Oct29-43:Pim 1-701:48 m9-10*118 1 2D* 2 li ArcaroE1 Allw 68 Tagel 109, Aloraye 112. Blue Wings 7 7 Octl5-43"Pim 1,V, l:47=jft 14-5e 115 2 22 2 l1 ArcaroE* Stks 78 Smlensko 115.Edemceell5.Crnsman 7 7 Oct 9 -45* Bel 1 1:381.5ft 202 112 12 ll5 99 V WestrpeJnStks 76 PukkaGin 115.Pressure 106,Pensive 12 2 Oct 5 -45* Bel 7-8 1:25 ft 6J 116 10 83ill16ll19 ArcaroE10 Allw 65 WdRice 116,Skytrcrll6,W.GsThe 12 2 April 11— Bol— 5 8 si.... :3714h April 7— Bel— 1-2 m :48*4h Nominated for 1944 Kentucky Derby. OrnnnLM 1 HQ Dk. b. c, 3. by Hard Tack— Bransome, by Royal Minstrel. JlOngnOia |UO Breeder, Wheatley Stable. Owner. Wheatley Stable. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. 1943. .11 2 0 2 ,775 ■ Nov. 1-43Jam 3-41:12*5ed 11 109 6 5*i l"l 710 PmaneR8 Hep 77 SwpgTime H6.ArilGmel09.Styniie 8 ■ OcL20-43*Jam l-701:45%ft 35 117 12 101:-lli; ll19 StoutJ1* Allw 57 Weyanoke 114, Stymie 106,Brdcloth 14 J OcLl6-43*Jam 3-4 l:ll24sy 9i 110 5 6A 612 8" StoutJ* Stks 77 BlkBdge 118,LkyDrwl26,Sw.Time 10 ■ OcLl2-43*Jam 3-4 l:12;:,ft 2122 5 and] 4* 5 StoutJ1 Allw 85 Stymie 106,SwpingTime lll.Aloraye 14 I Oct 2-432Bel6ifwcl:17%sy 7e 110 5 KPi 89il216 MrtensW1 Hep 71 DnceTeam 115,StirLp 113.LkyDrw 20 ■ Sep28 43"Bel 3-4wcl:10 ft 14 119 7 962 andi 71" LngdenJ2 Allw 86 Tambo lll.RodjStonell9,BrkBdge 16 b April 7— Aqu— 7 8 sy 1:35b April 5— Aqu— 7 8 ft l:51=4b April 1— Aqu— 1 2 gd :49%h *Pttttn rUKKU fin s V 1 9£ Br- c- 3, by Firethorn— Crauneen, by St. Germans. VJin | O Breeder. Cornelius V. Whitney. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Trainer, A. Schuttinger. 1943.. 13 5 3 0 7,500 0 tict23-45Jam 1-70 l:44=5ft 23-5 126 10 3-i 3i V AtkinsnTStks 79 Weyanoke 108,Platter 112,FireSticky 10 Oct. 9-43* Bel lldMt* 7 115 8 lh l1 l1 AtkinsonT* Stks 83 Pre sure 106,Pensive llO.Smolensko 12 2 Sep22 43:Be 3-4wc l.lOVsft 13 115 8 6 1 1 1 AtkinsonT6 Allw 95 Dustman 114,ProfessrLeell5,StirUp 14 4 Auc30-436Was 5|fbK%ft Iji 118 6 7*» 4* 4-J GoniM.V SW 85 BlkBdge 118,Zacaptll8,DuhRder 9 9 AuS26-436Was 3-41:14*4sy 5 115 9 52 Vf 69i WoolfG9 Stks 65 Durazna 108. Occupy 118, AllBright n 9 Aup.l4-434Was 5ifl:0724ed 22 117 4 42 4- 2i GrohsO2 Allw 81 Zacapet 117, Broadcloth 110, Sunnip , 7 April 11 — Bel — 12 ft :49b April 8— Bel— la ■ l:52h April 4— Bel— 3 8 ft :37h Nominated for Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes. *FrtY Rrnwnip V 1 in B. q. 3. by Gallant Fox— Dorothy B., by Diavolo. ruA utuwmc s I I U Breeder. Mrs. Joe W. Brown. 1944.6 2 1 0 ,415- 1 Owner. Joe W. Brown. Trainer, J. B. Theall. 1943. 13 4 0 1 ,335 5 Apr 8 44*. J.i in 5 i 1:06 gd 4 117 8 48 23 1* GuerinF Alw 86 NurvTale 114BudGreyll3BrodGrin 13 Feb22-44"F.G In l:47*4ft 6 122 3 lh Vj T TnnmT* Hep 67 Everget 116,SigsBlkel20,Val.Penn 0 9 J Fcb.l2-44F.G 11-81:54 ft 13 120 7 5"il0lu 919 GuerinE« Stks 54 OlykZnith 117.GyBitl20.Weynke 11 * Feb 4-44:F.G 3-41:13 gd 10 120 6 3 31 21 GuerinE3 Hep 85 GayBit 121,RecdCropll0,VaSenora 9 ■ Jan.l9-44"F.G l,«l:47»5ft 8-5 4122 3 66i 65 42 JemasN2 Hep 72 Rover 118,GrgeCasell6.SignsBloke ■ 9 Jan.l3-446FG 5] f 1:08 m 5 119 4 4 1 l1 PetersM3 Allw 84 Kenty Boy 112, Arnel 117, Tropea 6 6 April 11— Aqu— 3 8 ft... :56%h April 5— Aqu-3 4 liy l:18h April 2— Aqu— 12 ft :50b Nominated for 1944 Kentucky Derby. WilH Rirp 1HA Dk- b- c- 3- by Sickle — Wild Waters, by Wildair. ttiiu mwc | v/O Breeder. Coldstream Stud. 1944 10 0 0 Owner, Coldstream Stable. Trainer, Jack Howard. 1943.18 2 0 1 ,525 1 Apr 8-44*Jam 5 f 1:06 £?d 29 113 13 131 -131 12 « Dod«mD" Alw 75 FoxBwnie 117NurvTalell4BudGrey 13 3 Oct25 43uJam l-701:43*,5ft 20 110 10 P| 6si 69 Longden.1 Stks 76 BelReigh lll.Stymie 108.RodyStone 10 0 Oct.20-43*Jam 1 701:45%ft 8 111 11 59 4"2 610 AtkinsnTAllw 66 Weyanoke 114, Stymie 106,Brdcloth 14 .4 Oct.l6-43;iJam 3 41:13»4sy 40 110 8 ?»J 6«2 43 RenickJ7 Stks 80 Bellwher 112.DnceTeaml22,Tropea 8 8 Oct 7-43:Bel ll:58*5ft 7-5e4116 5 51" 3*j AtkinsonT* Allw 76 Broadcloth 116.Surrogate 116.Stymie 12 2 Oct 5-43*Bel 7-8 1:25 It 10 116 1 1 l1 l« AtkVnT11 Allw 84 Skytcr 116,W.GsThelllTxMtin 12 2 *Rnv Kninht 1 1Q Dk b- c- 3 b Sir Gallahad III.— Heloise, by Friar Rock. uvy rxmyiii | y Breeder Mr$ R A Van C|ief Owner, C. Oglebav. Trainer. J. P. Jones. 1943.6 3 1 2 2,505 fi Anc28-43*Bel VJ nicl:18=4id U 122 6 •» i J 2% Brook*Sfi. Stks 83 BeeMac 119.BvJimnl22.Bellwther 12 [2 Ai«21-43*Bel 3-4mcl:12*4ft 6 122 3 2 2h V BrooksS2 Stks 79 BvJimminy 112,Smonskoll6.Ravla 13 3 Jul.31-43*Bel 3-4 mclllMU 13-10 4119 5 4 4-i 1"" BrooksS8 Stks 79 FreeLance 116, Ogham 119, Rover d 8 J u 1.21 -43 J am 3-41:12*5ft 11-5 113 4 2 22 1 BrooksS1 Stks 87 QueHora 116,Sthold 122, LarkvDay 4 4 JullO 43«G.S 3-4 1.16%hy 3-2 4114 6 3 33i 3*i GilbertJ* Allw 65 Surrogate 114.Dance Tmll4, Nibble 7 7 Jun28 43am f l:062£ft 11 116 1 4 lb Ink GilbertJ3 Mdn 84 CaptsAide 116.Stngho!dll6,Stymie 14 L4 April 10-Bel— 3 8 ed.... :56%b April 8— Bel-5 4 m. . ., .l:20=gb April 5— Bel-5 8 si :40h Nominated for Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes. *SweeDJna Time 110 Dk b c- • **y Sweeping Light — Unatime, by High Time. • • ■ IV Breeder. F. B. Koontz. Owner. Mill River Stable. Trainer. Harris Brown. 1943.12 4 2 1 0,195 J5 Nk12-43*Km l,«l:48-Vt 31 113 6 4T 6!i 79 Wtrope.1 Stks 63 Platter 122.RoIPncell9.DirecrJ.E. 9 9 1km 9-45«Pim 3-41:14 si 22-5 113 4 33 23 2* Westiope.I* Stks 77 DirecrJ.E. 115.Fen-ivell5.Civ.Liby 5 5 Km l-43*Jam 3-41:1243gd 9£ 116 2 1 2h lh WtropeJ1 Hep 87 ArilGme 109.£tvniiell5,BlckBadge 8 8 Ki.25-43"Jani 1701:4425ft 21 111 5 8» 7»« 712 Westropeje Stks 70 Wevanoke 108.PukkaGin 126.Platter 10 W O.n.16 -43* Jan. 3-41:ll=isy 12 112 3 3" S«| 310 WtropeJ Stks 84 BlkBge 118,LkvDrawl26.Sktrcr 10 Oct.l2-43Jam 3-4 1:12 r.ft 10 111 4 2i 1| 2n WtrpeJS Allw 88 Stymie 106. Aloraxe 115. tropea 14 14 Id Api.l 11— Bel-3 8 si.... :36h April 8-Bel— 7-8 m l:30%h "April 4— Bel— 58 tt l:04 4h Nominated for 1944 Kentucky Derby. *Ariel Game 108 i v« Blk-„c- Breeder, 3Mby Mereworth *nt,zpJy Farm. Dis by Disp,ay- Owner, Brookmeade Stable. Trainer, H. L. Fontaine. 1943 11 3 3 2 ,765 55 No15 43Jam 3 41:1345lt 1-2 4116 3 1*| 1»| 14 AtkinsnT3 Allw S Canina 119,Spheiic 113.M"AnnaC. 7 7 Hh l-43J..m 3-41:12*4g.l 11 109 5 6 "i S | 2" WahlerC3 Hep 87 SwpgTime 116.Stymiell5.BrkBge 8 8 0 tl2 -43*Jam ?-41:12::.-,ft Tf 115 3 98 8? V WahlerC2 Allw 81 Stymie 106,SwpineTime lll.Aloraye 14 14 Sepll-43:;G.S 3-4 l:12*4lt 7-10 4115 3 32J 21 l HaasL Allw 87 RylPrince 115,Vin,110.Docdonough S I Sep 2-43«Aqu 3-41:12*4ft 4 5 4115 2 1] 1« 1« HaasUO Allw 86 Clsman 115,GtRipplell0.Triplicate 11 n Aut;30-43*Aqu 5J. f l:06"andft 7-10 4116 1 li i3 1« HaasL2 Mdn 89 TexMrtin 116,Do-Rh-Mill6.Dansn 11 11 April 11 — Bel-3-8 ft.... :36%h April 8-Bel— 5 4 m l:16h April 4— Bel— 12 It :51b Nominated for 1944 Kentucky Derby.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1944041201/drf1944041201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1944041201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800