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I I • ■ I j [ | | Crowd of 50,000 Attends First English Racing Season Program By Special Correspondent P LONDON, England, April 11.— With coastal area bans prohibiting travel to seaside resorts, English turf fans ended the , four-day Easter holiday period by attending the opening of the racing season yesterday ■ in record-breaking numbers. A [crowd of 50,000 journeyed to the Windsor • track, 26 miles up the Thames from London, , overtaxing every form of transportation i and all accommodations at the course. At I one time the press of the crowd broke the j entrance gates and many women fainted. One veteran racegoer said: "I have attended Windsor meetings for 50 years and never witnessed anything like this." In the feature event, Orestes, the Derby favorite, owned by Miss Dorothy Paget. cousin of Col. C. V. Whitney and Col. John 1 Hay Whitney, was beaten a neck by The Solicitor. The daily double" paid 00 to 20 bettors who coupled The Solicitor and I Harroway. More than 00,000 was bet on 1 the 10 races comprising the card. American land British service personnel attended in 1 large numbers.