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I I I I , «... . ■ Maryland Notes PIMLICO. Baltimore, Md., April 11. The first get of the stallion Little Beans is a chestnut filly out of the mare Snow and was dropped March 17 at Alan T. Clarkes Huntington Farm, at Clarksville, where stands the son of Mirafel — Florhi. The foal is the property of R. Palladino, who retains ownership of the one-time winner of the Eastern Shore Handicap. Danny Scocca, who spent most of the winter in Hagerstown, arrived and joined the increasing ranks of reinsmen already here. H. "Henny" Bitner. popular local restaurateur whose establishment is a mecca for the sporting gentry, has been accepted to membership in the Maryland Jockey I Club. Apprentice Leonard Bowers will attend to the bulk of the riding for the stable of H. Guy Bedwell. The lad is 18 years of age, scales at 104 pounds and is a native of Boise, Idaho. R. P. "Bobby" Curran reports that the Luke McLuke mare. Nursemaid, dam of Mrs. R. Carruthers well regarded three -year-old Jimmie, recently dropped a foal by Grand Slam at the Carruthers establishment in Lexington, Ky. Steeplechase secretary Edward J. Bren-nan announced that Friday. April 28, had been set for the renewal of the Spring Maiden Steeplechase. Trainer George Alexandra, who conditions the stable of Mrs. W. W. Adams, was an arrival with 21 head. Of this group only seven performed in Florida, while the remaining 14 were sent from winter quarters in Kentucky. Eddie Dennison and Bill Kilroy have been given the assignment of taking entries at Laurel and phoning them to the Pimlico office every morning during the meeting. An arrival from winter quarters was Jimmy McGee, who brought in 20 horses I from Louisville, Ky. McGees useful string is headed by Miss Helen Hickmans Aon-barr, a stake winner over this course last year. Space for 10 horses has been reserved for the Brandywine Stable, conditioned by V. W. "Buddy" Raines. The string is headed by the handicap performer, Pom-pion, and also includes Everget, winner of the Washingtons Birthday Handicap at New Orleans Fair Grounds. Including Mrs. Bruce S. Campbells Bar-; bara Childs, winner of last years Mary Dyer and Vineland Handicaps, and Mrs. J. B. Hatfields Cherrydale, who won the Pawtucket Handicap, J. B. Hatfield also has Happy Vixen. Alpine King, Argalosa, Primarily, Miss Identify, Voucher, Ama-pola Pomp. Pompa Negri, Fold Under, My Elsie, Glorious Sec, Cant We and Patch Party at Pimlico.