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Daily Racing Form Experts1 Selections FIGURES IN CONSENSUS SHOW COMPARATIVE RATINGS, ALLOWING FIVE POINTS FOR FIRST SEVEN POINTS IF BEST CHANCE; TWO FOR SECOND, I ONE FOR THIRD. BEST CHANCE IN BOLD FACE LETTERS . Trackman: P. G. McCann Keeneland at Churchill Downs Selections Made for Fast Track RACE TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALYST PHAR LAP SWEEP CONSENSUS Singer Miss Brand Valdina Singer Valdina Singer Valdina Singer Fussy Helen Valdia Singer 24 IValdina Pussy Helen Valdina Singer Miss Brand Fussy Helen See W. Valdina Singer Fussy Helen 11 Gold Tread Fussy Helen Maymate Miss Brand Fussy Helen See W. Miss Brand 8 _ Gremlin Scotch Please Spring Glory Scotch Please Scotch Please Scotch Please Scotch Please 23 2 Air Power Air Power Gremlin Spring Glorv Spring Glorv Sammy Angott Spring Glory 10 ■ Lestabert Spring Glorv Scotch Please Air Power Gremlin Gremlin Gremlin 9 J Tellmenow Tellmenow Tellmenow Zacapet Putitthere Tellmenow 20 n 3Zacapet Putitthere Putitthere Zacapet Zacapet Tellmenow Tellmenow Zacapet 16 it it Tellmenow Zacapet Putitthere Putitthere Putitthere Zacapet Putitthere 12 0 Best Effort Calm Seas Best Effort Calm Seas Calm Seas Best Effort Best Effort 19 4 Bee W Bee Some Bid Calm Seas Best Effort Some Bid Calm Seas Calm Seas 19 g Dimit BestEf fort Some Bid Dimit Best Effort Dimit Some Bid 5 t TetrosJr. Azimuth Tetros Jr. Azimuth- Azimuth Tetros Jr. 18 L 5TetrosJr. That-a-Boy That-a-Boy That-a-Boy Azimuth That-a-Bov Tetros Jr. Azimuth 17 Carbonate Carbonate Rajas Carbonate Tetros Jr. That-a-Boy That-a-Boy 9 ■ Harriet Sue Harriet Sue Harriet Sue Harriet Sue Harriet Sue Harriet Sue Harriet Sue 38 6 Darby Delilah Letmenow Darby Delilah Darbv Delilah Letmenow Darby Delilah Darby Delilah 10 i Letmenow Darby Delilah Gallahue Letmenow Darby Delilah Letmenow Letmenow 7 t Bold Lucy Designator Paraboloid Bold Lucv Designator Designator Designator 19 to 7 Paraboloid Bold Lucy Bold Lucv Designator Jim Pat Bold Lucv Bold Lucv 17 t Designator Paraboloid Designator Huracon Bold Lucv Hills Palm Paraboloid 7 -j Drollon Drollon Drollon Rex Khavgram Drollon Drollon 22 i 8 Free Speech Free Speech Free Speech Khavgram Drollon Rex Khaygram 8 t Khaygram Yukon Moselem Yukon Moselem Yukon Rex 7 " Trackman, C. J. Connors Jamaica Selections Made for Fast Track jj RACE TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALYST PHAR LAP SWEEP CONSENSUS J Uncle Leslie Chance Tide Chance Tide Chance Tide Chance Tide Chance Tide Chance Tide 25 1 Sun Mucia Bobsis Titian Miss Bobsis Uncle Leslie Uncle Leslie Uncle Leslie 11 - Pilot Light Uncle Leslie Uncle Leslie Titian Miss Titian Miss Bobsis Bobsis 5 ■ Fairy Bee Fairy Bee Topsy Sue Fairy Bee To Dare Fairy Bee Fairy Bee 28 2 Tedious Miss To Dare Fairy Bee To Dare Fairy Bee Songburst Topsy Sue 10 i Resplendence Resplendence Songburst Topsy Sue Topsy Sue Topsy Sue To Dare 9 Kingfisher Kingfisher Deseronto Free Air Deseronto Kingfisher Kingfisher 19 3 Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium Free Air Cadmium 11 s Free Air Free Air Sun Flame Kingfisher Kingfisher Cadmium Deseronto 10 p Hoodoo Hoodoo Hoodoo Vienna Hoodoo Hoodoo Hoodoo 26 i it 4 Bell-the-Cat Leaving Leaving Leaving Leaving Bell-the-Cat Leaving 9 e , Vienna Bell-the-Cat Leavenworth Hoodoo Bell-the-Cat Leaving Vienna 6 | Irish Tar Freezout Freezout Freezout Bud Grey Freezout Freezout 21 v 5 Spheric Irish Tar Bud Grey Bud Grey Irish Tar Bud Grey Irish Tar 11 . Lassie Sue Spheric Cactus Foot , Irish Tar Freezout Irish Tar Bud Grey 11 J Tragic Ending One Only Tragic Ending Bold Dan Tragic Ending Bold Dan Tragic Ending 20 6 Bold Dan Bold Dan One Only Sugar Ration Count Daunt Count Daunt Bold Dan 14 J Count Daunt Count Daunt Count Daunt Rath Ronan Rath Ronan Tragic Ending Count Daunt 7 I At Play Bollinger Searchlight Family Doc Bollinger Family Doc Family Doc 16 £ 7 Bollinger Family Doc Family Doc At Play Family Doc Star of Padula Bollinger 13 Star of Padula At Play Star of Padula Star of Padula Star of Padula Bollinger At Play 8_ £ Trackman, E. P. Heagerry PimllCO Selections Made for Fast Track i RACE TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALYST PHAR UP SWEEP CONSENSUS i Gallant Mowlee Remolee Gallant Mowlee War Shy Gallant Mowlee Remolee Gallt Mowlee *1* j 1 Remolee Gallant Mowlee Remolee Golden Babe Pathfinder Golden Babe Remolee 16 Blicky Boy Golden Babe Golden Babe Remolee Remolee Gallant Mowlee Golden Babe 6 f Toonervitle Sorgho Pat OSee Toonerville Pat OSee Toonerville 19 j 2Toonerville Sorgho Sorgho Bastinado Toonerville Sorgho Toonerville Pat OSee 14 , Pat OSee Pat OSee Pat OSee Brass King Pat OSee Sorgho Sorgho 12 Frederic II. Caddie Caddie Bank Note Caddie Caddie Caddie 26 3 Caddie Bank Note Burma Road Caddie Burma Road Bank Note Bank Note 12 ] Bank Note Frederic II. Bank Note Frederic II. Bank Note Frederic II. Frederic U. 8 i Belfonda Not So Good Belfonda Belfonda Belfonda Belfonda 27 i 4Belfonda Babiana Not So Good Belfonda Not So Good Not So Good Not So Good Not So Good 10 j Five -Thirty Ponamau Tawny ■ Babiana Babiana Babiana Babiana 5 Timeless Timeless Don Chance Timeless Timeless Timeless Timeless 31 5 Panacea Hoop Jr. Timeless Hoop Jr. Panacea Don Chance Don Chance 9 i Don Chance Don Chance Hoop Jr. Panacea Hoop Jr. Hoop Jr. Hoop Jr. 7 Red Level Red Wrack Morocco Sir Red Wrack Red Wrack Anzac Red Wrack 21 6 Red Wrack Anzac Anzac Morocco Sir Morocco Sir Red Wrack Morocco Sir 11 Morocco Sir Red Level Connachta Indian Sun Sunsho Morocco Sir Anzac 9 Over Call Gendarme Specialist Over Call Over Call Gendarme Over Call 19 7 Mitza Over Call Mitza Gendarme Gendarme Over Call Gendarme 16 Gendarme Who Reigh Gendarme Who Reigh Specialist Mitza Specialist 6 ] Red Rosette White Hot Hard Cracker Red Rosette Red Rosette Red Rosette Red Rosette 26 I 8 Admiral Jim Admiral Jim Red Rosette Lupoba Admiral Jim Hard Cracker Admiral Jim 8 White Hot Red Rosette White Hot Admiral Jim Lupoba Admiral Jim White Hot 7 Trackman, D. S. Fair Narragansett Park Selections Made for Fast Track RACE TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALYST PHAR LAP SWEEP CONSENSUS Flaming High Happy Prince Lady Mascara Flaming High Happy Prince Flaming High Flaming High 18 1 Airspring Flaming Higtx York River York River Airspring Airspring Happy Prince 13 Happy Prince Pittsburgh Flaming High Happy Prince Gold Bill Happy Prince Airspring 6 Wise Father Flying Ned Clamor Girl Centuple Centuple Spare the Rod Centuple 13 2 Flying Ned Centuple Spare the Rod SDare the Rod Flying Ned Clamor Girl Spare the Rod 11 Spare the Rod Spare the Rod Flying Ned Clamor Girl Bowsprit Centuple Flying Ned 10 Double Feature Commando Tom Double Feature Double Feature Double Feature Double Feature Double Feture 27 3 Commando Tom Double Feature Commando Tom Commando Tom Commando Tom Commando Tom Com and Tom 15 Dandy Jim Dandy Jim Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment Dandy Jim Dandy Jim 4 Merry Sunshine Merry Sunshine Merry Sunshine Prissy Miss Prissy Miss Prissy Miss Mry Sunshine 23 4 Prissy Miss Prissy Miss Olidor Merry Sunshine Merry Sunshine Merry Sunshine Prissy Miss 19 Kelspride Kelspride Reimburseme Olidor Olidor Cloud Light Olidor 4 Paircais Paircais Weatherite Weatherite Paircais Paircais 24 5Paircais Weatherite Weatherite Sovia Paircais Paircais Weatherite Weatherite 19 Real Sad Zacabrand Weatherite Real Sad Zacabrand Real Sad Real Sad 3 Mixer Mixer Reztips Mixer Reztips Reztips Mixer 24 6 Reztips Reztips Total Eclipse Reztips Mixer Mixer Reztips 23 Total Eclipse Total Eclipse Mixer First Draft First Draft First Draft Total Eclipse 4 Amazed Bottle Imp Don Lin II. Bottle Imp Bottle Imp Bottle Imp Bottle Imp 24 7 Bottle Imp Don Lin II. Bottle Imp Dr. Johnson Don Lin II. Amazed Don Lin II. 10 Double Back Suntegra War Page Don Lin II. War Page Dr. Johnson Amazed 7 One Tip Bayport One Tip Bayport Bayport Bay port Bavport 23 8 November One Tin Pittistraw One Tip One Tip One Tip One Tip 18 Frilure Queen Echo Bayport Queen Echo Budded Darbv Dismay Queen Echo 3