Official Racing Charts: Suffolk Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1949-06-07

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1 — — Official Racing Charts —i SUFFOLK DOWNS Copyright. 1949, by Triangle Publications, Inc. —————— EAST BOSTON, MASS.. MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1943-SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 MILE. Thirty-second day of thirty-three-day meeting April 30 to June 7. Eastern Racing Association, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Photo-chart Camera. Weather clear. Steward representing Massachusetts State Racing Commission, A. 0. Gallagher. Stewards, William Almy, Jr., and Lee 0 Donnell. Placing Judges, 0. E. Pons, Kenneth Mcintosh and Edwin Welch. Patrol Judges, James But-well, R. Romanelli, J. Cunningham and W. J. Canning. Paddock Judge, George Clement. Clerk of Scales, Arthur Hunt Starter, Robert Frend. Timer, George Fritz. Racing Secretary and Handicapper. J. P. Turner. Assistant Racing Secretary, 0. E. Pons. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1348, .37; current meeting, .30. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Mutuel take, 12 per cent. State 5J per cent on first 00,000; 63 per cent between 00,000 and 00,000; 7i per cent between 00,000 and 00,000, 73 per cent over 00,000, plus daily license fee. § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed.. • Five lbs. claimed. J Seven lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937—1:09% — 4—117. Purse ,000. *J /? c I -f 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since April 2J9. 4-year-olds, / O J I / 120 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners in 1949 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, June 6-49 — Suf 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,250; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 9,267. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Vk V2 StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 758502 ETERNAL MISS wb5108 8 9 7"* 62 24 13 F Fernndez 2500 Mrs Metcalf and Ber-Mar F 2.50 749263 THREE PASSES wb 5 110 5 3 42 4 J 31 2"k D Madden 2500 B Gold 33.30 75850 YRMOTH FLAREwb4 106 11 8 61 5i 5 3n E Viary 2500 A Cataldo 19.80 75552 TASC0SA wb6112 9 1 3« 1J 1nk 44 R McLalint 2500 Sandy Lane Farm 26.00 74832 NEW DEALER wb8113 2 6 1H 7J 63 53 F Solimena 2500 Kenmore Stable 5.80 75141 PAGE II. wb10113 4 2 2 * 31 4i 61 F Zefir 2500 J T Keating 8.10 74427 URANIUM wb5113 6 10 101 I0i 8J 7h R Sisto 2500 Bar Sue Stable 4.80 749262 SUNAWAY wb4 104 7 12 12 112 9* 82 P S Boyle* 2500 M B Goff 12.30 75850 ARIEL BRIGADE wb4111 12 11 82 82 102 9-* G Hettinger 2500 C C Boshamer 7.70. 63360 ETHEL MAY B. w 5 109 10 7 9« 91 7J 102* C Picou 2500 Mrs J Beats ■ 88.20 74927 FLEETY QUEEN wb 4 110 1 4 1"* 2 *1H 11* R DeStasio* 2500 J Harrington 13.40 58151 PEGGY SILVER wb9108 3 5 5"M2 12 12 A Carvalho 2500 Sire-Jo Stable 21,80 Time, :23, :47, 1:13%. Track fast Mutuels Paid —Odds to , — — t — , in* ETERNAL MISS 7.00 4.40 3.00 2.50 1.20 .50 M, utuel rricesj three passes is.40 10.20 8.20 4.10 t YARMOUTH FLARE 7.40 2.70 Winner— B. m, by Eternal Bull— Bills Marge, by Zacaweista, trained by R. Metcalf; bred by H. N. Spencer. WENT TO POST— 2:05. OFF AT 2:061 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good, from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ETERNAL MISS, sluggish from the start, worked her way up between horses, secured racing room on the inside entering the stretch and drew out under pressure. THREE PASSES, a forward factor from the beginning, held on gamely under stout urging. YARMOUTH FLARE improved position gradually on the extreme outside to close with good energy. TASCOSA disposed of early opposition and drew out slightly, but shortened stride and was tiring at the end. NEW DEALER moved with a rush on the final turn, then raced evenly. URANIUM had no mishap. SUNAWAY passed tiring horses. PAGE II. was used up forcing the pace. ETHEL MAY B. was never prominent. ARIEL BRIGADE was taken up sharply at the break, regained striae quickly, moved into contention on the outside, then flattened out. FLEETY QUEEN quit. PEGGY SILVER flashed brief speed. Scratched-75249 OIney Miss, 104; 750282 Clyde T., 113; 73657 Boyish Love, 113; 75552 Jims Jeanie, 103. Overweight— Three Passes, 2 pounds; Ethel May B., 1. SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE. Hygrohour, June 27, 1942— :58%— 2— 117. Purse ,800. 2-year-olds. 7 s r 1 Q Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; O J I O one race, 6 lbs.; maidens, 10 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 6-49 — Suf Net value to winner ,700; second. 00; third, 50: fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 3,120. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt -fr % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 758512 BYRONIC w 114 9 1 12 14 12 12 p Milligan 7000 Graham and Byrum 1.50 75451 COUNT STEEL wb 110 3 7 31 2J 23 23J J Robertson 7000 G Strickland 3.60 75964 SPEEDY JO w 109 5 4 52 42 3i 3"* C Picou 7000 H Wormsley 32.50 75245 RATON w 109 8 8 61 63 52 44 F Keene* 7000 Reynolds Bros 11.00 753404 HI COMEDIENNE w 107 4 3 2432 42 53J R Williams 7000 Audley Farm • 6.50 75473 WHIZ BY wb107 2 6 4i 5J 64 62* C Mullins 7000 Wheatley Stable 11.10 MERGER w112 7 10 92 8« 72 7* L Maloney 7000 Kenmore Stable 38.90 GRANDMA K. w 107 1 2 84 98 910 81 J DeLucia 7000 P Capuano 51.40 713123 MARY BREEZE w 110 10 9 74 74 83 915 D Madden 7000 Rachal and Proctor 6.20 71443 MIL0 H. w111 6 5 10 10 10 10 J Wagner 7000 F Wyse 83.60 Time, :23, 1:00%. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid— » Odds to x in* BYRONIC 5.00 2.80 2.60 1.50 .40 .30 M, utuel Prices? count steel 3.w 3.40 .90 .70 C SPEEDY JO 5.60 1.80 Winner— B. f, by Boss Hoss— Bibboo, by For Fair, trained by R. S. Byrum; bred by Byrum Bros. WENT TO POST— 2:36. OFF AT 2:361 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. BYRONIC broke fast, opened a clear lead at once, was allowed to drift to the middle of the track, but had enough left to hold COUNT STEEL safe. The latter moved in closest attendance of the leader on the final turn, but was unable to make up appreciable ground along the inside. SPEEDY JO closed willingly under urging. RATON was well placed and had no mishap. HI COMEDIENNE was unable to keep up. WHIZ BY showed an even effort. MERGER was taken up on the far turn when GRANDMA K. started to bear out GRANDMA K. was taken up sharply as she started out on the far turn. MARY BREEZE was not persevered with when beaten. MILO H. was outrun. Scratched— Delia T., 107. Overweight— Speedy Jo, 2 pounds; Merger, 2; Mary Breeze, 3; Milo H., 1. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 5.20; Double Pool, 4,522. THIRD RACE 1 MILE AND, 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 1936-1:41V%-6-i20. Purse ,500. 7f% K 1 Q 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 29 of two races O D I 7 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race since April 1, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; June 6-49 — Suf if for ,500, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 6,781. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Mt % .StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 75034J4R0ADRUNNER wb116 8 4 2i 1 11 14 1J F Fernndez 5000 Cherry Oca Stable 1.80 • 76062 THE EYE w 108 6 8 71 61 42 3« 21 R Delpidio* 5000 I R Parziale 5.20 75695 PLUCKY PRINCE w 114 1 2 32 32 61 51 3"* V Ternova* 5000 Mrs D Harrison 16.90 760612 KENTUCKY RED wb 116 7 5 54 51 3"* 2"k 44 R Sisto 4500 Bar Sue Stable 4.00 756954 EQUIROSE w109 3 6 61 74 74 64 54 C Picou 4500 F Wyse 6.40 75246 PLAYANNA w110 2 3 44 44 2"* 42 64 G Hettinger 4500 C C Boshamer 11.70 756952 A BRA wb 108 4 1 11 21 51 7* 73 F Keene* 5000 Reynolds Bros 5.90 750341 DULKA w 108 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 J DeLucia 5000 R Lentmi 72.30 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%, 1:40%, 1:46. Track fast. r- Mutuels PakJ- , Odds to x " 5.60 3.60 3.00 MO .80 .50 i i . I n • ROADRUNNER Mutuel Prices; the eye 4.w 3.60 1.40 .so I PLUCKY PRINCE 5.80 1.90 Winner— B. g, by Danger Point— Broken Bough, by St. Brideaux, trained by H. 0. Simmons; bred by James Norris. WENT TO POST-3:06. OFF AT 3:061 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROADRUNNER was hustled to gain command before a half mile, drew clear and was placed under steadying restraint, saved ground on the turn and withstood repeated challenges. THE EYE worked his way up gradually on the outside, then rallied gameiy under stout pressure through the final sixteenth. PLUCKY PRINCE, timidly handled in the early running, was allowed to drop out of contention, then came again with a belated rush. KENTUCKY RED, a forward factor under restraint, moved to the leader when roused, then flattened out. EQUIROSE lacked a late rally. PLAYANNA rushed boldly on the final turn only. to tire under pressure. ABRA quit after losing command. DULKA was outrun. Overweight— Equirose, 4 pounds, FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whirlaway, July 15, 1942—1:48—4—130. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds p a and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 7/ O D Zm U of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. June 6-49 — Suf Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 8,476. .. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt V* Yz % StrFin Jockeys CIgTr. Owners Odds to 759692 SASON wb6110 3 6 51 53 U 14 121 R McLalin* 2500 E Siravo 4.60 759694 FLIGHT GAL w7 110 5 3 63 68 31 21 22J R DeStasio* 2500 D Posey 3.50 76065 SEA COMMAND wb 8 114 1 7 41 44 51 41 3* D Maddent 2500 Frances Stable 4.50 75969 MARSEILLES wb6112 7 5 34 4 21 34 45 PS Boyle* 2500 G T Babin 3.80 75857 FLARES DURBARwb5117 6 1 2»* 24 44 54 54 G Hettinger 2500 C C Boshamer 3.40 761713 ALANAY wb6110 4 4 1«* 31 68 612 620 D DeasonJ. 2500 C Hartwick 16.30 .74638 MANADRU wb7112i 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 J Molbert 2500 Mrs R Cramer 12.40 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24%, :48%, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:55. Track fast ,— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to v in* SASON 11.20 5.20 3.60 4.60 1.60 .80 Ml UtUel PriCeS? FLIGHT GAL 4.80 3.60 1.40 .80 I SEA COMMAND . 4.20. 1.10 Winner— B. rig, by Chrysler II.— Golden Measure, by Sir Barton, trained by E. Siravo; bred by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. WENT TO POST— 3:37. OFF Af 3:371 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. SASON, placed under steadying restraint soon after the start and kept on the outside within striking distance of the pace, moved into the lead when ready, drew clear and coninued on under intermittent urging. FLIGHT GAL worked her way up gradually on the extreme outside, challenged the leader entering the lane, but lacked a drive to stay with the winner. SEA COMMAND, unable to keep up early, moved through on the inside entering the lane and finished with good energy. MARSEILLES flattened out after losing command. FLARES DURBAR tired in the final furlongs. ALANAY was through after a half mile. MANADRU was not persevered after dropping out of contention. Overweight— Manadru, 11 pounds. Flares Durban claimed by R. V. Jamieson. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 1 937-1 :09%-4-1 17. Purse ,000. 7 £ K * 1 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners of two races other than maiden w , « O D L. I claiming. Weight, 117 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. rj June 6-49— Suf Net value to winner ,800; second, 75; third, 50; fourth, 75. , Mutuel Pool, 09,280. , Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt % % StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds"to 76172 QUICK RETORT w117 4 4 3"* 31 2« 1" C Mullins Wheatley Stable 5lo 72479 SILVER CREST w117 1 5 1"M2 11 23 C Picou C V Whitney 2.10 755554 RISK A WHIRL w117 6 1 44 44 31 3"k A Stone W J Lenihan 2.90 7503412HI-SEN0RITA wb 112 2 7 7 7 42 43 R DeStasio* Audley Farm 6.30 O 74547 SORORITY w 112 7 3 63 51 63 51 F Keene* M B Goff 5.00 74547 BOW ON wb 112 3 6 21 21 51 68 P S Boyle* Wedgemere Farm 12.50 F 75243 LUCKY CHIPS w 112 5 2 52 61 7 7 R Delpidio* Lookout Stud 33.80 ■ Time, :22%, :46%, 1:13. Track fast -o , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to * . D»:™f QU,CK RET0RT 12-20 6 00 3-80 5.10 2.00 .90 n M..t..A| utuel Prices? silver crest 4.00 2.80 1.00 .40 = .RISK A WHIRL 3.40 .70 Winner— B. f, by Count Fleet— Slap, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by B. Rich; bred by Wheatley Stable. WENT TO POST-4:09. OFF AT 4:10 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. -n Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. QUICK. RETORT, kept close to the O pace on the outside, responded when set down, closed stoutly in the final stages and outfinished SILVER CREST. ?o The latter assumed command under light urging, was bearing out slightly leaving the backstretch, drew clear 21 when roused and just failed to last RISK A WHIRL, a forward factor throughout, was weakly handled while -challenging for command. HI-SENORITA dropped out of contention soon after the start, saved ground along H the inside, loomed as a threat entering the stretch, then faltered. SORORITY was on the extreme outside CZ throughout BOW ON moved between horses to take the early lead, but was unable to stay with the pace rn after a guarter mile. LUCKY CHIPS was outrun. J£2 Scratched-75695 False Front, 110. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 1936-1:41Ms-6-120. Cranberry Purse. C * O Purse 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of three races other than maiden «— 7tL O D X £. or claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 3 lbs.; ,000, 6 lbs.; C June 6-49 — Suf two races, 9 lbs.; maidens, 12 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Z Net value to winner ,800; second, 75; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 9,978. m Index Horses * Egt A Wt PP St !4 16 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to C*4 753422 SEPTEMBER w111 3 1 24 21 2"" U 12 A Stone W J Lenihan 2.00 — * 760624 THE BLUES wb 110 4 3 44 42 34 34 23 C Picou C V Whitney 5.40 £ 758534 FRIENDLY FRANK w 116 2 2 31 3"" 44 21 34 J Peres D A Rosenbaum 3.00 M 760623 GOLDFIELD wb 114 1 5 5 5 5 41 43 R DeStasio* Arnold Stuart Stable 4.60 75342 KNIGHTS CROSS wb109 5 4 12 1« 11 5 5 R McLalin* W I Lunt 3.40 Time, :22%, :46%, 1:12%, 1:39, 1:44%. Track fast utuel Pricesi the blues 4.80 3.20 1.40 .eo l FRIENDLY FRANK 3.20 .60 Winner— B. f, by Blenheim II.— Early Autumn, by Jamestown, trained by J. Penrod; bred by Calumet Farm. WENT TO POST-4:38. OFF AT 4:381 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SEPTEMBER broke alertly, was taken to the inside while losing command, remained under steadying restraint to the far turn, caught the leader entering the lane, was roused when challenged and drew out in the final sixteenth. THE BLUES kept within striking distance of the pace, moved on the outside of the leader entering the stretch, challenged gamely but was not good enough. FRIENDLY FRANK, placed under stout restraint to the final turn, came through on the inside to threaten tfie leaders, then flattened out. GOLDFIELD was unable to reach the pace when roused. KNIGHTS CROSS was allowed to open a long lead in the initial half mile, shortened stride after seven furlongs and tired badly. Scratched— 75031 Dougs Reward, 113. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Kenyon C, June 3, 1938— 1:43-4— 108. Purse ,700. 4-year-olds * C O O and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 29 7 O «3 X 0 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race since April 1, 9 lbs. Claiming June 6-49 — Suf price, ,000. Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 02,057. , Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St V* Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 76059 PLUCKY BOY wb8117 7 2 2« H 12 13 13J d Madden 4000 T R Queen .90 75852 SAM NORRIS wb6112 6 6 51 31 22 23 24 F Keene* 4000 E Vito 19.50 75852 OLIO wsb4110 4 3 41 42 43 331 R DeStasio* 4000 Mrs Metcalf and Ber-Mar-F 3.50 75968 MONIFIETH w4110 3 1 1«* 24 34 31 42 J Peres 4000 D A Rosenbaum 6.90 74550 REBUKE w5117 5 5 6 55 55 52 5h F Zehr 4000 N J Noveck 13.10 75455 TED WES wb 7 110 2 4 41 6 6 6 6 R McLalin* 4000 A J Ryan 14.90 75852 CAROLINA STAR w4115 1 Lost rider. J Molbert 4000 C C Boshamer 8.90 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:13, 1:40, 1:47%. Track fast ID* PLUCKY BOY 3.80 3.20 2.40 .90 .60 .20 M. utuel Prices sam norris 9.00 3.80 3.50 .90 .OLIO 2.60 .30 Winner— Blk. h, by Plucky Play— Gallahad Maid, by Sir Gallahad III., trained by T. R. Queen; bred by Tollie Young and Norman W. Church. WENT TO POST-5:08. OFF AT 5:08 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but SAM NORRIS. Won easily; second and third driving. PLUCKY BOY assumed command under steadying restraint, was rated along in front with clear advantage, saved ground and won as the rider pleased. SAM NORRIS broke tardily, was bothered by riderless horse, lost ground on the first turn, worked his way up gradually and finished with good energy. OLIO, bothered by the loose horse, was down on the inside to the final quarter, then made up ground when, clear. MONIFIETH broke well, held a short lead soon after the start, was in hand to the turn, then failed to respond when roused. REBUKE showed nothing. TED WES trailed throughout. CAROLINA STAR stumbled leaving the gate, unseating the rider. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-4 MILES out of chute. Beauchef, April 14, 1948— 2:02%— 5—115. Purse 7£ r *y a ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since April 29. D 3 X ** 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners in 1949 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; June 6-49 — Suf two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. • Net value to winner ,250; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 13,730. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St Vi % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 759703 PARAGRAM w8 111 12 10 81 51 3"" 24 Ii D Madden 2000 Miss A Herweg 5.10 756991 CHANCE GAME wb 8 109 10 7 72 42 11 H 2"* F Zehr 2000 B Gold 47.30 758573 SEERSUCKER wb4 109 6 9 111 103 82 41 32 C Picou 2000 E Siravo ZSO 75449 SWEET SARA wb4104 7 11 91 82 41 31 44 A Carvalho 2000 H H Callahan 16.50 75970 MISS HILL w5 109 11 6 6"* 7"* 7"* 71 5" F Fernandz 2000 J Poulos 25.80 759702 TEL OSULLIVANwb 6 114 2 4 22 1"* 2* 52 62 H B Wilson 2000 L Rabinowitz 3.80 761714 RAKEMUP w6112 8 5 31 31 51 61 71 D Deason* 2000 J Moran 31.20 74546 SWIFT TOES wb7 108 3 8 102 111 103 101 8"k L Valdes* 2000 J A Koury 31.80 741084 EMPTY NOOSE w4110 4 1 1 * 22 61 81 91 J Peres 2000 A Bertrando 7.70 7627213GLENW00D BOY wb 8 106 9 12 12 12 114 11« 101 F Keene* 2000 E Porter 13.40 761763 GYPSY LEA wb6106 5 3 54 9 9» 11 C Mullins 2000 D Posey 6.70 75970 PEACE TALK wb 6 106 1 2 42 91 12 12 12 G Schreck 2000 N J Noveck 42.10 Time, :24%, :49, 1:14%, 1:41, 2:09. Track fast. | n . . PARAGRAM 12.20 8.80 4.80 MO 3.40 1.40 M. utuel Prices? chance game 43.30 18.2a 20.90 8.10 .SEERSUCKER 3.80 .90 Winner— Ch. h, by St. Germans— Anagram, by Pennant, trained by M. Kahlbaum; bred by Greentree Stable. WENT TO POST-5:40. OFF AT 5:41 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. PARAGRAM was placed under stout restraint soon after the start and, kept within striking distance of the leader on the outside to the final guarter,. then was roused and responded to take command and drew out under urging. CHANCE GAME assumed command after six furlongs and drew clear, but was not good enough. SEERSUCKER dropped out of contention soon after the start, was allowed to settle into best stride, then closed gradually on the extreme outside. SWEET SARA closed willingly under stout urging. TEL OSULLIVAN forced the pace and saved ground, but tired when roused. MISS HILL went evenly. RAKEMUP was unable to keep up. EMPTY NOOSE tired after showing speed for six furlongs. The others were outrun. Scratched— 76059 Hot Time, 118: 76060 River Breeze, 109; 76060 Mon Torch, 109. Overweight— Swift Toes, 2 pounds; Empty Noose, 1. Gypsy Lea claimed by 0. Clelland. Seersucker claimed by OConnell and Phillips. Attendance, 13,123; Total Mutuel Pool, 97,211.

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