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Red Cross Officials Guests ; On Public Service Broadcast DELAWARE. PARK, Stanton, Del., June 7. — Distinguished members of the Ameri-: can Red Cross were the guest speakers to-. day on the second Saturday public service broadcast, which also included a description of the Polly Drummond Stakes". This week-ends guest speakers were Lammot ! duPont, Jr., chairman of the Delaware chapter, American Red Cross; vice-chairman John J. Deluca and executive director Mrs. Ethel Jean Myers. They discussed highly interesting facts concerning past and present activities of their world-famous, " worthy organization as conducted in then-state. These good-will, non-commercial , broadcasts last a half hour and are carried on a five-way hook-up of Delaware stations —Wilmingtons WD EL, WILM and WAMS, and Dovers WDOV and Georgetowns WJWL. Bryan Field, vice-president and general manager of Delaware Park, who usually describes the running of the stakes event on the public service program, was at Belmont Park today to telecast the Belmont Stakes for CBS. The Polly Drummond was handled by John Webster, well-known sports columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Bob Kelley, Wilmington sports columnist and radio commentator, again handled the winners circle interviews.