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FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds and upward Selling lOSir 1Ofi in YORK ITC inITC LAD TATl W br S h r C ino 109 T tr By Y rl lure t ° Lad Addio A Newell 21008 ConKht 34 117 slow 41 11G 5 1 1By 20010 BlueBon 34 llGslow 345 111 3 m T V n JMl Cil cwoort Egmont Egmontcl 20SG3 320SG3 BlueUon 34 l147ffast 3G 113 7 cl rl S o1 011 S11 tap Allu Allnci Itchwood 42057G 20821 BlueBon 51 f l07fast 111 115 4 2 r 5 r rS i T Mecalf v tU fr frI I 11 Kin gr008 Del 0 TliivSpIrlt K Worth 2057G WMbine 31 114 fast 2C 111 7 Kewessa Suneeler 20520 Wclbine 31 lI3fast 1G5 11G S t1 f1111 TBjwyIoly DicksPe iwin iwinS 20308 AVMbine 31 114 good 8 114 12 S Si 7 7Ji i T iiS Hayes 1 il 14 Richwoo 7vIHo l Lady Dicks London Pet liendel Patience PATIENCE 1092045S b f 4 109 2045S AVMbine 31 l14fast 85 105 3 20308 Wdhino 31 114 good 10 102 20207 Pimlico 31 l14fast 4710 06 fi 20219 Pimlico 34113fast 5 301 1 20132 IIdeGce 31 Il4slov 41 102 2 20053 HdeGce 34 l14fast 7 100 9 H909 9H909 Bowie 34 l14Vfast 100 102 Ural 1 e Sherwood 7 7 7 1S Wolstm 7 Star Gift BriaV Path vriLEY br g 6 10G Squeclcr 20913 BlueDon f 1S5 11 Santa Maid of Fortune MrsTPhilHps 51 lOS fcslow 103 o o20SG2 oi3 20SG2 BlueBon 31 l14fast 7710 105 1 ii h1 T Cnnors 7 Sir Jl Is Hie Spirit Deposit 207C1 1207C1 Dorval 51 f l07fast 35 100 1 l 7 Connors Connors 11 TbelJnsybody pIJnNfniP pIJnNfniPlary lary 20720 Dorvnl 51 f l07fast 33 10 i i t T b Hearthstone Miss Jean Single 20015 HdcGco 51 f l07fcfast 23 107 1 li n w n lir 1 Mnn noartlistone Dryud 20000 IIdeGce 5S l00 fast 4 100 1 I1 1 i w AV T ey 5 Seorpll Inliii Siiano Lllley 7 Acton Briar Path Dinah Do GORDON br c 4 110 21010 ConKht 34 l171 slow 95 101 7 By Martinet Suave S Bruco 200GO 7200GO BlueBon 34 116 mud 2G5 113 1 207S7 1207S7 Dorval 34 115 fast 75 110 20750 Dorval 31 115 fast 3 311 3 200SG 3200SG Dorval 34 114 fast 4 113 4 2057G Wdhine 34114 fast fid 112 2 20435 AVMbine 34 l14fast 10 110 l ORTMAB LAD ch g 0 103 21051 fonBht 31 f 112 mud G 103 4 2W Delmler Al58 102 fast 4 115 2 fi2 i Dclmlcr Ab5S l02 fast 2 115 20571 Delmler Al 58 l05hvy 12 115 4 2HI1G Delmicr Ab5S l03good 2 113 113190S1 190S1 Juarez ui f l05fast 10 110 3 1992 1 Juarez 51 f 107 fast G 110 1 BONNY BOY ch e 1 103 21010 ConKht 34 11C good 32 105 4 2CS93 Blue Hon 20770 Dorval 1 l43fast 30 100 fi 20297 Pimlico 34 l14fast IS 102 5 53t 3t 114 fast fi9 115 S 34 l14J4fast 100 110 10 10m m 5 104 104il il f 112 mud S 104 3 31 sisBS 117 slow 7 10S G M DicksPet MissChancer 20923 311720S45 BlueBon 34 1 14fAst 14fst 14 111 3117 7 5 5 S2 7 = A Sh Tap York Lad Riclnvood l r r T n 20S45 BIueBon 7S l2Sfast 5710 107 2 212 2A F C H or i li l lath ilt1 Dicks Pet Sleuth 20740 2aMB Dorval 34 l14fast 2 102 2 2 l 1U h V id d Rnrwood Aen Stromr 3103020C01 aMB Dorval 51 f l07fst 20 31030 11 16 S 22F Snlders Rest OTIsTnia 20C01 Delmicr 65 f 125 fast 1 1132 HQIf3iSft wW3i 20S15 BlueBon 7S l2Sfast 21G 97 10 11 9 0 F romlw0 l VV 31l nrluin Schnapps Schnappss 207 5 Dorval 34 l14fast 8 104 7 fi f 2061G Dorval Im70y l10fast G 07 ° 1 1 s H fr r s fTlWvKSno 20550 AVMbine Im20y l455fast 1G5 9G 4 1 1 ilfS lS iffi 20459 WMbine 1 11C 149 fast 8310 94 3 1 1 S 2014 Pimlieo 34 l16hvy 135 305 3 T 20147 Pimlicn 1 143 fast 0 310 5 4 20510 Delmlor Ah3S l01iifast 3 115 l t re S G C l107W Wb o 71 I r 107W Havana S 130 hvy 31 109 7 7 G F Rob nsu 7Dv 1 f U S 10727 Havana 31 l31hvy 3 112 4 iu 3 4iin itoi itoin n r r n IOf Hnlik C Trance 21KB3 19706 Havana 34 l24hvy 4i 115 2 C 74c Peak if f v fpc 1KB3 Havana s r ° i 1Cnn 5if1OSfast 15 112 5 C Trance 5U 55U Havana 61 f mOKfast 4 112 S BROOKCRESS ch f 3 94 By Charles Edward Brookwccd C A Farr 5 f lOS rast 12 17 S j Acton Faker L Spdthrift Indifferent 31 miVfast fid 96 96Ab5S 14 14 J Acton II Patience Pay Streak Burwood 17i7 Millorost Ab5S l00ifust 5 115 115GS I1 1s H Acton i Little Pete Mona J GartUy 10 WUbltic GS l01good lli 102 1025i 3 = 10J It Acton 11 COrino LCapricious BBrother Dorval 5i f 110 fast 3 97 975S 1J 1 = U Acton 5 AimecLeslie Habcrdash PPiper il Dorval 5S lOIfast S 17 22 21 11 Acton 0 Schnapps Anna Rose Ilabcrdash if Dorval 58 lniffast 50 no no5i 2i 5 H Acton S Ashokan Amans Broom Flower J HlucBon 5i f l09islop 20 107 107m 4l 7iR Acton 10 Veintin Ninety Simplex Auians AuiansBy UTERPE b m 5 101 By Ort Wells Halcyon H Hanley Tsii Dorval 1 111 fast C no 5 k 5B J Smyth 1i Lucky George Rogart Spolin 770 Dorval 1 lifast 12 112 9 SJ J Smyth It JHilhtoii Oerrard LTravcrs 20613 Dorval 31 lllfast 12 1031 1031Gi 5 79 S Woholml Egnionr Irish Heart Mazurka 20513 Dclinier Gi f l24good 2 105 105Ci 4 4 ° Mcehan G Russell Tankard CMiDiigal i045t Delmlcr Ci I 125 good 2J 105 I3 Median 10 Electric Ken Uncas Sir Dyke MSU Havana 31 127 hvy 4 109 C DykeC 7jF Rolson S San Jon LoanSliark Muskniclon MuskniclonBy SINGLE b g 4 108 By Cesarion At Lono Clinton Stable 51 f 109 gooil 12 109 lii c = J C VanDun S Colors Lady London Rosemary nuio Conglit 31 l17slow 10 W 3 9 C VanDun 10 Gordon KKadford JosefZarate 20764 Dorval 5 f l07fast 30 107 1073i 5l 4i O VanDun HcartliKtone Vlley Miss lean 2H720 Dorval 3i f l07fast 15 112 GJ Sl = C vanlun s Bird Man Vlloy Ileartlislone 1416 Wdbine 31 lllhvy fid 103 11 11 G W Carllll Gordon GrazeKe Dicks Pet 15962 Haiti ton 1 l3Sfast 20 10S 10 10a 1 Hanover 10 Water Lady ClilTEdge Bonanza 15917 Ilamton l13fast 30 115 115br 1J I2 J Hanover S Clillla Thesicrcs JBRobinson JBRobinsonBy UNCLE DICK br ST 5 103 103GJ By Orlando Lampover D Hill 2105S Conglit GJ f l12fmud 7 10S 7 ° 71W Obcrt Bird Man Toddling Jefferson 209S7 ConKht j f l10slow 20 107 1075i 5 9lsiW Obcrt 10 Veiietia A X Aliu Deposit 20643 Dorval 5i f IOSlast 25 112 112Ab5S 2i Deposit2i 2 i W Obcrt U Broomsedgc FordMai SofHocks 2WJG Derinier Ab5S l021 fist 12 115 115Ab5S 5 i L Meripole S R Wins Frauds Hearthstone 20511 Delmior Ab5S 101 good 2 112 112Ab5S 2 35i L Mcripole Rosemary Lucky J corse Inlan 0115 Delmior Ab5S l04good 15 113 113Ab5S I L Meripole 1 Indifferent Blue Wing Tower 1W41 Ilillcrest Ab5S 101 fast 3 ill 2 2t L Meripole 7 FFlowcr Daylight Brightstone