Lexington Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-10


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J 1 t , i ; , , i 1 , . 1 I LEXINGTON FORM CHART. IEXINGT0N. KY.. THURSDAY-i SEPTEMBER 9. 1915. Fiist day. Kentucky A-.«-iatio... l-all Meeting of I* dais. Weather clear. IV — irii :iir Stovard. E. C. HopiH-r. Presiding Judge, ».. I. Wilson. siai t. : il Morr-- Baring Si c:ciaiy. W. 11 Sh. I ley. l.-nin-j -tail- ai 2:1.3 p. in. iCbicao time 2:15 p. m.i. lulicaP- am. rent ice all., wan, •• "~ fc fc 4J / j Ca PI EST RACE 8-4 Mile. !i5r.l2 1:12 i 115.1 Ka.eand Itirs.-. Burse siipo. £J _JO* / / "!■!- ■ "I Opward. Allowances. Net alu- I., w inn, r S I5n: -econd. . third. ».~ P. biui llor-s .. .W tlISt t i. 3t Str lin Jockeys Owners kquiv. Odds Strt 200SS MANAGER WAITE w 2. 100 7 1 4| 4h 3- 5 B Martin .1 1! llai?f,in EslUte 545-100 i22526 CONNING TGWER a 3 93 t 1 I* l| l VI K LapatHcJ SHilling: ifi 1nJ 21462 CROVER HUGHES w 7 101 I 1 .", 5k 4- I* J Helens J Umennetter 17:., 180 22556 iMMMlV w 3 Io2 1 I t U -,h 41 . Motl C I BrockmlMer 2133 100 21462 LITTLE NEPHEW a 1 112 1 -■■ 2* : B| K Pool M B Gruber 523-100 16261 SOLAR STAR w 5 M8J I i , : a .,. K Keogh Weber - Ward 3150-100 22433D!t. LARRICK w 3 107 . 6 u :• 7: 7»* !• Murphy E B EUcins IJ-:. 10, 22020 BKACH COMBER w 4 Hit 1 s 1; ;•. 8 8" P Herbert K It Bradley 1325-100 15320 MOWI.1.1. wS 112 .", 7 -- p .i 1. 1. Gentry J t Weaver S245-100 Time. 23S. 4725. l:12- ,. Tra -k fast. .*2 n otu.is paid. Manager Walte, 2.90 straight, |1 30 plac 13.00 show; Conning Tower | .00 place S2 10 show : Ciov.i Hughes, -SI .40 show. LiiuivuleRt booking 0M8— MfiMgcr Waite, 545 to 100 strai-ht, 115 to 10»j plate, 80 to 100 show; Con- eg i..H«r. BO to 108 place, - to nx thaw: Graver Haghee, 1120 to mo iaow. 5 Wiiim 1 Ch 1 In 1 1 . 1-. -1 . - - l. Feagaasa 1 1 1 .-1 1 ■ 1 • 1 1 In G. Deaaj ». Weal in 1 . 1 ii 2 15 Al post 1 minate. Start good sad alow. Won driving; second and third the "•. MANAGER WAITE was outpaced foi the first tbi 1 eighth . but ""-1 teadilj undet bard urging Q . ! -. mi m tin last .11 .I. CONNING rOWEH el 1 fast pace and dis| I of LITTLE NEPHEW in the brat hall GROVER IirGIIES finished fast. GRFMP1 closed a gap. LITTLE NEPHEW tired. Overweights Manager W.iite. 2 potinds: j over Hnghos. 2; Grumpy. I: Solar Star. 1. ■ 4u I f T SECOND RACK— 8-8 Mile. lO-l •"•• i7Nia., ; _ hum Idle Hoar Pane. Pane SoOO" ijj fii, in gjHOl J -.mi ..III-. All.iw .in. — . Net viihic In winner SH*: second. »7. : third. »2. . | | ":.ili Hflraej A WlllSl 4 j a« Sir Kin Jockeys Owners L|uiv. Odds Strt b .22107 Ioik;i: w 115 5 1 l| 1» 1» 1* F Keogh Weber A: Ward 1 100 _ 21430 cam: Rl a HM 1 2 -1 -h - 2«i D ConnellyW Showalter 255-100 2! £411 -IOIIN JR a Hm; 4 4 3* 3l 31 .1 Acton D E Mulholland -"l»l Uaft/6 cnssAi K loT «; I 4- «* t- t- •! Metcalf .1 W Goklblatt 10415-100 «84 AKiiuMi: an 107 3 :: 5* ■" 6* 6* L Gentry T P Hayea 1458-100 #1112 ARDENT a 163 2 •"• • • • « " VaaDonD E Stewart 7196-100 2 Time, 24. 4815, 1:01 5. Track fast. ~ mutnebt paid, Dodge, ?2.tm Btraight, 82.20 place, 82.20 show ; Caae Ram, 12.08 patee, 82.80 ihow; « .1. Im Jr., .70 show Kuulvalent booking adds— Dodge., 4." to 1 o Btraight, 10 to Km place. 10 to 100 ahow; fane Run. SO to „ A tin ulace, 2:. to Ihi show; John Jr., ."..". to 100 ahow. 2 iiin r -B 1. i.v .liin Gaffney— Flora Wlllougbby trained l.y J. s. Ward. ■ Weal to pool ;it 2:51. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drlv-r DODtiE out classed the others, moved Into the lead al oace and won as Lis rider pleased, cam-: KIN need gamely. John JR -t "«l a hard drive to dispose of COSSACK. The latter was takes wide, imt raa ..oil. ovirwi iui.ts alio Hun, 1 pound: Cirdomo. 4: Cossack. 1. I O dQl 1 i1iTi:i rack- 3-4 Mile. 183642—1:12—0 ikm 00 Added. 3-year-oUa and apward! 0 jJSQ 1 X. S.llim.. Not value to winner .ft.Hi: -.i-..n l. -.: iliird. s2.~ . _ "T:nli- Horace AWtPP8t j - zi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqiiiv. Odds Strt 21739 1K M VSK. wn 7 lit. 5 i ,J 1* 1* i L Gentry .1 Livingston 70-100 j2410*touy mud w ■ • - J - 21 21 2 _" T Hayea S U Henderson i 100 2228 HAWTHORN w •". ins I i i" 3 V P A Mott C P Buachetneyer UN IM 21427 VM /o W "i KI7 C •"• 4- 41 I R Goose V 11 Baker 9 10 22414 BENDEL w 4 11 S 1 L 3* rj •"•- "• F Keogh .1 I Pininieririan 7JM MO ; 1303-M s lll wr. 6 1"-! 2 3 J V V ;J C .lorns C K Rogers Sr 3201 Mm » 224*5 CHARM EL *E wa 4 l«l 7 7 7 7 7 7 .1 Metcalf .1 W GoMblatt UOt-rM G Tim.-. 23V5. 4G*5. 1:12%. Track fast. 12 aratoela paid. Iron Mask, 13.40 straight, »S.5fl place, .-l.sii show; Torj Maid. S4.10 place, ?-?.40 : ."» : Hawthorn, -*4 50 liow . 2 K |uivalo!i| I king odd- Iron Mask, TO to IThi straight, 7."p to MO place, 40 to 100 akew; Tory Maid. 2 l »", to loo place 7 i to 100 show : Hawthorn, 1~~ to loo show. Winner— Br. •_-. li Disguise Royal Roae trained by II. it. Brandt. t Wont to postal 3:20. At poet 1 minute. Start .Mid and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ] IRON MASK Bbowlng t i j - - moal speed, sprinted Into ■ good lead and won all the way. ToitY MAID raced ! • II uii from the Btart and held on gaasely HAWTHORN raced forwardly to the last eighth and tired, j lMAZON gained In the last nuarter. The winner was entered for gl,S0O: no bid. Scratched 1 22300 Droll, 100; tiiMTDAuni Josie. .i-: .Vi:: Malabar, 2. ., fcYbhtjT""! fch roTltTil RACK 1 Mile. 95718 — 1:37% 5 108. Phoenix Hotel Handicap. Pane £ £ 3 JL j ssimi. ::. Miolds :.in1 upward. Not value to winner .fOi": m-p..ih1. yKK: third. KBO. 2 ludi Horses AVVtllSt 4 j % Sir I-in .Imk-ys Owners Kipiiv. Oilds Slrt f " 22475 Till-: GRADER w ■" 100 :: i P 1 1] I1 l1 A Molt .1 T Looney •"•-,l K" 2 22470 SI M: .lSIINi: W « 112 1 r. 4 41 :: 31 2* B Martin T C McDowell 50-100 , 21400 UIM.i.im; w •". .r, 1 1 5 5 I l« S* B Marco F D Web? 3015-108 1 ■ 02t » lR SAMITEL w n 4 107 2 1 ■■" 3« 21 -" 4- R Coos. R 1. Baker :do Km 1 ,, zoulo LITTLE STRING a :; 10115 3 : - i ■■ 5 F Mnrphy M 1: Gruber 055 100 1 : Tin,.-. 24 /5. 48. 1:13%. 1:39. Track fast, si! niutnoK- paid. The Grader, 112.40 straight, .20 place, 02.80 show: Star Jaaaalne, S2.."0 place. 22.20 i rhow: Riugling, S7.40 show. I iiniali in Imoking odds The Grader, 520 to loo straight, GO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Star Jas- • .,:1-i. 25 to 100 |il.ii-i . 10 to 100 show; Riugling, 270 to 100 show. 3 Winner- B. ■-. by Orlando -Mj ralr Kentucky I trained by W. .7. Toang. Went to post at 3:58. At post I iniiniio. Star! good and slow. Won handily: second and third driv- ■ ng THE GRADER, showing the mosl speed and well ridden, moved Into a long had and held en well in 1 : ibeflnai drire bui i d 1 larky win. STAR JASMINE w.n~ 1h-i. bat her rider was caught napping at : the start ::iiil she waa pocketed in the stretch. UIM.I.IM; closed a gap and Oataaed fastest of all. DR. ■ SAME! L tired. LITTLE STRING quit. j irrerweigbU Dr. Samuel. :. imuniK: I.itilo String. ..;. . 7 n tj -• t FIFTH RACK 5-8 Mile. 621 50— 1 :fl0*5 — 2 — 102. Parse 00. 2-year-olds! Maidens, j £ JjCj Jl t5 Colts .ind Geldings. Special Weights. Net valae to wianer 8400; steaad, 875; 1 tin 11 1. 2." . t j l,,,l,A Horses A W tlKSt U 2 % Str Kin Jockeys Own, rs K.iiniv. Odds Slrl l : 28484 RK; FELLOW W 112 I 3 J" 3* V K .1 Acton W I. Lewis 1410-100 , j 22434? JACK OIkOWD W« 118 5 2 21 V l» 21 I, Gentry P .1 Milieu 185-100 . , ; "1318 I I Ml RDOCK w 112 t t r ll -!» ■- V V TlorMllam a Levy 1485 100 _ VOTARY w 11* - ] ,;- M B " E Martin .1 B Haggin Batata •■"• 100 j ■ 21488*MANFKED am 111 " ■" 4" • *1 " ■ Kederia .1 S Hawkins 350 Km i I 29453 JOHN l.iNNY wn H- 810 l ,;i ■- " F Murphy E B Klkins 2008 100 i COL. McNAB wa 118 10 C " 7- 7 71 W AndressGaHaher Bros 8410-100 ! 20G49 VACHEl/ WORTn a Ki.i 3 7 Bl 8*1 81 8 F Keogh C l Worthington 6320-100 . ! 21338 Mi UMS W 108 8 8 . » V - B Pool 1 Marion 12100-100 i M BERT THCRMAN or 100 1 I M Ki 10 K R Goose Cisco A Blanchl 12100-100 ! Time. 2345, 47«i, 1:01. Track fast. S2 amtaela paid. Big Fellow, 830.20 straight, 0.10 place, 850 ahow; Jack ODowd, 83.00 pteee, 82.80 show; J. J. Mnrdock, 86.00 show. : Eanivalent booking odda — Big Fellow, 1410 n km Btraight, 405 to 100 place, 175 to 100 show; Jack ODowd so to 100 place, 4o to Km -how: .1. J. Murdoch, 24."i to HM ahow. Winner— B. c, by Kllkerran — Talpa traiaed by W. U Lewia. Wont to post at 4:28. Al poet 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; aeeoad and third ,, game BIG FELLOW, racing well np from the start and saving grooad on the turns, won- JACK j 11I10WI down at toe end. JACK ODOWD swerved out in the stretch after aeenttng the winner. I I MlitKocK tired after showing the most early -peed. MANFRED tired. scratched 22472 Rillle Shooter. 112. ,g-i J SIXTH RACK 3-4 Mile. 9o642— i :12— 0— 11.". 1 Spendthrift Pane! 00 Added. ■ J 2 £ 5 J. 4a~ :: year-ohK. 1illie-. Ail, wan.es. Not value ;.■ winner y4QQ: second, *7.: third. .S2.". : ! " 1 M1"[7v" Boraei AWIllSt ; .. % Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Kqniv. Odds Slrt t I 22451 OKMII.I" W 105 5 I .- |a _ • 1 C VanlJun.I A Thomson 1145-100 , ; 22081 n;i 1: w 11- 1 1 I* H ]" -; v Andre8sGallaher Broa ■• 100 , ; 21310-H KFTABELLE W 108 I 5 5] 8s »■ E Martin .1 Green* MO-MO i • i-2450 IIANGVIA W 108 J 7 7 7 4,! 4,; A Mott M A Cotton 615 100 : "•0089 NN KlUTKR W 108 7 :: Is -- 31 5 K Pool T F1 Drannon 1440-100 i 1 _~£44G j.|[ i-;ui"K w Kis 4 1 23 3 | 1 81 I ConnellyG W .1 EMaacil 190-100 i : Wm F11H1FT W 10" I 4 4- ■ - 7 7 J Alton A 1 Steele 4120-1W ! Time. 23A. 47«5. l:132/5. Track fast. *2 nnitiiol- naM, Oraaaln, .*24.;mi Btraight, sn.so place, 85.50 show; Vogae, 88.M place, ..lo ahow; Ileetalielle S-l SO ghon . Eauivalent booking odds — Ormnln, 114." to 100 straight. 300 to kio phi. 17.". to 100 show; Vogae, 1 l"r, to Kk» place 70 to km ahow; Fleetabelle, imp to loo show. Winner— ch. f. by Fair Play — Orieata 1 trained by D. E. Stewart. Went to IMist at 5:01. At post 2 mlantes. Start good and slow. Won driviag; second and third ihe same. OKMII.I began slowly, hut moved up fast in Cue stretch where she was humped sharply hv VOGUE hut got up to win in the la-d stride. VOGUE, away forwardly, showed the most speed. .;. tired silently near the end. FLEETABELLE came fast through the last quarter. HANOTIA was «li-tait traiiei-unlil in the last |iiarter. ANNA KRlTKR lii-d. l%CQ ~ fZ. SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 08365 1:42% — 3 88V 8800 Added! .: year-£ " 55 O A O "1,ls al" upward. Sellinii. Net value to winmi .70: second. -liTo: Ihinl. .r . Tni iT7 Iloi-. i AWTTlSt U ]a ai Str Fin Jockeys Owners 1-apiiv. Odds Slrt t 222791M1SS TIlOKlK w 6 100 4 1 1 " 1 - 1 V D C Jones A B I. owe J II" 00 ! j, 8M15GUIDE POST wn •"» 108 3 6 4 3and 4h 4» 2* V Keogh B Ronenthal 215-100 20276SI KKlll ar« 6 K7 C I 2 2i ! j . 3*1 R Gooai W H Baker 320-100 0 "2433 FIRST DEGREE WB 4 KMi 5 , I | •"; - 71 41 .1 Acton V L Lewis 270-100 n o1234 i;|.i 1 u S. w .". 108 J 8 S S 7l *ii f,S D Stirling P D Weir 2875-100 I 22278*FLYING FEET w 7 80 B E 71 7* I I •§ K WUInaa T M Irvin 3855 100 0 ~1213 HSTICE GOEBEL vv 4 K 5 1 2 ■,- 4 Sj 1» 7| E Pool J linensetter 3090-100 II ..1814 "1813 PRINCE 1 LI.m EUGENE WB "1 104 2 1 5* « •;• 5* s A Mott J Livingston 1545-100 o T.m 23% 473/s 1:132_ 1:40ys 1:443/s Track fast . 2 tnutuels paid. Mi-s Thorpe. |3M.0O Btraight, 80.00 place. 85.80 show: GaMe Post, 83.00 place. 82.80 0 siOW Slerth . ;.. 10 show. Eoaivalenl I kbig odds— Miaa Thorpe. 114." to 100 straight, 380 to 100 place, 180 to loo ahow; Guide c ivst so to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Sleeth, 85 to 1 k, show. Winner B. in. by Woolsthorpe -Her Ladyship trained by .1. Collins. Went to post al 5:33. At p"st 1 minute. Stan good and slow. Won easily; necond and third drlv- . •nir Miss THORPE, showing high Bpeed, sprinted into a ■a-*» lead and ia ii won all the way. GUIDE POST propped at the start, but finished fast and gamely. SLEETH tired near the end. FIRST DEGREE ° ; ad no mishaps. PRINCE EUGENE retired after raaatag a halt mile. The winner waa entered for $:K0; • .. bid. ,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915091001/drf1915091001_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1915091001_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800