Official Racing Charts: Delaware Park, Daily Racing Form, 1945-06-01


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Official Racing Charts m_____«_ Copyright. 194S, by Triangle Publications, Inc. ______________ Delaware Park STANTON. DEL.. THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1945— DELAWARE PARK 1 MILE. Third day of thirty-day meeting May 29 to July 4. Delaware Steeplechase and Race Association. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Weather clear. Stewards. Joseph F. Flanagan. W. L. Harron and George Biown, Jr. Placing Judges, J. G. Haus. Sidney Brown and Henry Carroll. Patrol Judges. William Doyle and William Davis. Paddock Judge. William Jennings. Clerk of Scales. F. G. Farrell. Timer, C. H. Hughes. Starter. George R. Palmer. Veterinarian, D. Coneley. Racing Secretary. Edward J. Brennan. __ Racing starts at 3:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1944. .34: current meeting. .25. No Daily Double. «* Three lbs apprentice allowance claimed. J Five lbs. riaimed. *** Seven, lbs. claimed. || Three lbs. waived, t Five lbs. waived. * Seven lbs. waived ■ Disqualified. H Dead heat a-Coupled as entry. f-Mutuel field. V Whip S Spins. B Blmkeis In claiming races price appears alter name of jorkev . Steeplechase allowances: * Five pounds apprentice allowance claimed. I Seven pounds claimed. «.*. Ten pound* claimed, f Five pounds waived J Seven pounds waived. ! Ten pounds waived. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ideal Gift. June 27, 1944— l:lt%— 7 / J Q y O L ? 7 — 109 Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Fixed weights. Weight, 120 lbs. May 31-45 — Del Net va!ue t0 wjnner si.100 : second. 50; third. 00: fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 6.944. lnde Horses F.qt A Wt PP St Vi j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to •Ml! TORI w 113 2 5 5* 31 I1 Is M A BYn* Mrs J H Louchlieim 1.05 15454* BOX SKAT wnl20 6 4 44 2J 2! 2- S Young Cedar Farm 3.35 75157- DKI.MARVA w 120 1 7 7 6J 5:: PJ P Keiper Mrs E dnPoni Weir 6.85 PHOLOS w 120 3 2 3i l1 3- P S Hark Bobanet Stable 4.85 75454 IACK MADIGAN wb120 7 1 2 4* 4s 54 M Bletz*ker I.t Col G Ring 21.30 75454 JUNIOR FOUR wb120 5 6 61 7 6 615 A SnePngsf R E Vogelman Jr 29.15 75378 COCOGRANDE wB120 4 3 1 5" 7 7 J Tammaro Churn Creek Farm 50.25 Time. :22S- :4635. 1:13. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — , Odds to s n SIR TORO 4.10 2.80 2.40 1.06 .40 .20 Ml utuel Prices? box seat 3.30 240 .65 .20 l DELMARVA 2.70 .35 W, iiner- B. c. In Sir Gallahad III-Blue Sheen, bv Toro. trained bv M. Buxton: bred by Morven Stud. WENT TO POST— 3:32. OFF AT 3:33 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won easilv ; Sttmi and third driving. SIR TORO. many lengths the best, was not Inn i led alter breaking sluggishh . moved with a rush when asked and drew clear to win with speed in reserve. BOX SEAT was steadied while well placed early, took command briefly soon after passing the quaiter pole, was hard ridden thereafter but was i.o match for the winner. DF.LMARVA. sluggish out of the gate, closed with good courage and probably will go better over a distance of ground. PHOLOS showed good early speed, then faltered in the stretch run. JACK MADIGAN was through early. JUNIOR POUR showed nothing. COCOGRANDE Mopped badly atler exhibiting good speed. Corrected weight — Sir Toro. 113. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ideal Gift, June 27, 1944 — 1:10-3 — 7 R Q f 7 7 — 109- Purse SI. 500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-ytar-/ D y O J 0jds 124 i0S-; older, 126 lbs. Non-winners since May 14 allowed May 31-45 — Del 3 lbs.: since December 10, 5 lbs.; since November 1, 7 lbs. Claiming price. SI. 800; if for less. 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,400. Net value to winner ,100: second. 50: third. 00: fourth. 0. Mutuel Pool. 1.395. Index Horses F.qt A Wt PP St K iz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to %336 TRACTION wbSIH 4 3 4 3 2 1 i S Clarkt 1800 L Silvestri 2.40 75290- FIRST FAMILY »B7 103 3 2 2 21 1» PJ R J Mun,*. 1400 C Chappell* 2.60 7545o TOP MONEY wb4113 2 6 1 l1 3- 3- A Snellings 1400 W Mcintosh 3.90 75453 CALCUTTA wb 6 121 1 5 3l« P 42 42 S Young 1800 Mn R H Heighe 4.05 73354 MERRIE SHOT w 6 114 6 4 5s 5s 5s 5Z C Kirk 1800 Mrs G H Ballou 22.45 69747 MARTIAL CALL m 5 107 5 7 7 64 6s 6" M A BYn*** 1800 I G Schorsch 13.70 7134r FOXCLAY w 4 109 7 1 € » 7 7 7 R Root 1400 J W Bow ley 31.10 Time. :23. :46 »5. 1:13%. Track fast , — Mutuels Paid— /—Odds to *ki in- /TRACTION 6.80 3.30 2.50 2.40 .65 .25 I Mutuel rriCeSi FIRST FAMILY S.IO 2.40 .55 .20 I TOP MONEY 2.80 .40 Winnei Bi . g. hv Identifv —Distracting, bv Distraction, trained bv E. Jacobs: bred by Cannaday Farm. WENT TO POST— 4:00. OFF AT 4:01 EASTERN WAR TIME. Slut goad from stall gate. Won ridden out: second and third driving. TRACTION was steadied along back of the stretch, moved well when placed to .pressure, then drew clear gradually while being ridden out. FIRST FAMILY, snng/ed just oil the pace, was well handled while moving to the fore but was not good enough. TOP MONEY MtnnwJ command at once under mild urging, set the pace under good judgment then tned h.idlv once headed. CALCUTTA was unable to obtain an early lead and failed to rally under pressure. The others failed to reach contention. Overweight — Foxclav, 1 pound. Cerrerted weight— First Familv. 103: Martial Call. 101. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute I. Ideal Gift. June 27, 1944—1:10-.-,— q / i 7 — 109. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Fixed weights. 7r 4 ° -* * Weight, 120 lbs. May 31-45 — Del Net va|ue t0 wmner S1.100 : second. 50; third. 00; fourth. 0. Mutuel Pool. 7610. "index Horses Eq t A Wt PP St Ji 12 Str Fin Jockey s Owners Odds to "69540 Bit edECK «b115 4~~2 l» li l4 1* C Kirk H E Jackson 1.85 75454- ROUND TRIP w 115 3 7 3J, 21 P 2- R Root O L Bonifay 2.65 75378 VOLTURNO wb120 5 3 2£ 3- PJ 3J K Scthorn Mrs D P Barrett 9.40 75378 BLACK KNIGHT wb120 2 4 41 4» 4:i 4r J Gilbert C Oglebay 3.55 75378 MIDOFTHEMOON wb115 7 6 71 7- 7j 5 J C Wahler H L Straus 35.35 BBY KIDDIE w 115 8 8 6 51 6* fc*| L Bauer R B Archer 22.20 71345 JOBLOTS wb 115 6 1 8 8 8 7£ A Snellings W I. OBrien 22.30 71847 TRAGEDIENNE wbIIS 1 5 5j 6 5* 8 P Mills Mrs J Carson 14.55 Time. :235. :46-*5. 1:122s. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — r- Odds to , . /BLUE DECK 5.70 3.00 2 50 1.85 .50 .25 M. utue n rnces? round trip 3.10 2.60 .55 .30 -VOLTURNO 3.30 .65 Winner— B. f. bv Piyduc Bid — Blue Finsign. by Blue Larkspur, trained by T. Rodrock; bred bv Mr. Howell E. Jaeksea WENT TO POST— 4:34. OFF AT 4:34 EASTERN WAR TIME. Stait good trom stall gate. Won easilv : second and thud drivine. BI.lE DECK shook off VOLTURNO earlv. diew clear as her rider pleased! and was in hand at the end. ROUND TRIP, always in the first flight, held on determinedly but was M match for the top one. VOLTURNO was used up attempting to race with the winner earlv. BLACK KNIGHT had no apparent excuses. TRAGEDIENNE tired after showing some earlv speed. FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 FLRLONGS. Pavot, July 4, 1944—1:0425—2—116. Purse q /» c ,700. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners of two races 7p» J y 9 J other than maiden or claiming. Weight. 118 lbs. Non-winners of May 31-45— Del ,500 allowed 3 lbs.; two races of 85, 5 lbs.; maidens, 8 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,200: second. S275; third, S125; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool. 04,671. ~Inde Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V a2 Str Fin Jockeys 0— fl Odds to 1 1S578* HYGROS GINGERwbUO I I 1" l« 1" 12 R Root Mrs A S Do~dd 695 I 752% wNMES GIRL wb 115 6 5 21 U 2 2 S Clark J W Y Martin 1.00 75189 CHANCEGAIN wb 113 3 4 9 7 U 32 D Scocca J Kellv 7.95 69988 COLD SHOWER wbUI 7 9 6 5 P 4-J M A Btn,*, C Oglebay 10.05 74973- BRIDES BISCUIT w»118 5 3 *i H 5s 5* K Scthorn Christiana Stable 4.35 72105 HIGH YALLIS w 111 9 8 T~ 8* T 6s L Torres W H LaBoyteaux 64.40 61795 NEDLON wbHO 2 6 4i 3l 6 7i A Snellings W W Vaugha.. 72.80 63698 GINOKUM wb113 4 1 5i 61 81 84 C Wahler S H Rogers J r 17.30 75213 SUNMOOR wb106 1 7 82 9 9 9 R J Mtiu M A t !hUm 62.05 Time. :225. :4625. 1:0035. 1:07 5. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to n • HYGROS GINGER 15.90 560 3.60 695 1.80 .80 Ml utuel "rices? connies girl 2.70 2.40 .35 .20 l CHANCEGAIN 3.40 .70 Winner- Ch f. bv Hvsro- Gen. Rickey, bv Rickety, tiained bv A. S. DedU; bred bv Mr. T. P. Morgan. WENT TO POST— 5:02. OFF AT 5:04J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood fiom stall gate. Won drivine: second and third the same. HYGROS GINGER was hustled into command at nin e. eave way to CONNIES GIRL, then came again under itwg handlinj; to win under pie-sure. CONNIES GIRL moved to the leaders on the tuin, foreed to the front almoM at will then drilled out entering the stretdi and could not stay with the winner in the cIomiis; te-t CHANCEGAIN, badly outrun . r . . KKked lus wav into contention gradual!] and closed with a belated rush. COLD SHOWER ___ the kicv BRIDES BISCUIT u.,s eased back when caught in ckse quaiters leaving the NEDLON was J,, roiitention toi a had mile. Hieh Yalli-. Ij pmmkt. , reel i «ht-Co!d Skewer, 111; Twiiyir, 106. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 FLRLONGS. Pavot, July 4, 1944—1:04,-2—116. Purse ■i r q / / ,700. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non -winners of two races J O O other than maiden or claiming:. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winner of May 31-45— Del ,500 allowed 3 lbs.; two races of 85, 5 lbs.; maidens, 8 lbs. Claiming" races not considered. Net value to winner ,200: second, 75; third, 25; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool. 01.286. Indev Horse. Eqt A Wt IP St ]4 a Str Fin .lockevs Owners Odds to 69654 "GALL IKS wb113 1 3 J* 3* 2» H W Mefcrt*w J A bell Ir ~ 260 75296:; NIGHT STRIKE wbUI 5 2 l1 1J 1 2 R .1 Mtin«*» W H Lipscomb 2 25 75745 GlARD SHIP w 115 8 1 2 21 3* 3- A Snellings R HwRkep 3!» 75223 EAST w 108 9 7 8- 6 Sj 4" M A Bn»*» .1 9.20 70170 • BELPAST w 113 4 6 U 7» -" 1* ft D Scwca G S M«« e 9 30 73361 POLITIGHM. w 110 3 5 4 5- tV 6- C Wahler W A Edftt 21.60 73005 SKIP BID wkKK 7 9 7 f" 4h 7s E Wood/, T I.eatherbury 63.25 752% BILLS DOLL w»118 6 4 61 8* 8"1 8 s K Hoi vail. Mrs E Snell 3t.05 75457 HAL w«110 2 8 9 9 9 9 I. Haskell G Rine 36.60 Time. :22*5. :475. 1:0025. 1:07. Track fast. ,— Vlutuels Paid— , Odds to , in* C GALLIES 7.20 3.80 2.80 2.60 .90 .40 M, utuel rricesj night strike 3.10 2.70 .55 .35 l GUARD SHIP 3.40 .70 Winner— Br. f. by Sir Gallahad III. — White Lies, by John P. Crier, trained bv M. Hirsch ; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. WENT TO POST— 5:34. OFF AT 5:40 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Wot easilv : second and third driving. GALUES, under steadying restraint while just off the pare for a half mile, rallied well when shaken up and won easier than Harp* would suggest. NIGHT STRIKE disposed of GUARD SHIP entennz the stretch, foiieht it out wdinzlv. but was no match. GlARD SHIP tired after forcing the pare to the Stretch. EAST Hawed a good effort to just get up for a share. SKIP BID. olf slovvlv. moved through on the inside to reach serious contention, then flattened out. MAL. fractious at the gate, delayed the start when she became wedged under the stall. The others could not threaten. Corrected weight— Night Strike 111: East. 108. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ideal Gift, June 21, 1944 — 1:10-.-, — •j r q s -j 7 — 109. Mill Creek Purse. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. I J y ™ I Allowances. Starters in a claiming race for ,000 or less or May 31-45 — Del grade D race since October 1 and non-winners of two races other than claiming since November 1. 4-year-olds. 124 lbs.; older. 126 lbs. Non-winners since May 15 allowed 3 lbs.; two races since November 1, 5 lbs.; one race since November 1, 7 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,400: second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 00. Mutuel Pool. 4.638. Index Ho7s7i Eqt A Wt PPJ t *,j »i Str Fin Jorkev "..„,— Odds- .. SI 75223 PONY BALLET wb6116~2~4 lJl4 1" *S * Ar,l 1"1* 5" K 5 Height LfS 72343- I.ANLAST wb4 117 4 1 4* 2 2- 2-i, A Snellings W W Vaughan 3.40 73237 VLDINA BRVEwb4 117 3 6 6:i 54 3, 5 1 L Haskell I.t Col G Rio? 55.45 70849 GIRLETTE w»6114 6 8 1* 75 4:! D ScMcaf A Maammmm 15.1S 75381 ARMY BELLE wb41C5 7 3 2" 3£ V 5 R J MlinA Mrs H S Horkheimer 4. "5 74878- BEGGAR w 4 112 1 7 8 8 7h 6s L BauerJ M Nevvmever 11.35 75559 WISE ADVICE wb 5 121 5 5 3h 4 6- 7*» C Kirk Mrs S M Pistyrio 2.r3 73176 NKW FLAME wb 4 112 8 2 5i 61 8 8 F KejnetVd .1 Kernan 3" 25 Time. :2225. :4545, 1:12. Track fast. r- S? Mu.uels Paid — , Odds to n • I PONY BALLET 5.50 3.70 3.20 1.75 .85 60 Mi utuel rncesj lanlast 7.80 6.20 2.90 2.10 I VALDINA BRAVE 1100 4 50 Wmarr ffc m, by Theatrical— Park, by Wrack, trained bv J. W. Meigler: bred bv Mrs. Robert H. ~WENT TO POST— 6:06. OFF AT 6:09 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start s;ood from stall safe. Wen easilv: second and third diivinz. PONY BALLET moved tkiwajh on the inside to be showing in front earlv. drew clear without beins placed to pressure and won with s; e,d to | aie. LANLAST raced forward! placed from the start and was best of the others. VALDINA BRAVE moved un steadily and skewed a yood effort. GIRLETTE slowed a sharp effort while closing with *oed courage. ARMY BELLE iu- used up rarinc with the early pacemakers. BEGGAR needs more distance. WISE ADVICE showed dull form. NEW FLAME was tractions at the post, flashed speed, but wa t done eailv. Scratched— 75863 Art Brown. 110; 753813 Sandy Trail. 110: 75559 Dancing Archie. 119. Overweight — Beggar. 2 pounds. Corrected weight — Pony Ballet. 116: Beggar. 110. For late chart see tomorrows issuo

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