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LATONIA ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound. An extra good ridcr3 average worth is 3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Xlluns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special Weights, hid. Horses. A. Wt. lldcp. 09255s... Blaze oLight 3. .101. . X . .725 03103 Pretty Michal 3.. 101 720 00141 OrlandwicU 3.. 100 715 05101 DOrmont 4. .114. . x . .710 C.0114 Deacon 3. .100 710 00384s ... Roger S 3. .100. . X . .710 003S0 Dr. Turner 4. .114. . X . .705 C93S2 Berrynian 3. .103. . X . .700 07551 Bellmence 3.. 103 t;.0 0894 1 Great 4.. 114 075 00103.... Wild Violet 3..101 075 00410 Our Anna 3. .101. . x . .005 0205S Contestee 3.. 103 050 51050 Exact 4. .117 000 f.:il41 Lady Jenkins 3. .101 ...... .040 .Moiisignor, li. e. by Prime Minister Sarali Kimbro 3.. 100 Second Race 5-8 Mile. 2- year-olds. Selling. 00103 Stone Street 101.. X.. 725 003501... Margaret Randolph !4..X..720 0! 142... Bucket Brigade 101. ...715 00442s. . . Mackerel 103. . X . .710 09400. . .Rcxall 102. . X . .705 09113. . .P.uto 103. . X . .700 09320 Silver Cup 00.. X.. 700 00113s . . .Sabailo 100. . X - .005 09197 Hitter Sir 100.. X.. 093 09442 Colonel P.radv 107..X.-C90 G93S3 Me.Vtee 104. . X . .055 00379 Ladv Flora 103.. X.. 075 2320 Lavatrina 101. . X . .000 00444 Thebais 97. .X.. 050 00113 Little Minnie 103.. GC0 09292 Epitome Jo 000 Third Races 1 Mile. 3- year-olds. Selling. 2445 Woolstone 104 25 09194. . .Soiiv M 104.. X ..720 09293 Hazel Patch 110.. X.. 715 093S0 Monere 102. . . .710 09319... Caniille 102.. ..710 00412... Dele Strome 102.. X.. 710 09382... Young Stevens 104. -X. .705 09411... Dr. Lee Huffman 101.. X.. 700 093S4 . . . Quagga IOI . . X . . 095 00225 Frank Flesher 101.. X.. 090 09353 Vipsania 09.. X.. OSS 09193 Anna Ruskin 04 GS5 09410 Sanderson 00.. X.. 050 Fourth Race 7-3 Mile. 3-year-olds and upwards. Allowances. 0910G Colonel Jim Douglas 0.. 101. ...750 092SS. Tangewood 3.. SS 745 459352... Harry Scott 4.. 99. ...740 09445s . . . Cablegram 4 . . 1 1 1 . . x . . 740 09291s. . .Beau Brummel 3. . !7. . X . -7:t5 1291 Orclando 3.. 88.. X.. 735 OSSOS. ..Elocloriiie 3.. S7 730 09582. . .Caroline W 4.. 94.. ..705 Fifth Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 092S0 ... Brown Mary 100. .X.. 725 09413 .. .Esther Brown 102.. X.. 720 09579 . . .Balla 100. . X . .715 00228 Dona II ICC. .X.. 710 00135 Katlierine Murphy 100..X..710 093S3 Evelyn S 100. . X . .703 09350 Cora Dnsant 100.. X.. 700 00585 Cherldnh OS 700 09579 Black Dress 93 095 09370s... Morrigo 9S..X..000 09579 . . . Moscow Belle OS. . X . .030 Dicksie Dunning, br. f, by Inventor Malvolian 102 Beth Goodwin, oh. f, by IIol- stein Perversity OS Lady Fesca, br. f. by Ethel- bort Lady Loyal 9S Sixth Race 1 3-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. G03S1...LE BRIGHT 4. .102. . X . .725 09551... Attila S.. 103.. X.. 710 09382s... Joe Shields 1. .102. . X . .705 033S1 Pernio Cramer 5. .103. . X . .700 KKiSl Tanered 7. . 100. . . .OS5 05547 D. i. Tavlor 4.. !9 GS3 00381 Gold Spray 4.. 92 c.s; 00382 Judex 0. .105. . X . -0S0 003S1 Little Elkin !.. 98. ...075 00440 Shawana 0.. 90.. X.. 075 093S13 ... Incubator 7. .100. . X . .050